Democratic Senators Scrambling for Cover...

The ObamaCare Dozen
The Democrats who voted for the debacle are now scrambling for cover

The Senators up for re-election in competitive states in 2014 are starting to panic, though they still aren't offering solutions for anything other than their own growing political jeopardy.

Colorado's Michael Bennet
Alaska's Mark Begich
Oregon's Jeff Merkley
New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen
Mark Pryor (Arkansas)
Mark Udall (Colorado
Louisiana's Mary Landrieu
Virginia's Mark Warner
Al Franken Minnesota
N. Carolina’s Kay Hagen
Hawaii’s Brian Schatz
New Mexico’s Tom Udall
Virginia’s Mark Warner

These Senators may lose their seat, giving up the Senate giving the House and the Senate to the Republicans. That, Mr. President will be you Signature Accomplishment.

(More than a dozen Senators are in trouble from Obamacare…Sixteen went to see the President in a panic. But he made things so much better. He held their hands and told them “Everything was going to be alright.” Just like in 2010.)

How are they "starting to panic"?

They aren't.

What, are you saying they're stupid..?
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