"Democratic Socialist" Twitter Account Threatens Mass Shooting at Trump Hotel

Left wingers aren’t violent. Just look at Ferguson, a congressional baseball game, antifa rallies etc for some prime examples
Left wingers aren’t violent. Just look at Ferguson, a congressional baseball game, antifa rallies etc for some prime examples

They go all the way back to 1906, when the violent, left-wing labor movement in the U.S. began a campaign of terror bombings targeting American politicians and businessmen intended to force capitulation to union demands.

This is nothing new. Just be prepared and watch your back. We actually stand more of a chance of being killed or injured as a result of left-wing violence today, than we do from another 911-style attack.
Dafuck does that have to do with anything I posted?

I don't have a Tweeter account, I pity those who do, but in any case the Hateway Plunder DID NOT LINK ANYTHING. That's STILL a fact. If you can go scour up Tweets they can't, then that just means they're even more incompetent.

Fatter o' mact you just did the same thing.

I didn't sign into Twitter to check the facts, I just typed the names with Twitter behind them.

Do you even internet, Pogo?

Maybe ol' boy was right when he said you're about 90.

If you are, congrats, because you're doing pretty good if you are that old.

Once AGAIN --- what the fuck's any of that got to do with Hateway Plunderer being a bullshit source?

Hello? HELLO? This thing on?

Were they making up the story???

Gawddamn, you are a dense SOB. Do you not comprehend that when a story breaks and details are slowly coming in, there's not going to be some link that limp-wristed slack-jawed technologically-deficient morons like yourself can simply click on?

Use your damned head for something other than a hat rack. Do you not know how to use Google or some other web search engine??

Oh, that's right. If you don't hear about it on CNN or MSNBC, it didn't happen, right?


How the FUCK is it my responsibility to go do somebody else's job that they were too fucking incompetent to do? Doesn't work that way on this planet Hunior. You make an assertion ---- YOU BACK IT UP. Fucking ***PERIOD***.

The incompetence was on your part by claiming the story was false, based only on the source. Obviously the Gateway Pundit must have hurt your pussy at one time.

I would have no way to know if the story was "true" or "false", exactly because it was unsourced ipse dixit, which is exactly what I pointed out and continued to point out, and if you weren't such a fucking LIAR you could counter with a post of mine, any post at all, where I made such an assertion.

But you can't do that exactly because you ARE a fucking liar.
I didn't sign into Twitter to check the facts, I just typed the names with Twitter behind them.

Do you even internet, Pogo?

Maybe ol' boy was right when he said you're about 90.

If you are, congrats, because you're doing pretty good if you are that old.

Once AGAIN --- what the fuck's any of that got to do with Hateway Plunderer being a bullshit source?

Hello? HELLO? This thing on?

Were they making up the story???

Gawddamn, you are a dense SOB. Do you not comprehend that when a story breaks and details are slowly coming in, there's not going to be some link that limp-wristed slack-jawed technologically-deficient morons like yourself can simply click on?

Use your damned head for something other than a hat rack. Do you not know how to use Google or some other web search engine??

Oh, that's right. If you don't hear about it on CNN or MSNBC, it didn't happen, right?


How the FUCK is it my responsibility to go do somebody else's job that they were too fucking incompetent to do? Doesn't work that way on this planet Hunior. You make an assertion ---- YOU BACK IT UP. Fucking ***PERIOD***.

The incompetence was on your part by claiming the story was false, based only on the source. Obviously the Gateway Pundit must have hurt your pussy at one time.

I would have no way to know if the story was "true" or "false", exactly because it was unsourced ipse dixit, which is exactly what I pointed out and continued to point out, and if you weren't such a fucking LIAR you could counter with a post of mine, any post at all, where I made such an assertion.

But you can't do that exactly because you ARE a fucking liar.

You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.

Not bad-looking, IMO.

They shot up a baseball field of Republican Congressmen. Now this..... and THEY continue to push for more stringent gun laws onto law abiding citizens.

Who the fuck is "they"?

Not Republicans.

Ah, another Dichotomy-slave.

Hope you break out. We can hold the door open for ya but you have to make the move.

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