"Democratic Socialist" Twitter Account Threatens Mass Shooting at Trump Hotel

The Gateway Pundit???

“An anonymous Twitter user”. There is no such thing. In order to get a Twitter Account you have to register your name and address with Twitter.

Actually, you just need an email address. Anyone can create an anonymous email address through gmail, outlook protonmail, or similar services. Anyone can put anything as an alleged name. So yeah, it's pretty anonymous. That's why they have all those anonymous "Alt Gov" accounts.

That was not an "anonymous" Twitter account. It was a valid Twitter account up until about 5:12 PM CST, which was about the time Twitter took down the shithead's account.
You are a complete idiot. Just because something isn't mentioned on MSNBC or CNN, you don't believe it could be true. As well as that, you don't have the intelligence or mental capacity to check the OP to see if the story was real or not. All you can do is disparage the source.

Well here is @CassanreaRules Twitter page where the threat was made:

Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) | Twitter

And here is the Twitter page of the person who made the threat. I seriously hope this moron gets sodomized by the Secret Service:


Number one, if such links/sources existed, then why couldn't Jim Fucking Hoft post them?

And number two, your link goes NOWHERE.

You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:

So what has the lefts threats and actions garnered them so far.....other than a thousand plus lost seats in government the Walk Away movement and the the loss of the swing voter?
You fuken people are nuts!!!
Number one, if such links/sources existed, then why couldn't Jim Fucking Hoft post them?

And number two, your link goes NOWHERE.

You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.
Number one, if such links/sources existed, then why couldn't Jim Fucking Hoft post them?

And number two, your link goes NOWHERE.

You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And your link doesn't go to it. NOR did the Hateway Plundit.

Go choke on a bag of rotten dicks, ya sorry POS. I gave you enough information with which most intelligent and rational people would surmise that the story is true.

You however are so lacking in both intelligence and rationale, that you can't discern the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

You have unusual tastes, not that there's anything wrong with that except there is --- but the fact remains, asshole, NOWHERE in the Hateway article is there a link to ANYTHING whatsoever; NOWHERE does your alleged link to an account that doesn't exist validate it; and NOWHERE in any of your links, or their images, is there a connection to anything about any "Democratic Socialist".

That's just the facts, and there's no way for either you, nor the OP who since ran away, to worm your way out of it.
You are a complete idiot. Just because something isn't mentioned on MSNBC or CNN, you don't believe it could be true. As well as that, you don't have the intelligence or mental capacity to check the OP to see if the story was real or not. All you can do is disparage the source.

Well here is @CassanreaRules Twitter page where the threat was made:

Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) | Twitter

And here is the Twitter page of the person who made the threat. I seriously hope this moron gets sodomized by the Secret Service:


Number one, if such links/sources existed, then why couldn't Jim Fucking Hoft post them?

And number two, your link goes NOWHERE.

You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

The key adjective being "sane".
You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And your link doesn't go to it. NOR did the Hateway Plundit.

Go choke on a bag of rotten dicks, ya sorry POS. I gave you enough information with which most intelligent and rational people would surmise that the story is true.

You however are so lacking in both intelligence and rationale, that you can't discern the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

You have unusual tastes, not that there's anything wrong with that except there is --- but the fact remains, asshole, NOWHERE in the Hateway article is there a link to ANYTHING whatsoever; NOWHERE does your alleged link to an account that doesn't exist validate it; and NOWHERE in any of your links, or their images, is there a connection to anything about any "Democratic Socialist".

That's just the facts, and there's no way for either you, nor the OP who since ran away, to worm your way out of it.

Well that's the difference between an intelligent rational person, and a half-brained moron like yourself. I don't stupidly accept anything someone says without checking it out first.

You on the other hand, don't have the intelligence to weed through the lies in order to find the truth. You're the one who's wrong, and no amount of squirming, shucking, and jiving is going to appear as if you know your ass from a hole in the ground. Because it's pretty obvious that you don't.
Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And your link doesn't go to it. NOR did the Hateway Plundit.

Go choke on a bag of rotten dicks, ya sorry POS. I gave you enough information with which most intelligent and rational people would surmise that the story is true.

You however are so lacking in both intelligence and rationale, that you can't discern the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

You have unusual tastes, not that there's anything wrong with that except there is --- but the fact remains, asshole, NOWHERE in the Hateway article is there a link to ANYTHING whatsoever; NOWHERE does your alleged link to an account that doesn't exist validate it; and NOWHERE in any of your links, or their images, is there a connection to anything about any "Democratic Socialist".

That's just the facts, and there's no way for either you, nor the OP who since ran away, to worm your way out of it.

Well that's the difference between an intelligent rational person, and a half-brained moron like yourself. I don't stupidly accept anything someone says without checking it out first.


Once AGAIN ---- the Hateway page contains NO LINK. To ANYTHING.

That's why I noted the source and how we're just supposed to take Jim Fucking Hoft's word for it.


Fucking DUH. :banghead:
Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And your link doesn't go to it. NOR did the Hateway Plundit.

Go choke on a bag of rotten dicks, ya sorry POS. I gave you enough information with which most intelligent and rational people would surmise that the story is true.

You however are so lacking in both intelligence and rationale, that you can't discern the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

You have unusual tastes, not that there's anything wrong with that except there is --- but the fact remains, asshole, NOWHERE in the Hateway article is there a link to ANYTHING whatsoever; NOWHERE does your alleged link to an account that doesn't exist validate it; and NOWHERE in any of your links, or their images, is there a connection to anything about any "Democratic Socialist".

That's just the facts, and there's no way for either you, nor the OP who since ran away, to worm your way out of it.

Well that's the difference between an intelligent rational person, and a half-brained moron like yourself. I don't stupidly accept anything someone says without checking it out first.


Once AGAIN ---- the Hateway page contains NO LINK. To ANYTHING.

That's why I noted the source and how we're just supposed to take Jim Fucking Hoft's word for it.


Fucking DUH. :banghead:

Gawd, are you really that stupid that you don't know how to use Google or Bing to find breaking information?

Obviously you are. Hell, boy: Some idiot can commit a major crime and I can usually find his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flokr, Google, Linkln, Myspace, Pinterest, Quora, Tumblr, or reddit page in less than 15 minutes.

Don't believe me? Go ahead and do something stupid so I can plaster your pathetic life all over here, for people to laugh at.
And your link doesn't go to it. NOR did the Hateway Plundit.

Go choke on a bag of rotten dicks, ya sorry POS. I gave you enough information with which most intelligent and rational people would surmise that the story is true.

You however are so lacking in both intelligence and rationale, that you can't discern the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

You have unusual tastes, not that there's anything wrong with that except there is --- but the fact remains, asshole, NOWHERE in the Hateway article is there a link to ANYTHING whatsoever; NOWHERE does your alleged link to an account that doesn't exist validate it; and NOWHERE in any of your links, or their images, is there a connection to anything about any "Democratic Socialist".

That's just the facts, and there's no way for either you, nor the OP who since ran away, to worm your way out of it.

Well that's the difference between an intelligent rational person, and a half-brained moron like yourself. I don't stupidly accept anything someone says without checking it out first.


Once AGAIN ---- the Hateway page contains NO LINK. To ANYTHING.

That's why I noted the source and how we're just supposed to take Jim Fucking Hoft's word for it.


Fucking DUH. :banghead:

Gawd, are you really that stupid that you don't know how to use Google or Bing to find breaking information?

IT AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to go ferret out this shit. THAT'S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BLOGGER TRYING TO PASS HERSELF OFF AS A 'REPORTER'. She FAILED. Or I should say 'he failed' since Hateway is a one-man operation.

That's how the world fucking works, Asswipe. That's why I immediately called that deficiency OUT.

What is it, national let's-act-retarded day?
You're still an idiot. Link number one goes to Cassandra's Twitter page.

Link number two goes to the leftist terrorist's Twitter page, which I see has just been pulled offline.

So go fuck yourself with a sharp stick, shit for brains.

Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.
With a #MAGA hat on.
Go choke on a bag of rotten dicks, ya sorry POS. I gave you enough information with which most intelligent and rational people would surmise that the story is true.

You however are so lacking in both intelligence and rationale, that you can't discern the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

You have unusual tastes, not that there's anything wrong with that except there is --- but the fact remains, asshole, NOWHERE in the Hateway article is there a link to ANYTHING whatsoever; NOWHERE does your alleged link to an account that doesn't exist validate it; and NOWHERE in any of your links, or their images, is there a connection to anything about any "Democratic Socialist".

That's just the facts, and there's no way for either you, nor the OP who since ran away, to worm your way out of it.

Well that's the difference between an intelligent rational person, and a half-brained moron like yourself. I don't stupidly accept anything someone says without checking it out first.


Once AGAIN ---- the Hateway page contains NO LINK. To ANYTHING.

That's why I noted the source and how we're just supposed to take Jim Fucking Hoft's word for it.


Fucking DUH. :banghead:

Gawd, are you really that stupid that you don't know how to use Google or Bing to find breaking information?

IT AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to go ferret out this shit. THAT'S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BLOGGER TRYING TO PASS HERSELF OFF AS A 'REPORTER'. She FAILED. Or I should say 'he failed' since Hateway is a one-man operation.

That's how the world fucking works, Asswipe. That's why I immediately called that deficiency OUT.

What is it, national let's-act-retarded day?

Look here fuckstick: You can rant and rave or post in big bold letters, but you're still a low-classed uneducated ignoramus whose party lost the most important election in your lifetimes.

You have proven yourself to be an ignoramus over, and over, and over again by the mere fact that you immediately pohh-pooh anything that hurts your big gaping vagina.

Wasn't it you leftards who pride yourselves on "keeping an open mind"?

Well that sure was a lie, just like everything else we're supposed to believe about you two-digit-idjits: That you're the most caring, intelligent, lovable, people in this country. But truthfully, most of us are on to your BS. You're not fooling anyone.

So go Eff yerself with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. If you don't have one, I'll be more than happy to find one for you. :11:
Yuh huh. "I'd link it but it's been 'pulled offline'".

Lame-ass DIPSHIT. The fact remains the Hateway page STILL HAS NO LINK TO ANYTHING.

And there ain't no my-dog-ate-my-homework excuse you can pull out of your ass to change that.

Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.
With a #MAGA hat on.

Again this is proof of nothing. Easily faked, and if the purported poster is indeed anonymous, who knows whether it was a Russian bot masquerading as a socialist for propaganda purposes?
Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.
With a #MAGA hat on.

Again this is proof of nothing. Easily faked, and if the purported poster is indeed anonymous, who knows whether it was a Russian bot masquerading as a socialist for propaganda purposes?

Geezus. How do you breathe on your own?
And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.
With a #MAGA hat on.

Again this is proof of nothing. Easily faked, and if the purported poster is indeed anonymous, who knows whether it was a Russian bot masquerading as a socialist for propaganda purposes?

Geezus. How do you breathe on your own?

You have to be dumber than a sack of hammers to get yourself excited about every piece of fake news posted by the alt right.

If you people didn’t spend your days posting lies and partisan hate, you’d have nothing to say at all.
Here, ya dumbfuckshitforbrains - I made a screen grab of the shithead's Twitter page before they yanked it offline:


Gawd, you sure are a stupid POS.

And what exactly do you think you’ve proven?

Where is this supposed threat?

Gateway Pundit is a notorious fake news source copying verbatim articles posted on Russian propaganda websites.

No sane person clicks on their links much less believed them.

Do you not know how to click on the @CassandraRules Twitter link I posted? The threat is still on her page. Here's a screen grab I took:


Is there a picture of her?
I'd bet dollars to donuts she looks like the south end of a north bound mule.
With a #MAGA hat on.

Again this is proof of nothing. Easily faked, and if the purported poster is indeed anonymous, who knows whether it was a Russian bot masquerading as a socialist for propaganda purposes?

Those peksy Rooskies are quite useful to you Prog moron's. You LOVE "anonymous sources" as long as they support side.

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