Democrats: A browner America is a better America...just don’t look at statistics and spreadsheets.

New Flash, hispanics, latino's are more than likely to boost white people than us black folk...why yall hatin on em, only God knows.
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds
I very often go to YouTube to re vist black historic events and the Emmit Til doc. will make you cry. I cringe at the hell white people put blacks through back in the day and still to this day....I won't be around the mere fact this once terrorizing race without a badge, ie white people will someday be a minority in this country, makes me smile like a negro on a mission.
I try not to look at that stuff. My mom grew up in Mississippi and the stuff she told me about whites makes me livid. They finally moved out here because my grandpa killed a cracker and had to go or he would have been lynched.
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
No thats not why. We have just been doing it longer so we are better at it than whites.

The folks in the hoods and barriors are surviving. If there were no whites around they would be thriving. Thats pretty much is the case everywhere on the planet.
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
These black and brown nations all have one thing in common, white people over there....remove the trash and see what emerges. There's not one ounce of land on this planet you money hungry bastards haven't exploited and ripped off, so blaming the victims because of your greed, bitch for the hood and barrio's, I challenge you to visit some of the hick counties in the south, your fuckin head would melt from all the poverty and violence and drug use.....they just don't show this shit on tv, but its here hommie
This is probably an oxymoron but do the last few rational old school Democrats wonder how/why the new age wacks are so supportive of the “Brown Effect” considering that ALL statistics PROVE how terribly bad it is for America?
Skin color....apparently frightens you.
By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
No thats not why. We have just been doing it longer so we are better at it than whites.

The folks in the hoods and barriors are surviving. If there were no whites around they would be thriving. Thats pretty much is the case everywhere on the planet.
Dude, me and you think alike....remove white trash from the mix and see how these nation thrive without em. They go to these countries, stripp them of their wealth and then whine when they need a handout cause they was cheated and exploited...only a white brain would think that's okay
This is probably an oxymoron but do the last few rational old school Democrats wonder how/why the new age wacks are so supportive of the “Brown Effect” considering that ALL statistics PROVE how terribly bad it is for America?
If you don't want a brown invasion, than stop hiring illegals, cause poor blacks aren't the one's hiring them, stop renting, stop selling, stop given them free credit, stop and the brown wave will stop...but you white folk love brown money, so get over it and adjust.
The OP is one of those who hire illegals and does not want to be held accountable....probably rips them off too.
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:
So what youre saying is, black people have tremendous physical gifts, yet they still suck everywhere they exist in the world? I guess its better to have high IQs, like whites and asians.
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
Like Pakistanis.
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
No thats not why. We have just been doing it longer so we are better at it than whites.

The folks in the hoods and barriors are surviving. If there were no whites around they would be thriving. Thats pretty much is the case everywhere on the planet.
Dude, me and you think alike....remove white trash from the mix and see how these nation thrive without em. They go to these countries, stripp them of their wealth and then whine when they need a handout cause they was cheated and exploited...only a white brain would think that's okay

Haha... you think those brownies are going to be able to feed you pet humans and give you money for weed?
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

By far Blacks have the highest mortality rate...third graders know this. Further, if it’s about genetics and mortality we should probably stop importing iQ challenged Brown folk and load up on
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:

So are you the ultimate self-hater or racial supremacist?’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
No thats not why. We have just been doing it longer so we are better at it than whites.

The folks in the hoods and barriors are surviving. If there were no whites around they would be thriving. Thats pretty much is the case everywhere on the planet.
Dude, me and you think alike....remove white trash from the mix and see how these nation thrive without em. They go to these countries, stripp them of their wealth and then whine when they need a handout cause they was cheated and exploited...only a white brain would think that's okay

Haha... you think those brownies are going to be able to feed you pet humans and give you money for weed?

You have to understand, to a leftist it's much more important that others are not doing well than that they are.
This is probably an oxymoron but do the last few rational old school Democrats wonder how/why the new age wacks are so supportive of the “Brown Effect” considering that ALL statistics PROVE how terribly bad it is for America?
All the less than cacuasion Xian immigrants made you guys even stupider. Finally, Trump is explained.
What is stupid is the continual attacks on The Constitution which gave us the foundational principles that makes us The Envy of The World. Your "less than American immigrants" made the left even stupider.

But then again, you morons were always about killing The Goose that laid The Golden Egg.
The irony two old white men are the likely leading contenders for Democratic nominee for President in 2020.

LOL you can't make this stuff up.

No irony in it at all really.
This nation is still >70% White and becoming increasingly racist by the day...Even the Mexicrats know it would be political suicide to run a non-White right now. They are still a couple decades away from Making The U.S. Mexico Again.
That's what you think....the way white women are sliding into minority male zippers....brown is the new black, baby, get over it and thank your barbies for the lift.

Dumb shit , I don't care who sleeps with who, that's their business. I just think it's hilarious that the party that claims that white men are the problem will probably see two white men in their primary in 2020 LOL
You must be a 3rd grader if you think mortality rate is the end all be all to genes.

No race has more diverse and stronger genes than Blacks but even Asians would be an improvement on your current genetic state. :rolleyes:’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
No thats not why. We have just been doing it longer so we are better at it than whites.

The folks in the hoods and barriors are surviving. If there were no whites around they would be thriving. Thats pretty much is the case everywhere on the planet.
Dude, me and you think alike....remove white trash from the mix and see how these nation thrive without em. They go to these countries, stripp them of their wealth and then whine when they need a handout cause they was cheated and exploited...only a white brain would think that's okay

You seem pretty racist yourself. Good shit. Not a hypocrite at all!’s quite clear that you haven’t studied the cultures around the globe bud.....NOBODY, NO NATION is looking to mock ANYTHING that any Brown or Black culture/nation is doing in any way shape or form....Why do you think that is? Is it because they have kickass genetics?
Its pretty evident you are ignorant of cultures around the globe. There isnt an nation on the planet that hasnt been influenced by Black and Brown cultures. You wouldnt even be using words if not for Africans and the Phoenicians. You would still be grunting in a cave somewhere in europe. Regardless none of that has anything to do with genes unless youre saying the reason whites were last to civilization was due to faulty genes?

That must be why all the Brown and Black nations of the world are totally kicking ass...huh?
Why all the folks in the hoods and barrios are excelling here huh?
No thats not why. We have just been doing it longer so we are better at it than whites.

The folks in the hoods and barriors are surviving. If there were no whites around they would be thriving. Thats pretty much is the case everywhere on the planet.
Dude, me and you think alike....remove white trash from the mix and see how these nation thrive without em. They go to these countries, stripp them of their wealth and then whine when they need a handout cause they was cheated and exploited...only a white brain would think that's okay

You seem pretty racist yourself. Good shit. Not a hypocrite at all!
I racist? I'm a equal opportunity hater.
Its good for your white genes. Whites if isolated would die out without an infusion of brown and Black DNA. Dont get upset about this. Its from Faux news.

Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

Sure, that’s why brown and black people are crawling over each other to get into white countries. That’s why browns and blacks all learn the languages of whites, get educated in white countries, and work in white countries. That’s why every black and brown country is a shit hole.
The irony two old white men are the likely leading contenders for Democratic nominee for President in 2020.

LOL you can't make this stuff up.

No irony in it at all really.
This nation is still >70% White and becoming increasingly racist by the day...Even the Mexicrats know it would be political suicide to run a non-White right now. They are still a couple decades away from Making The U.S. Mexico Again.
That's what you think....the way white women are sliding into minority male zippers....brown is the new black, baby, get over it and thank your barbies for the lift.

Dumb shit , I don't care who sleeps with who, that's their business. I just think it's hilarious that the party that claims that white men are the problem will probably see two white men in their primary in 2020 LOL
We either need to find you a fuckin hobby or move you into the 21st century....cops killing unarmed black men, white women calling cops on negro's not doing shit, white people running around the country thinking Trump is the new Nazi leader of their people, yeah, you white fucks are a problem, as for the jew and the white guy Beto....maybe, just maybe among the pile of shit, their lies a rose waiting to be brushed off and sniffed.

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