Democrats Abandon Any Attempt To Hide They Are Now 100% 'Obstructionist Party'

Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
It's to be expected by the minority party in this era of partisan politics before country.
Dems learned from the Republicans
They're all the same in this aspect. The GOP would have done the same thing to Hillary.
Dem's have been obstructionists since Reagan this is nothing new. Its the lying GOP establishment you need to worry about, you remember those guys who keep making excuses why they can't do what they promised to do to get elected.
Surely you must agree that Republicans threw everything AND the kitchen sink at Obama and dems,,, Obstruction at it's worst??

At times sure, other times they just rolled over and pretended they were powerless to stop Obama and the Dem's. Did the GOP cut spending? Nope!
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
How's it feel to get a dose of your own medicine easy?
Remember this Easy?
‘I can't ever recall a newly elected president being faced with the leader of the other party's caucus saying “Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president,”’ says Rendell, citing the remark made by Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, that exemplified the fierce partisanship that has attended Obama's tenure. ‘That McConnell would say that in the first nine months of Barack Obama's tenure is absolutely stunning, disgraceful, disgusting — you name the term.’”

— Peter J. Boyer, writing in Newsweek, Sept. 10, 201

In what universe would this not be the priority of the opposing party?
When did a Dem voice such bullshit??? Even bush wasn't subjected to that load of crap Repubs prove they are party 1st and country last
1. Except Republicans are 90% white and Democrats are everyone else.
2. Democrats believe in equal pay.
3. Woman's rights.
4. Voter's rights.
5. Education.
6. Healthcare.
1. The GOP had the most diverse list of candidates in the 2016 Presidential Election.
- One was a communist and one was a Saul Alynski admirer.
- Harry Reid said that in 2020 the DNC candidate will look like a list of escapees from a white old folks home.

2. Both Barry and Hillary paid women less than their male counterparts.

3. Hillary spent decades vilifying the WHITE BILL COSBY'S victims of his sexual harassments, sexual assaults, and rapes, spending all that time ENABLING his criminal sexual activity.

4. They RIGGED their own Primary, engaged in voter fraud during their Primary, FIRBOMBED GOP HQs, and hired thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters...

5. The best thing Obama can claim about education is Michele's school lunch program that wasted millions of tax dollars, the kids didn't eat the lunches, and the program is being scrapped.

6. Obama lied and defrauded the American people, rammed a minority-supported socialist agenda into law against the majority opposition of American citizens. The program has been a disaster and sis currently collaping under its own failure/ineptness/lies. Pelosi declared while it was being passed that the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in the edict until it had been passed.

Thanks for the list of failures, scams, crimes, and laughable moments.
Did the GOP cut spending? Nope!
Obama and Democrats tacked on almost $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years, while averaging $1.4 trillion every year. That is no longer happening. Now why is that? Hmmm... Oh yeah, the GOP took over Congress and controls the spending again.
9Nine months later-not before he even took office, as has now been done.After seeing where his policies were headed. They confirmed many of his picks in the first weeks of his administration.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
How's it feel to get a dose of your own medicine easy?
Remember this Easy?
‘I can't ever recall a newly elected president being faced with the leader of the other party's caucus saying “Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president,”’ says Rendell, citing the remark made by Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, that exemplified the fierce partisanship that has attended Obama's tenure. ‘That McConnell would say that in the first nine months of Barack Obama's tenure is absolutely stunning, disgraceful, disgusting — you name the term.’”

— Peter J. Boyer, writing in Newsweek, Sept. 10, 201

Barry promised a smooth transition...then he hit a snare because he couldn't find any Liberals who pay taxes. Now Barry has promised the smoothest transition of power... Some things never change. :p
Ever wonder why Red States are such economic basket cases?

Damn rdean do you always just talk in circles? Do you amuse yourself with blurred information? Pride yourself for once on forwarding good, truthful information would you?
Here's another free lesson for you:
California while holding only 12% of the countries population is home to 33% of the countries welfare receipients.
Now, enlighten me please....IS CALIFORNIA A BLUE OR RED STATE?
Look it up and if you need me too I'll happily provide a link.
Prove it or go fuck yourself.
I don't have to - you do it for me all the time.

BTW, still waiting for that 'definitive evidence' you say you have / that is out there that the Russians 'hacked the election'. :p
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.

Ah, I see Easyt65 has chronic self induced amnesia, which deducted six straight years of obstruction by his home boys from his memory. :dunno:

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