Democrats Abandon Any Attempt To Hide They Are Now 100% 'Obstructionist Party'

There's a difference. Republicans wanted to obstruct America from rebuilding after what the GOP did in the Bush years.
Democrats want to obstruct Republicans from taking us back to GOP damage.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.

Payback is a mutha fucka, eh bitch? Republicans did it for years, now they're going eat it for years.
with all that angst against republicans you might be a Democrat
I have issues with moronic, self-serving, pieces of fecal matter who re spoiled, bitter but-hurt assholes who have their own agendas and who put those personal interests and agendas ahead of what is best for the country...wich is what the snowflakes are doing right now.
Gee, sounds like you have described Donald Trump down to his made-in-China cufflinks.
9Nine months later-not before he even took office, as has now been done.After seeing where his policies were headed. They confirmed many of his picks in the first weeks of his administration.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
How's it feel to get a dose of your own medicine easy?
Remember this Easy?
‘I can't ever recall a newly elected president being faced with the leader of the other party's caucus saying “Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president,”’ says Rendell, citing the remark made by Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, that exemplified the fierce partisanship that has attended Obama's tenure. ‘That McConnell would say that in the first nine months of Barack Obama's tenure is absolutely stunning, disgraceful, disgusting — you name the term.’”

— Peter J. Boyer, writing in Newsweek, Sept. 10, 201

Barry promised a smooth transition...then he hit a snare because he couldn't find any Liberals who pay taxes. Now Barry has promised the smoothest transition of power... Some things never change. :p
Ever wonder why Red States are such economic basket cases?

The Democrats are just going to do everything they can to uphold that beloved Conservative principle...

...prevent tyranny of the majority!!!
The problem with Republicans is they use Soy Sauce as napkins and then they can't figure out why they can't stay clean.
Again, remarkably, Charles Schumer will ascend to the most powerful man in the universe….Whereas Obama got total blame when he faced GOP obstructionism…Trump will get no blame when he faces DNC obstructionism….

9Nine months later-not before he even took office, as has now been done.After seeing where his policies were headed. They confirmed many of his picks in the first weeks of his administration.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
How's it feel to get a dose of your own medicine easy?
Remember this Easy?
‘I can't ever recall a newly elected president being faced with the leader of the other party's caucus saying “Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president,”’ says Rendell, citing the remark made by Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, that exemplified the fierce partisanship that has attended Obama's tenure. ‘That McConnell would say that in the first nine months of Barack Obama's tenure is absolutely stunning, disgraceful, disgusting — you name the term.’”

— Peter J. Boyer, writing in Newsweek, Sept. 10, 201

Barry promised a smooth transition...then he hit a snare because he couldn't find any Liberals who pay taxes. Now Barry has promised the smoothest transition of power... Some things never change. :p
Ever wonder why Red States are such economic basket cases?
Sure They're not stealing enough from the blue states
No, Republicans are sore winners.
How's it feel to get a dose of your own medicine easy?
I'll let you know when I get some, Eddie.

President Obama by-passed Congress almost his entire Presidency. There was hardly ever any opportunity to block Barry's agenda. Barry declared, "If Congress does not act in a timely manner I WILL DO SO'.

Read the Constitution, Eddie - it doesn't say 'If Congress is not acting as fast as a President wants he can by-pass Congress and do whatever he wants'. It does not say 'If Congress does not give a President whatever he wants the President can by-pass Congress.

Nancy Pelosi bragged in a Time magazine interview that the DNC captured a near-super majority control of Congress by blocking everything, until Americans were so frustrated they bit off on the promise of un-defined 'Change'. Every bill the GOP passed in the House and sent to the Senate remained on Reid's desk. He refused to allow any of it to even come to the floor for discussion.

Once people saw what that change was they kicked the Libs out of control. Last election (2014) the Democrats were rejected in historic, record-setting fashion...and again in 2016.

After betraying the Middle Class, as Bernie declares has happened, the Libs are again - openly - declaring they are going to go 'All-In' for their own party's benefit to obstruct everything they can.

...meanwhile libs like Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barry...and snowflakes like yourself...push the false narrative that the GOP are the obstructionists. Just read the dozens of posts and news articles about how the Libs are vowing to block Trump's Cabinet picks, block every issue Trump and the GOP proposes.

If Barry was a Republican he would be repeating his famous words to you"
- I won
- Elections have consequences
- You can come along but you have to get in the back of the bus......

Liberals are arrogant in victory, and bitter, sore-loser, and vengeful in defeat.
Republicans are sore winners. They won, why do they keep whining?

Besides, name something the GOP has done for the middle class in the last 40 years. Something good. Not just screwing them over.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
It's to be expected by the minority party in this era of partisan politics before country.
with all that angst against republicans you might be a Democrat
I am neither Republican or Democrat.
I have no angst against 'the Republicans' because it is a group made up of individuals.
I have issues with moronic, self-serving, pieces of fecal matter who re spoiled, bitter but-hurt assholes who have their own agendas and who put those personal interests and agendas ahead of what is best for the country...wich is what the snowflakes are doing right now.
Wow. You have issues.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
It's to be expected by the minority party in this era of partisan politics before country.
Dems learned from the Republicans
Dem's have been obstructionists since Reagan this is nothing new. Its the lying GOP establishment you need to worry about, you remember those guys who keep making excuses why they can't do what they promised to do to get elected.
Top Senate Democrat: We will work to undermine, slow down Trump Cabinet confirmation hearings

"Top Senate Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to undermine and slow down the confirmation process of eight of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees, the New York Democrat said Sunday."

The Liberal Agenda, better known as the BSLBH Agenda (Bitter, Sore Loser, Butt-Hurt Agenda), is simple:


Americans should see this as their audition for future elections / positions of power and respond accordingly: Recognize, as their own e-mails showed, they are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, election-rigging, debate-cheating, violence-paying, self-serving snowflakes who do not DESERVE and can not be trusted with being placed in positions of power ever again.

Any party that would pay criminals to firebomb GOP HQs and for thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody opposing political party supporters are bad enough. Intentionally blocking every action taken by the majority party, wishing as much failure and pain on the American people for the benefit of their own party is 'Political Treason'.
How's it feel to get a dose of your own medicine easy?
Remember this Easy?
‘I can't ever recall a newly elected president being faced with the leader of the other party's caucus saying “Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president,”’ says Rendell, citing the remark made by Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, that exemplified the fierce partisanship that has attended Obama's tenure. ‘That McConnell would say that in the first nine months of Barack Obama's tenure is absolutely stunning, disgraceful, disgusting — you name the term.’”

— Peter J. Boyer, writing in Newsweek, Sept. 10, 201

In what universe would this not be the priority of the opposing party?
Dem's have been obstructionists since Reagan this is nothing new. Its the lying GOP establishment you need to worry about, you remember those guys who keep making excuses why they can't do what they promised to do to get elected.
Surely you must agree that Republicans threw everything AND the kitchen sink at Obama and dems,,, Obstruction at it's worst??

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