Democrats Aiming To Make The Muslims Suckers

They have seen the demographic writing on the wall. They have abandoned the Jewish community (with FAR too few Jewish people really noticing), while throwing in their lot with Muslims. During Hillary's coronation as Presidential candidate, she trotted out a Muslim man BECAUSE he is a Muslim. There were certainly Jewish supporters there, but she didn't trot out any Jews because they were Jews. It's all about identity these days with the left and Muslim is one of the acceptable identities while Jewish is not.

It's all based upon simple math. The Islamic population in this country is growing rapidly and the Jewish population isn't. Muslims will outnumber Jews in the very near future, so they embrace Islam while figuring that even though they have abandoned Jews, they will still retain much Jewish support by force of habit.
They have seen the demographic writing on the wall. They have abandoned the Jewish community (with FAR too few Jewish people really noticing), while throwing in their lot with Muslims. During Hillary's coronation as Presidential candidate, she trotted out a Muslim man BECAUSE he is a Muslim. There were certainly Jewish supporters there, but she didn't trot out any Jews because they were Jews. It's all about identity these days with the left and Muslim is one of the acceptable identities while Jewish is not.

It's all based upon simple math. The Islamic population in this country is growing rapidly and the Jewish population isn't. Muslims will outnumber Jews in the very near future, so they embrace Islam while figuring that even though they have abandoned Jews, they will still retain much Jewish support by force of habit.

They have seen the demographic writing on the wall. They have abandoned the Jewish community (with FAR too few Jewish people really noticing), while throwing in their lot with Muslims. During Hillary's coronation as Presidential candidate, she trotted out a Muslim man BECAUSE he is a Muslim. There were certainly Jewish supporters there, but she didn't trot out any Jews because they were Jews. It's all about identity these days with the left and Muslim is one of the acceptable identities while Jewish is not.

It's all based upon simple math. The Islamic population in this country is growing rapidly and the Jewish population isn't. Muslims will outnumber Jews in the very near future, so they embrace Islam while figuring that even though they have abandoned Jews, they will still retain much Jewish support by force of habit.

A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population
They have seen the demographic writing on the wall. They have abandoned the Jewish community (with FAR too few Jewish people really noticing), while throwing in their lot with Muslims. During Hillary's coronation as Presidential candidate, she trotted out a Muslim man BECAUSE he is a Muslim. There were certainly Jewish supporters there, but she didn't trot out any Jews because they were Jews. It's all about identity these days with the left and Muslim is one of the acceptable identities while Jewish is not.

It's all based upon simple math. The Islamic population in this country is growing rapidly and the Jewish population isn't. Muslims will outnumber Jews in the very near future, so they embrace Islam while figuring that even though they have abandoned Jews, they will still retain much Jewish support by force of habit.

A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population

Thanks, but I don't believe Democrats are ready to throw the Jews to the Jihadists just yet. After all, there are still a lot more Jews and they have far more money and prestige than any Muslim.
They have seen the demographic writing on the wall. They have abandoned the Jewish community (with FAR too few Jewish people really noticing), while throwing in their lot with Muslims. During Hillary's coronation as Presidential candidate, she trotted out a Muslim man BECAUSE he is a Muslim. There were certainly Jewish supporters there, but she didn't trot out any Jews because they were Jews. It's all about identity these days with the left and Muslim is one of the acceptable identities while Jewish is not.

It's all based upon simple math. The Islamic population in this country is growing rapidly and the Jewish population isn't. Muslims will outnumber Jews in the very near future, so they embrace Islam while figuring that even though they have abandoned Jews, they will still retain much Jewish support by force of habit.

A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population

Thanks, but I don't believe Democrats are ready to throw the Jews to the Jihadists just yet. After all, there are still a lot more Jews and they have far more money and prestige than any Muslim.
And there are a lot more Muslims that are not Jihadists. But don’t let that stop the fearmomgering.
And there are a lot more Muslims that are not Jihadists. But don’t let that stop the fearmomgering.

The Democratic Party will abandon the Jews the instant Muslims can do more for them. Hell, some of them are doing it now.
Muslim genetically defective brains are easy to manipulate since the majority of them have been 1st-cousin-inbreeding for 50 or 60 generations, per Mohammed's example. Every geneticist who has spent years in the ME studying this phenomenon, without exception, has said that muslims have done "catastrophic damage" to their gene pool (their exact words). In the wannabe-real-nation of Pakistan, 75% of marriages are between first cousins.

See, that's another hidden problem of importing the most demonstrably violent hate ideology on Earth into Western countries: their inbreeding problems run up ginormous medical bills to the outer planets and back.
Just like they did the blacks.

I suppose they'll strongly appeal to the Islamist radicals. After all, their erstwhile god Obama financed them well on his way out.

More Presidential Candidates Are Visiting Mosques Than Ever Before | HuffPost

Why would Muslims align themselves with the party of homosexuals and abortion? It makes no sense.

THAT is why Democrats always lie and scream "racism", to scare uninformed Muslims and other minorities. In fact, Muslims are socially far more in line with conservatives.

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