Democrats: Americans Overwhelmingly Do Not Want Impeachment

/——-/ No Joe, it’s not OK but you can only be charged with perjury if you’re under oath. That’s my point. Sorry if it confused you.

Clinton was cleared of perjury charges by the Senate. Sorry if that confused you. Even Fred Thompson said he didn't do it. .
Americans are more interested in investigating the spying that took place against Trump. That is willful, blatant obstruction and interference. This is what Democrats fear which is why they are laying off Impeachment and hope they can use passive obstruction charges against Trump and bullshit contempt charges against Barr to keep the real investigation at bay.

Americans want further investigation into the spying that took place against Trump. It makes Nixon’s Watergate look like child’s play.
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.
That also happens to me when often.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?

If they are the payroll of the Russians, um, yeah, I kind of do.

You want Presidents spying on presidential candidates? I thought we as a nation learned our lesson 45 years ago. Evidently not which is why the Democrats keep up the offensive against Trump.
lol.... i deal in facts. & vote accordingly. i also have worked with local campaigns & get active when the calls come to do so.

whine & cry? that's not what i do especially when it comes to exposing evil.

you seem to whine & cry defending it.

You whine, cry and insult. There, I amended it. I haven't ever seen you post facts or debate.

you whine & cry & insult yerself Q-Q... i've seen it. either we haven't been on the same threads when i do post facts & links, or more likely you choose not to see them. & i always post links that are credible & they are NEVER biased

oh - well lookey here! there's one that is newer than yours.

Poll: Americans split on impeaching Trump
By Kyle Balluck - 05/05/19 09:22 AM EDT

Americans in a new poll are evenly split on impeaching President Trump in the wake of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Almost half of Americans – 48 percent – questioned in a NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released early Sunday said they believe Congress should not hold impeachment hearings.

By comparison, a combined 49 percent said Congress should either begin impeachment hearings now or continue investigating to see if there’s enough evidence to hold them in the future.
Pollsters in the NBC/WSJ survey found that 60 percent said Trump has been dishonest in the Russia investigation. Only one-third said Mueller’s report clears the president of wrongdoing.

Eight in 10 Republicans said Trump should be allowed to finish his term, while 30 percent of Democrats said they want impeachment hearings now. Fifty percent of Democratic respondents want to wait for more evidence, pollsters found.
Poll: Americans split on impeaching Trump

but let's put that on hold, m'k? i really really wanna know wth an 'advanced feminist' is? c'mon suuuuze - 'splain away if you can.

Also called Third Wave Feminists; are you not aware?

nope- never heard of the expression... but you didn't even say that, did ya? nope.

you said 'ADVANCED FEMINIST'.... which isn't even a thing.

so apparently you were even more ignorant than me. oh it was a nice try. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrr i did research it - cause , uh, like i said - that's what I do, so as to not appear ignorant...

like you. so i read about it in britannica - i had a nice little giggle fest. let me clue you in so you will have a clue, mk?

i am in a 'traditional heterosexual' marriage & have been married for 34 years & have been a stay at home mom & homemaker for 32 of those years. so apparently your ignorance runs very deep, suze. probably as deep as where you are in donny's colon. :lmao:

First of all, are you so literal you can't tell when someone has coined a phrase? okay. Second, you have never heard of Third Wave Feminist? Okay. Third, you believe feminists cannot be married and be stay at home moms? The most diehard anti-Trump women I see are married--God help their husbands actually, because best I can tell they are absolutely joyless harpies, harping all the time. They also make really stupid jokes like "Donny's colon" and then laugh and laugh and laugh

nice try there - but still a fail. it's crystal clear that you didn't know the phrase at all nor what it meant. the definition that i read goes against that 'stay at home' role & you didn't 'coin' anything because, trust me... it won't catch on.

it won't become a thing.

lol... for the rest of your anecdotal diatribe... i just showed it to my hubby & he laughed quite joyously at your ignorant attempt at whatever point you thought you were making.

better luck next time suze.
Or maybe you're just not seeing it clearly. Ever think of that?
It has never been more clear than now.

The emperor has no clothes.

You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
You do condone his behavior. Voting for him was exactly that.
so everyone you have ever voted for, you support them 100% on all issues, across the board.

people really need to stop projecting this asinine extreme minded bullshit.
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
so, what you are saying is, i was dead on right.

you can call out WATERGATE and dig into the past and i say it has zero relevance. i do however re-frame your stupidity onto a previous president who HAS done directly related actions and you whine we're brining up obama.

so YOU can bring up the past to frame the future, but no one else can.

typical leftist bullshit that gets people chunked out of helicopters eventually.
It has never been more clear than now.

The emperor has no clothes.

You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
You do condone his behavior. Voting for him was exactly that.
so everyone you have ever voted for, you support them 100% on all issues, across the board.

people really need to stop projecting this asinine extreme minded bullshit.
We are not talking about policies, we're talking values. And yeah, I won't vote for someone that I know has values that are not in line with my own.

Is that really an extreme position?
You keep saying that, but the people don't believe it. At least not enough for you to impeach.

Go screech at the sky I guess.....
But you said in your OP that Americans do believe it. Which is what I responded to.

Now you're saying they don't.

Which way are you going with this?

I mean to say: we know what he is and what he was WHEN WE ELECTED HIM TO OFFICE. WHO thought he had no clothes? You? Then you were fooled. I was not. I knew he was an adulterer, and probably cheated on a few tax forms. I thought he would be a cracker jack president however, and I was right.

It just cracks me up entirely that you are the folks shrieking about tax laws and adultery now. Pursed lipped church ladies. Don't get me wrong: I don't condone his behavior, but I don't have to. I voted for president. I guess you thought you were voting for a god. That makes sense, actually, the way you all treat politics.
You do condone his behavior. Voting for him was exactly that.
so everyone you have ever voted for, you support them 100% on all issues, across the board.

people really need to stop projecting this asinine extreme minded bullshit.
We are not talking about policies, we're talking values. And yeah, I won't vote for someone that I know has values that are not in line with my own.

Is that really an extreme position?
not at all. im speaking to those who throw fits and act the fool when they dobt get their way
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
No. If you are asking me that question in an attempt to justify obstruction of justice, then you are part of the problem.
You want Presidents spying on presidential candidates? I thought we as a nation learned our lesson 45 years ago. Evidently not which is why the Democrats keep up the offensive against Trump.

If McGovern was working with the Soviets, then Nixon would have had every right to spy on him.

Professional FBI agents had valid concerns that people connected to Trump were on the payroll of the Kremlin, which was funding efforts to help Trump. Sorry, man, if the FBI and intel community didn't investigate that, they were sleeping on the job.
You want Presidents spying on presidential candidates? I thought we as a nation learned our lesson 45 years ago. Evidently not which is why the Democrats keep up the offensive against Trump.

If McGovern was working with the Soviets, then Nixon would have had every right to spy on him.

Professional FBI agents had valid concerns that people connected to Trump were on the payroll of the Kremlin, which was funding efforts to help Trump. Sorry, man, if the FBI and intel community didn't investigate that, they were sleeping on the job.
Joy Reid hates Jews and should be fired.

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