Democrats and Dictators: A Pattern

hey crusader retard,is this your wife? has to you,she only sees what she WANTS to see and is too arrogant to acknowledge when she has been proven wrong and for the hypocrite she is.

Fuck off, HW. I've no patience for your CIA Disinformation
someone farted in here.:9:

as always,the truth hurts you crusader retard.government your wife,you can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are and she is as well.:D
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20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

"Jimmy Carter wandered the wilderness for the past 33 years, growing more angry and bitter with each passing year. He took his anger out by embarrassing the United States and meddling in foreign affairs. He spent the last 33 years denouncing Israel, praising nations that supported Muslim terrorists, defying the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, praising tyrants like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yugoslav dictator Tito, and North Korean despot Kim Il-Sung. He oversaw election fraud and corruption in Venezuela and Haiti and declared everything fair and square. The man has spent 33 bitter, disgraceful years venting his hatred for America."
The Root For America Blog | The ROOT RANT:

...and some are just more flexible with them.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

So, we see an America today in which so very many of the communist party's aims have been accomplished.

again as always you show off your hypocrisy in spades and how biased you are that you only see what you WANT to see acknowleging FDR buddied around with Stalin but ignoring this photo of Ike standing next to Stalin buddying with him as well watching him murder women .:cuckoo:

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

The two photos shown below were taken at about the same time.


As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

so keep on posting stuff in this thread all you want to,I'll just keep bringing this post up on every page as well since it exposes your hypocrisy towards republicans and how you ignore anything thate doesnt fit YOUR vesrsion of events.the NON TROLLS here will all see for themselves your hyspocriosy you display and how you blatantly ignore facts.:up: like this one below for instance.:D

If civility to communist dictators is a wrong move, then who deserves scorn more than Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan?

you have been exposed as a tool for the government.

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

oh and looky what i found here? the great ronnie reagan,your hero shaking hands with a communist dictater.:cuckoo:

Ronald Reagan & Mobutu Sese Seko

Reagan and the Zairian president met in 1983 over a variety of Central African-related pieces of intrigue. Reagan praised the ruthless dictator for extending amnesty to his political opponents; Mobutu thanked Reagan for Western support. The Zairian dictator was responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths. Since copyright laws are a tough nut to crack, go view the picture HERE

Oh and what do you know? here is DICK Nixon buddying with TWO communist dictaters.

Richard Nixon & Fidel Castro

Castro met with Nixon in 1959, while the latter was vice president serving under Dwight Eisenhower. The meeting came a few months after Castro's revolutionary forces took over Cuba. Eisenhower declined to meet, but Nixon had hoped to steer the fledgling dictator away from "radical" policies. He came away from the meeting feeling uncertain he'd made a dent. And then Castro went on to execute between 50-75,000 of his own people. Want to see the handshake? Well, copyright laws. You know the drill by now. Click HERE.

Richard Nixon & Mao Zedong

This handshake came during Nixon's 1972 visit to the People's Republic of China. Zedong and his regime were responsible for an estimated 40-70 million deaths through starvation, forced labor and executions.

so keep on posting,i'll just keep bringing this post to the top everytime so all the NON TROLLS HERE that are objective and dont ignore facts,can see your hypocriosy you display and are jaded one side towards democrats:D:eusa_clap: that you ignore facts like the one listed below here for instance.

If civility to communist dictators is a wrong move, then who deserves scorn more than Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan?:D:dance::up:
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20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

"Jimmy Carter wandered the wilderness for the past 33 years, growing more angry and bitter with each passing year. He took his anger out by embarrassing the United States and meddling in foreign affairs. He spent the last 33 years denouncing Israel, praising nations that supported Muslim terrorists, defying the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, praising tyrants like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yugoslav dictator Tito, and North Korean despot Kim Il-Sung. He oversaw election fraud and corruption in Venezuela and Haiti and declared everything fair and square. The man has spent 33 bitter, disgraceful years venting his hatred for America."
The Root For America Blog | The ROOT RANT:

...and some are just more flexible with them.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

So, we see an America today in which so very many of the communist party's aims have been accomplished.

again as always you show off your hypocrisy in spades and how biased you are that you only see what you WANT to see acknowleging FDR buddied around with Stalin but ignoring this photo of Ike standing next to Stalin buddying with him as well watching him murder women .:cuckoo:

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

The two photos shown below were taken at about the same time.


As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

you have been exposed as a tool for the government.

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

oh and looky what i found here? the great ronnie reagan,your hero shaking hands with a communist dictater.:cuckoo:

Ronald Reagan & Mobutu Sese Seko

Reagan and the Zairian president met in 1983 over a variety of Central African-related pieces of intrigue. Reagan praised the ruthless dictator for extending amnesty to his political opponents; Mobutu thanked Reagan for Western support. The Zairian dictator was responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths. Since copyright laws are a tough nut to crack, go view the picture HERE

Oh and what do you know? here is DICK Nixon buddying with TWO communist dictaters.

Richard Nixon & Fidel Castro

Castro met with Nixon in 1959, while the latter was vice president serving under Dwight Eisenhower. The meeting came a few months after Castro's revolutionary forces took over Cuba. Eisenhower declined to meet, but Nixon had hoped to steer the fledgling dictator away from "radical" policies. He came away from the meeting feeling uncertain he'd made a dent. And then Castro went on to execute between 50-75,000 of his own people. Want to see the handshake? Well, copyright laws. You know the drill by now. Click HERE.

Richard Nixon & Mao Zedong

This handshake came during Nixon's 1972 visit to the People's Republic of China. Zedong and his regime were responsible for an estimated 40-70 million deaths through starvation, forced labor and executions.

Who was Ike working for, HW? Ike was taking orders from FDR.
If civility to communist dictators is a wrong move, then who deserves scorn more than Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan?

Civility is reasonable in establishing at least minimal mutual respect in beginning a negotiation.

Bowing low, from the Democrat perspective is better but not nearly so good as lying on the floor exposing one's jugular vein. Coming soon in an Asian country???
20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

"Jimmy Carter wandered the wilderness for the past 33 years, growing more angry and bitter with each passing year. He took his anger out by embarrassing the United States and meddling in foreign affairs. He spent the last 33 years denouncing Israel, praising nations that supported Muslim terrorists, defying the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, praising tyrants like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yugoslav dictator Tito, and North Korean despot Kim Il-Sung. He oversaw election fraud and corruption in Venezuela and Haiti and declared everything fair and square. The man has spent 33 bitter, disgraceful years venting his hatred for America."
The Root For America Blog | The ROOT RANT:

...and some are just more flexible with them.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

So, we see an America today in which so very many of the communist party's aims have been accomplished.

again as always you show off your hypocrisy in spades and how biased you are that you only see what you WANT to see acknowleging FDR buddied around with Stalin but ignoring this photo of Ike standing next to Stalin buddying with him as well watching him murder women .:cuckoo:

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

The two photos shown below were taken at about the same time.


As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

you have been exposed as a tool for the government.

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

oh and looky what i found here? the great ronnie reagan,your hero shaking hands with a communist dictater.:cuckoo:

Ronald Reagan & Mobutu Sese Seko

Reagan and the Zairian president met in 1983 over a variety of Central African-related pieces of intrigue. Reagan praised the ruthless dictator for extending amnesty to his political opponents; Mobutu thanked Reagan for Western support. The Zairian dictator was responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths. Since copyright laws are a tough nut to crack, go view the picture HERE

Oh and what do you know? here is DICK Nixon buddying with TWO communist dictaters.

Richard Nixon & Fidel Castro

Castro met with Nixon in 1959, while the latter was vice president serving under Dwight Eisenhower. The meeting came a few months after Castro's revolutionary forces took over Cuba. Eisenhower declined to meet, but Nixon had hoped to steer the fledgling dictator away from "radical" policies. He came away from the meeting feeling uncertain he'd made a dent. And then Castro went on to execute between 50-75,000 of his own people. Want to see the handshake? Well, copyright laws. You know the drill by now. Click HERE.

Richard Nixon & Mao Zedong

This handshake came during Nixon's 1972 visit to the People's Republic of China. Zedong and his regime were responsible for an estimated 40-70 million deaths through starvation, forced labor and executions.

Who was Ike working for, HW? Ike was taking orders from FDR.

....and the guy who always seemed to direct actions favorable to the Soviets, George Marshall.

Marshall put Eisenhower in charge of Allied forces....
If civility to communist dictators is a wrong move, then who deserves scorn more than Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan?

Civility is reasonable in establishing at least minimal mutual respect in beginning a negotiation.

Bowing low, from the Democrat perspective is better but not nearly so good as lying on the floor exposing one's jugular vein. Coming soon in an Asian country???

you're on the verge of joining the troll group,you really dont want to do that but your on that verge because you did what they always do,only see what they want to sss ignoring my link of Ike standing by gladly watching stalin murder women.:cuckoo: Let me guess,that never happened,that pic is fake right?:cuckoo:

oh and not one poster here has ever been able to stop being so arrogant and admit they have nothing to refute anything of these fascts below about this evil bastard either.they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkeys trolls they are.yep.
try and refute these facts below,you cant.:D:lol::lol::lol: they alwasy wind up getting frustrated and go into meltdown mode knowing they are cornered.:D
do TRY and keep up will ya? and next time,dont troll and only read what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

oh and THIS time,try and click on this lik below and read it and dont ignore it like you did my stalin/Ike link.:cuckoo:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

those people in that link i just posted above are objective and dont ignore the facts of reagans atrocities and how he ran the most corrupt administration at his time so Im sure they would like to see these facts about Ike as well unlike the trolls on this thread.:D

I expect that out of resident trolls crusader retard and his wife the thread starter here,but I thought YOU were more mature than that to ignore links and only go into discussions reading only PARTS of posts. so far you have shown I was wrong about you,that you're no different than those two resident trolls.
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20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

oh and you ignored her arrogance and bias she displays how she blatantly ignores that Ike buddied up to communist dictater stalin just like FDR did even WORSE and how Dick Nixon buddied up with castro as well.:cuckoo: fucking hypocrites this place is full of. ESPECIALLY the thread starter and her husband crusader retard.

oh i forgot,Ike and Nixon never did that according to them.its all a made up story and made up photos.:cuckoo::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Are all the conservatives here still upset that Elian was taken away from opportunistic drunks and criminals and returned to a loving father, or is it only PC who is so enthusiastic about using children as political pawns, regardless of the cost to the child?

But then, that stunt is actually fairly mild for her, considering she wishes the USA had sided with the Nazis in WWII. She set the bar so low there, I don't think it's possible for anyone to ever go lower.
As things have turned out it is not impossible that Elian might have equal indoctrination opportunity in Cuba's schools as he might be getting in Obamerica. Possibly he'll also be able to speak freely without being monitored by The NSA for referral to The Department of Internal Revenue and General Thuggery.
As things have turned out it is not impossible that Elian might have equal indoctrination opportunity in Cuba's schools as he might be getting in Obamerica. Possibly he'll also be able to speak freely without being monitored by The NSA for referral to The Department of Internal Revenue and General Thuggery.

thanks for admitting the republicans are no different than the democrats-or in REALITY,I SHOULD say-the republicrats are no different than the demopublicans buddying around with communist dictaters.:D
As things have turned out it is not impossible that Elian might have equal indoctrination opportunity in Cuba's schools as he might be getting in Obamerica. Possibly he'll also be able to speak freely without being monitored by The NSA for referral to The Department of Internal Revenue and General Thuggery.

thanks for admitting the republicans are no different than the democrats-or in REALITY,I SHOULD say-the republicrats are no different than the demopublicans buddying around with communist dictaters.:D

"As things turned out" bespeaks you Marxists having usurped the presidency in the interest of handing over our economy to a foreigner.

No, not Your New Messiah (though your fixation might so suggest). Rather, George Soros.

ESL much?
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As things have turned out it is not impossible that Elian might have equal indoctrination opportunity in Cuba's schools as he might be getting in Obamerica. Possibly he'll also be able to speak freely without being monitored by The NSA for referral to The Department of Internal Revenue and General Thuggery.

thanks for admitting the republicans are no different than the democrats-or in REALITY,I SHOULD say-the republicrats are no different than the demopublicans buddying around with communist dictaters.:D

"As things turned out" bespeaks you Marxists having usurped the presidency in the interest of handing over our economy to a foreigner.

No, not Your New Messiah (though your fixation might so suggest). Rather, George Soros.

ESL much?

if the REPUBLICRAT congress were not so corrupt,they would impeach the marxist communist in power but they are in league with him.its all a game foooling the sheople that they are different partys when its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM.proof is in the pudding with my video of clinton and his long time pals the bushs buddying around together.:D and Ike buddying with stalin just as FDR did.was glad to see one poster come on earlier and understand that they are like prowrestlers,pretedning to hate each other,but outside the ring,they are friends.same exact same thing charlie.:D
if the REPUBLICRAT congress were not so corrupt,they would impeach the marxist communist in power but they are in league with him.its all a game foooling the sheople that they are different partys when its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM.proof is in the pudding with my video of clinton and his long time pals the bushs buddying around together.:D and Ike buddying with stalin just as FDR did.was glad to see one poster come on earlier and understand that they are like prowrestlers,pretedning to hate each other,but outside the ring,they are friends.same exact same thing charlie.:D

While I'd love to see Republicans (or anyone) try impeachment there is no point. There's no way the Democrat senate majority would even allow discussion of impeachment. Better to wait until after 2016 and, if justice prevails at the ballot box then justice might also prevail in impeachment hearings and the trial that might follow.

The potential for that invigorates Democrats for the coming election - expect their manipulations and outright fraud to reach glorious new heights as they know their New Messiah could, figuratively, find himself on a cross. Of course he'd be in between Reid and Pelosi so there IS a sort of Biblical Cadence to the thought.
again as always you show off your hypocrisy in spades and how biased you are that you only see what you WANT to see acknowleging FDR buddied around with Stalin but ignoring this photo of Ike standing next to Stalin buddying with him as well watching him murder women .:cuckoo:

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

The two photos shown below were taken at about the same time.


As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

you have been exposed as a tool for the government.

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

oh and looky what i found here? the great ronnie reagan,your hero shaking hands with a communist dictater.:cuckoo:

Ronald Reagan & Mobutu Sese Seko

Reagan and the Zairian president met in 1983 over a variety of Central African-related pieces of intrigue. Reagan praised the ruthless dictator for extending amnesty to his political opponents; Mobutu thanked Reagan for Western support. The Zairian dictator was responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths. Since copyright laws are a tough nut to crack, go view the picture HERE

Oh and what do you know? here is DICK Nixon buddying with TWO communist dictaters.

Richard Nixon & Fidel Castro

Castro met with Nixon in 1959, while the latter was vice president serving under Dwight Eisenhower. The meeting came a few months after Castro's revolutionary forces took over Cuba. Eisenhower declined to meet, but Nixon had hoped to steer the fledgling dictator away from "radical" policies. He came away from the meeting feeling uncertain he'd made a dent. And then Castro went on to execute between 50-75,000 of his own people. Want to see the handshake? Well, copyright laws. You know the drill by now. Click HERE.

Richard Nixon & Mao Zedong

This handshake came during Nixon's 1972 visit to the People's Republic of China. Zedong and his regime were responsible for an estimated 40-70 million deaths through starvation, forced labor and executions.

Who was Ike working for, HW? Ike was taking orders from FDR.

....and the guy who always seemed to direct actions favorable to the Soviets, George Marshall.

Marshall put Eisenhower in charge of Allied forces....

I guess you haven't forwarded this priceless historical information to the proper parties as yet? Historians should be informed of your findings as they still are operating under the illusion that FDR was one of America's greatest presidents and Ike was a loyal American. Please be a good American and let the proper parties know of your findings.
Who was Ike working for, HW? Ike was taking orders from FDR.

....and the guy who always seemed to direct actions favorable to the Soviets, George Marshall.

Marshall put Eisenhower in charge of Allied forces....

I guess you haven't forwarded this priceless historical information to the proper parties as yet? Historians should be informed of your findings as they still are operating under the illusion that FDR was one of America's greatest presidents and Ike was a loyal American. Please be a good American and let the proper parties know of your findings.

Still not funny nor clever.

And, as is your style, no attempt at refutation.

The clear implication is that, as irritating as you find know it is all true.
Are all the conservatives here still upset that Elian was taken away from opportunistic drunks and criminals and returned to a loving father, or is it only PC who is so enthusiastic about using children as political pawns, regardless of the cost to the child?

But then, that stunt is actually fairly mild for her, considering she wishes the USA had sided with the Nazis in WWII. She set the bar so low there, I don't think it's possible for anyone to ever go lower.

How come you're not hopping on an inner tube to go live in Cuba?

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