Democrats and Dictators: A Pattern

It is not only the media that is called into service to support and give cover to the kind of actions more expected in a totalitarian state than in America.....

Since the OP points to Democrat politicians and the Liberal press as 'unindicted communist co-conspirators,' it would be a shame not to give dishonorable mention to a group that has been both a dupe and a willing participant in the communist cause for the better part of a century: the mainline churches.

7. The Reverend Joan Brown Campbell, a leader of the National Council of Churches, was all over television during the Gonzalez drama, describing the great love between the father and his son and denying point blank that Juan Miguel was under any pressure from Castro.

a. At its founding in 1950, the New York City-based National Council of Churches (NCC) absorbed its predecessor, the communist front-group known as the Federal Council of Churches. At one time an overt supporter of the communist cause, NCC has today recast itself as a leading representative of the “religious Left.” … Recent contributors to NCC include the Sierra Club, TrueMajority, ACORN, People For the American Way,, and the Connect US Network, which has ties to George Soros' Open Society Institute….

b. “When Cuban refugees began to condemn Cuba's Communist regime, the NCC condemned the program for "abet[ting] our government's efforts to discredit Cuba" and inspiring "hostile attitudes toward Cuba among U.S. congregations."

Armando Valladares, the Christian poet who served 22 years in Castro's gulag, testifies that Cuban officials used pro-Castro statements by NCC representatives to torment their prisoners. According to Valladares, being forced to listen to the sanctimonious lies emitted by Marxists in clerical collars "was worse for the Christian political prisoners than the beatings or the hunger."
The Gospel According to Marx, by William Norman Grigg

c. And this:
Also traveling in heavy ideological camouflage are the Christian Friends of Castro, in particular the National Council of Churches and its secretary, the Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, who was among those urging that "we need to be concerned for a small boy rather than politics." Politics rarely crosses the Rev. Joan’s mind.
In 1998 she called on Christians to support the Kyoto Treaty as "a litmus test for the faith community." In 1994 she demanded that Jean-Bertrand Aristide be restored to power in Haiti.
And some years later she told the New York Times: "If you look at the Nazi regime, you see in it the philosophy of Christian superiority."
A Boy and a Nation / National Review - Cuba News / Noticias - CubaNet News

d. Appearing with Castro, Campbell said “"We ask you to forgive the suffering that has come to you by the actions of the United States" the Rev. Joan Brown Campbell implored on June 20 [1999]. "It is on behalf of Jesus the liberator that we work against this embargo."
[ame=]Joan Brown Campbell (2008) on Elian Gonzalez - YouTube[/ame]

History buffs will recall that the same group, the mainline Protestant denominations: Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church USA, and Methodist Church. marched with the Communist Party during WWII: The communists managed to dupe the easiest group to dupe: progressive pastors. The NYTimes article at the time said “Clergyman Group Opposes War Aid!’

So, good-hearted Amerericas, who would normally be expected to rise up and demand that our government decline the demands of Castro's communist prion camp, were exposed daily with slanted news and supposed theologians and their propaganda, paving the way for Democrat politicians to hold hands with the dictator.
what's a "mainline church"?

is that a church that isn't full on rabid wacko?

So good to see you here, Jillian.....

As a student of the law, I'm certain you'll note the lawlessness of the Democrats:

8. So, on April 22nd, 2000, Democrat and rapist, Bill Clinton, acceded to Communist dictator Fidel Castro's order to return a toddler whose mother had given her life to give her son, Elian, a better life.... a nominally free nation.

Clinton sent in a SWAT team to attack the Cuban family 'harboring the fugitive,' denying the family the due process....on April 19th, "...the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Elian González must stay in the U.S. until the Miami Gonzálezes could appeal for an asylum hearing in May."

9. "Andrew Napolitano: Tell me, Mr. Holder, why did you not get a court order authorizing you to go in and get the boy (Elian Gonzalez)?

Holder: Because we didn’t need a court order. INS can do this on its own.

Napolitano: Then why did you ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for such an order if you didn’t need one?

Holder: [Silence]

Napolitano: The fact is, for the first time in history you have taken a child from his residence at gunpoint to enforce your custody position, even though you did not have an order authorizing it. When is the last time a boy, a child, was taken at the point of a gun without an order of a judge…Unprecedented in American history."
Elian Gonzalez: When Eric Holder Earned His Spurs | FrontPage Magazine

The heck with the law...... Clinton couldn't keep Fidel waiting.....
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10. And what was the ‘extreme’ view of the Miami Cuban community?
Simply that they were nearly unanimous in opposing Elian’s return to Cuba before his asylum petition could be adjudicated. Imagine, the Democrat President couldn’t fathom the role of laws in our system.

a. Rather than allow a judge to decide, the Clinton administration ordered a predawn armed raid. The Gonzalez family had committed no crime, was in violation of no court order…but was subjected to “…frightening image of a Border Patrol agent pointing his machine gun at Elian…

"We got Maced, we got kicked, we got roughed up", Cuban-born NBC camera man Tony Zumbado told MSNBC. He said that as the incursion began, federal agents kicked him in the stomach and yelled, "Don't move or we'll shoot." Zumbado added on NBC's" Dateline: "My sound man got hit with a shotgun butt on the head, dragged outside.”

b. Both Alan Dershowitz and Lawrence Tribe denounced the raid as illegal and unconstitutional. But the press was satisfied.

c. The Democrats got cover from the St. Petersberg Times, whose editorial placed the blame…guess where: “…manipulated and brainwashed by his Miami relatives,…”'s_Ordeal

11. The Castro government colluded with the Clinton-Janet Reno administration in allowing Elian’s grandmothers to come to the United States- stewarded by NCC ‘guards.’ But they made a mistake in having them meet with Elian at the home of Reno-friend Sister Jeanne O’Laughlin, who recognized what was going on, and promptly announced her change of heart to the press:

“During the meeting, Sister O'Laughlin said in a sworn affidavit submitted to federal district court, she became convinced that the grandmothers "were not free to respond or act as they would towards their family, and that the situation was controlled by the Cuban officials."

Until then, Sister O'Laughlin has said, she believed the boy should be with his father. Now she sees it differently…”
WORLD | Sister Jeanne | Mindy Belz | April 22, 2000

a. The press, true to Leftist protocol, ignored it.
Another day in PC's strange alternate universe.

And yours, another vapid post by an intellectual infant attempting to be relevant.

Time and again you make no attempt to confront the numerous facts in said posts.

Is it your lack of ability or my demonstrated veracity?
Let's see what Clinton/Reno found enchanting about the Caribbean 'Disneyland' to which they chose to send the little escapee.....

12. ....the curtain on "the Potemkin village" that foreigners see on official visits to Cuba. Behind the façade is desperate want. Food, water, transportation, access to health care, electricity, soap and toilet paper are all hard to come by. Even housing is in short supply, with multiple families wedged into single-family homes. The government tries to keep the lid on through repression. A Cuban Fairy Tale on PBS | Babalú Blog

13. Castro’s death cult, in which executions are uncountable, like other leftist ideologies believes that human blood purifies the earth, and since manifestations of grief affirm the reality of the individual, and thus are anathema to the totality, the collective, - mourning for the departed is strictly forbidden. Castro’s Cuba warned family members of murdered dissidents not to cry at their funerals.
Valladares, ‘Against All Hope,” p. 378.

a. Oliver Stone: “In Cuba, I observed an openness and freedom that I had not found in any other country in the region, the Caribbean or Central America. I have met many world leaders in Panama, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, but have never seen the kind of spontaneous affection for a leader expressed on th3. streets as I have seen in Cuba towards Fidel.”

14. When Haitian refugees flee their island, do they aim for Cuba (53 miles), Turks and Caicos (110 miles), Jamaica (124 miles), the Cayman Islands ( 440 miles), or Florida (523 miles ) ?
Why is that?

Seems a fine place for the little tyke to grow up......
15. “Beyond the questions of custody, the Cuban-American community in Miami has always argued, almost every day in fact, that Elian Gonzalez would have a better life here in the United States than in Cuba. It’s been argued before, and there’s not a simple answer.” — World News Tonight, April 12, 2000.

a. Not a simple matter? Really?

It’s a crime to attempt to flee Cuba or to start a labor union or to form a political party.
Trials are conducted in secret, and in political cases, of course, the outcomes are a foregone conclusion.
Phones are tapped, and children encouraged to ‘report’ their parents for insufficient communist consciousness.

b. “Beginning in preschool, children are taught songs and poems praising the revolution and Castro, establishing a personality cult around his figure.
Also, belief in God is discouraged. They are taught instead, to believe in Castro….
The children’s reading assignments deal almost exclusively with military themes… when children enter secondary education at age 11, they are sent to schools in the countryside without the parent’s consent….
committees are in charge of the surveillance of each city block to control and inform to the SS on the conduct of each citizen, including students when they are not at school.”

16. . Editor Who Wrote of Racism in Cuba Loses His Post, Colleagues Say
Published: April 5, 2013
MEXICO CITY — The editor of a publishing house in Cuba who wrote a critical article in The New York Times opinion section about persistent racial inequality on the island, something revolutionaries proudly say has lessened, has been removed from his post, associates said on Friday.

Somehow, Liberals saw Cuba as a better place for the little fella'.....
Notice how many of our Progressives are getting on rafts to head from Miami to Cuba

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
How very lucky we are to have a major political party that works tirelessly 'for the children....'

How many times have we been told that Liberal, Democrats, favor programs and initiatives "for the children"?

Well, then, I'm certain that the Clinton/Reno combine must have carefully considered where they were sending young Elian....

17. Having seized power on January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro, following the tradition of Vladimir Lenin, turned his nation into a huge slave camp. Half a million human beings have passed through Castro’s gulags. Since Cuba’s population is only around eleven million, that gives Castro’s despotism the highest political incarceration rate, per capita, on earth.

a. Firing squads have carried out more than fifteen thousand executions.

b. The Castro regime's barbarity is best epitomized by the Camilo Cienfuegos plan, the program of horrors followed in the forced-labor camp on the Isle of Pines. Forced to work almost naked, prisoners were made to cut grass with their teeth and to sit in latrine trenches for long periods of time.
Pascal Fontaine, “Cuba: Interminable Totalitarianism in the Tropics,” in the Black Book of Communism, p. 647-665

18. "CUBA (TIER 3) - Cuba is a country of internal trafficking for sexual exploitation and forced labor.

Minors are victimized in sexual exploitation connected to the state-run tourism industry. Despite occasional measures by the Government of Cuba to crack down on prostitution, state-controlled tourism establishments and independent operators facilitate and even encourage the sexual exploitation of minors by foreign tourists.

Government authorities turn a blind eye to this exploitation because such activity helps to win hard currency for state-run enterprises. Opponents of the Cuban government, often arrested under the crime of "dangerousness," are forced to carry out state-run construction and agricultural labor that profit the state. Laborers are coerced to work on foreign investment or government priority projects without adequate compensation, which is retained by the state. Children are coerced to perform agricultural work.

The Government of Cuba does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. The government does not acknowledge that its tourism institutions are involved in the sexual trafficking of minors; it does not acknowledge that it participates in forced labor trafficking.
Country Narratives -- Countries A through G

Such is the milieu that Clinton and Reno found a better home for Elian Gonzalez than America.

.....for the children.....

The Picture that cost Gore Florida in 2000
How about adult escapees from communist dictators......would a Democrat President sent them back to the dictator if so requested?

You betcha'!

19. An earlier example in the pattern of Democrat Presidents bowing to communist dictators....Franklin Roosevelt saw to it that Allied prisoners of war who fought to escape Stalin's gulags were forcibly returned to him....

....the Allies succumbed to Stalin's demands at Yalta, that all those refugees, from generals of armies to intellectuals, Cossacks, kulaks, teachers, peasants, and workers, be repatriated to Stalin!

The 850,000 strong army of Gen. Andrei Andreyevich Vlasov, having gone to the other side, Germany, "to save their country from Stalin" and having later surrendered to US forces, "formed the core of those forcibly repatriated between 1944 and 1947."
"Operation Keelhaul; The Story of Forced Repatriation from 1944 to the Present," by Julius Epstein p.27, 53.

a. Gen. Deniken, former commanding general of the White Russian armies which were supported by the USA in 1917-1920, explained that none of these men served in the Nazi army out of love for Germany..."they hated the Germans" he wrote....rather, they knew what awaited them in the 'Soviet paradise.'

b. . How badly did these individuals not want to go to Stalin's USSR?
From the NYTimes, January 20, 1946:
"Ten renegade Russian soldiers, in a frenzy of terror over their impending repatriation to the homeland, committed suicide today during a riot in the Dachau prison camp...."

c. And, in the Times, March 5, 1946:
" - Many thousands of persons hostile to the present regime in the Soviet Union are being forcibly sent there....the Catholic Church constantly received appeals from 'displaced persons' terrified of being sent back to territory now controlled by Russia."

d. Communism? Utopia? Worker's Paradise???
Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army. "The Secret Betrayal" by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

Certainly Democrat Clinton considered things like this when he allowed his SWAT team to attack the home of American citizens.....
20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

"Jimmy Carter wandered the wilderness for the past 33 years, growing more angry and bitter with each passing year. He took his anger out by embarrassing the United States and meddling in foreign affairs. He spent the last 33 years denouncing Israel, praising nations that supported Muslim terrorists, defying the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, praising tyrants like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yugoslav dictator Tito, and North Korean despot Kim Il-Sung. He oversaw election fraud and corruption in Venezuela and Haiti and declared everything fair and square. The man has spent 33 bitter, disgraceful years venting his hatred for America."
The Root For America Blog | The ROOT RANT:

...and some are just more flexible with them.

[ame=]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]

So, we see an America today in which so very many of the communist party's aims have been accomplished.
Communists had as one of their goals to take over one of the two American political Parties and I think they can raise the "Mission Accomplished"

Мисслон Аццомплисхед
20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

"Jimmy Carter wandered the wilderness for the past 33 years, growing more angry and bitter with each passing year. He took his anger out by embarrassing the United States and meddling in foreign affairs. He spent the last 33 years denouncing Israel, praising nations that supported Muslim terrorists, defying the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, praising tyrants like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yugoslav dictator Tito, and North Korean despot Kim Il-Sung. He oversaw election fraud and corruption in Venezuela and Haiti and declared everything fair and square. The man has spent 33 bitter, disgraceful years venting his hatred for America."
The Root For America Blog | The ROOT RANT:

...and some are just more flexible with them.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

So, we see an America today in which so very many of the communist party's aims have been accomplished.

again as always you show off your hypocrisy in spades and how biased you are that you only see what you WANT to see acknowleging FDR buddied around with Stalin but ignoring this photo of Ike standing next to Stalin buddying with him as well watching him murder women .:cuckoo:

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

The two photos shown below were taken at about the same time.


As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.

I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

you have been exposed as a tool for the government.

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

oh and looky what i found here? the great ronnie reagan,your hero shaking hands with a communist dictater.:cuckoo:

Ronald Reagan & Mobutu Sese Seko

Reagan and the Zairian president met in 1983 over a variety of Central African-related pieces of intrigue. Reagan praised the ruthless dictator for extending amnesty to his political opponents; Mobutu thanked Reagan for Western support. The Zairian dictator was responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths. Since copyright laws are a tough nut to crack, go view the picture HERE

Oh and what do you know? here is DICK Nixon buddying with TWO communist dictaters.

Richard Nixon & Fidel Castro

Castro met with Nixon in 1959, while the latter was vice president serving under Dwight Eisenhower. The meeting came a few months after Castro's revolutionary forces took over Cuba. Eisenhower declined to meet, but Nixon had hoped to steer the fledgling dictator away from "radical" policies. He came away from the meeting feeling uncertain he'd made a dent. And then Castro went on to execute between 50-75,000 of his own people. Want to see the handshake? Well, copyright laws. You know the drill by now. Click HERE.

Richard Nixon & Mao Zedong

This handshake came during Nixon's 1972 visit to the People's Republic of China. Zedong and his regime were responsible for an estimated 40-70 million deaths through starvation, forced labor and executions.
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20. From Franklin Roosevelt to the present, 57% of Democrat Presidents have danced to the tune of Communist dictators.....with what to show for it?

..... other examples of Democrat Presidents buddying-up to Communist dictators...let's review:
....there was FDR and Stalin,

....and Clinton and Fidel....

"Jimmy Carter wandered the wilderness for the past 33 years, growing more angry and bitter with each passing year. He took his anger out by embarrassing the United States and meddling in foreign affairs. He spent the last 33 years denouncing Israel, praising nations that supported Muslim terrorists, defying the U.S. travel ban to Cuba, praising tyrants like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yugoslav dictator Tito, and North Korean despot Kim Il-Sung. He oversaw election fraud and corruption in Venezuela and Haiti and declared everything fair and square. The man has spent 33 bitter, disgraceful years venting his hatred for America."
The Root For America Blog | The ROOT RANT:

...and some are just more flexible with them.

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube

So, we see an America today in which so very many of the communist party's aims have been accomplished.

again as always you show off your hypocrisy and how biased you are acknowleging FDR buddied around with Staling but ignoring this photo of Ike standing next to Stalin while waching him murder women and children.:cuckoo:

Don't forget to trash Reagan, HW
hey crusader retard,is this your wife? has to you,she only sees what she WANTS to see and is too arrogant to acknowledge when she has been proven wrong and for the hypocrite she is.two peas in a pod.
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