Democrats and Hillary Have no Ideas to Improve America

In any of Hillary's campaign stops, rally's, commercials, etc.....what has she ever said about just 'what' her plans are for this country? Has she laid out any definite plans about the issues? Foreign policy? Healthcare? Infrustructure? Immigration? Economy? Living wages &/or jobs?

So far all I've heard is her bashing Trump and trying to convince the people against him........but I haven't heard much from her WHY anyone should support her
Democrats and Hillary Have no Ideas to Improve America

What I really don't why the MSM & DNC are so hell-bent on propping her up, making excuses for and turning a blind eye to a woman that is so full of baggage she'd sink a ship to the bottom of the ocean. Then given her failing health....and they still back her 110% by continuing to say everything is fine, just fine and they know damn well it's not.
They weren't even this damn crazy with Obama or Bill.....WHAT GIVES???
I think CNN recently ran some sort of special....."the life of hilliary" or something like that? I did not watch.

should have a part 2. "and the death of those around her".
and Trump can't shit without the media/dems screaming foul. Even Obama, who couldn't stand her has only been 'supporting' her for what? A couple of months at most? Now he's the loudest as if they're BFF's. Even her public supporters are beginning to question it. I don't get it. :cuckoo:

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