Democrats, and progressives: Do you agree with Secretary Mayorkas that the border is secure?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
This should be a fairly uninteresting thread. All you need do is say "yes" if you agree that they border is secure or "no" if you don't believe that the border is secure. Mayorkas said it is, I just need to know if you agree.

In light of the historic, and ongoing, border crisis, it was remarkable that under oath Secretary Mayorkas insisted that no such crisis exists. When asked by Rep. Michael Guest, “Are you testifying as you sit here today that the Southwest border is secure?”, Mayorkas replied, “Yes, I am.” At another point in the hearing, Mayorkas went further, proclaiming that DHS has “operational control of the southern border”. While the word “secure” could be open to some interpretation, “operational control” is a statutory term with an unambiguous definition. Under section 2(a) of the "Secure Fence Act of 2006", Congress defined “operational control” as “the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband.” This definition was read out loud to Mayorkas before his response, making it all the more remarkable that he claims to have fulfilled that edict.
I have yet to see any invading armies in the US that crossed the borders.
Si! We so fraid to cross, Senior Jose do mucho bueno, much feared by muchachos,

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