Democrats and reparations....the truth about slavery....

Okay- to recap:
The South is the racist part of the United States because until 50 years ago the South promoted laws against the African Americans
The Confederacy is a racist ideal, since it promoted slavery and racism- and the Stars and Bars is the symbol of racism and slavery.

I want to make sure I understand your position.

The south, when the democrats were in complete control fought to keep slavery...yes. They fought to keep freed blacks from getting their rights as citizens using Poll Taxes, Literacy tests, and murder to achieve that end.

So- you believe the South is still totally racist- and is the home of racism today- right?

...every major, core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist....

Nah- that is just your Right Wing Nut Job heritage on display again.

And which of these people are not racist...

George Takei,
Barak Obama.
Al Sharpton.
Jesse Jackson.
whoever runs La Raza.....

Right Wing Nut job on display. the time of the 1964 Civil Rights Act the democrats knew they had lost..t.

At the time of the 1964 Civil Right Act the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

And the Democrats - with Republican assistance- pushed the Act through.

The opposition was from the Southern Conservatives who fought so hard because they knew they would lose.

Democrats who were trapped in the past.....the northern democrats knew they could no longer keep blacks from voting....and if they ever wanted to hold power again they had to get the black vote......nice try though......considering LBJ voted against the anti lynching laws..... the time of the 1964 Civil Rights Act the democrats knew they had lost..t.

At the time of the 1964 Civil Right Act the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

And the Democrats - with Republican assistance- pushed the Act through.

The opposition was from the Southern Conservatives who fought so hard because they knew they would lose.

Yes....and I am waiting on your answer...which of those groups is not openly and proudly racist? And those people....?
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......

Why don't you just stick with your gun threads. At least thats something significant as compared to this useless bs.
. Useless eh ? Why because it stings by what he is saying or trying to get at ? Anything that begins outting the perps, trouble makers, anarchist, communist, radical libs and their agenda, reverse racism, unfair practices by those who accuse others of the same things they are doing, and starts speaking truth to power, is then met with exactly the reactions we see in this and other threads. Funny how these threads draw the same characters out, and their same reactions everytime. Hollywood can be one of the most polarizing bad influential forces upon this nation, and why that place isn't heavily edited or regulated better beats the heck out of me. It has actually led this nation into hell ever since the hippie revolution of the 1960's.
The internet is the most destructive to date, but whose counting or caring anymore right ? What a mess this nation is in now, what aaa mess.
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......

Why don't you just stick with your gun threads. At least thats something significant as compared to this useless bs.

it isn't useless....blacks have been voting 95% democrat for decades now and have suffered horribly for it.....if the democrats didn't control the education system, hollywood, and the press.....they might not be where they are today....
. Otherwise, they would be better off. Hope so.
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......

Why don't you just stick with your gun threads. At least thats something significant as compared to this useless bs.
. Useless eh ? Why because it stings by what he is saying or trying to get at ? Anything that begins outting the perps, trouble makers, anarchist, communist, radical libs and their agenda, reverse racism, unfair practices by those who accuse others of the same things they are doing, and starts speaking truth to power, is then met with exactly the reactions we see in this and other threads. Funny how these threads draw the same characters out, and their same reactions everytime. Hollywood can be one of the most polarizing bad influential forces upon this nation, and why that place isn't heavily edited or regulated better beats the heck out of me. It has actually led this nation into hell ever since the hippie revolution of the 1960's.
The internet is the most destructive to date, but whose counting or caring anymore right ? What a mess this nation is in now, what aaa mess.

Chill out dude. You've gone plum off the deep end.
The founders were about liberty and equality for land holding affluent white males only. Look into it.

Wrong...if they were only for the affluent they would not have created the form of government we have....look it up........our system does not easily give power to the restricts power as much as other country ever had that, and our Founders built that into the constitution......

and our Founders built that into the constitution...... totally leaving out women, black folk, poor whites, native peoples, amd on and on, but hey, nevermind.

Nope......the system was set up to weaken any attempt at centralizing power...and to allow changes as the society grew......women, blacks....they were added as the society need to look at the entire world at the time of the founding...from China, to Africa to Russia.....and see how their societies were run....then make the comparison and then look at how fast we advanced compared to those societies....all because our Founders believed in individual liberty and limited government....

our Founders believed in individual liberty and limited government.... for themselves and their class. everyone else in america has had to struggle against their vision for inclusion.

you know that, you just cannot deal with it. and I'm ok with that.

Wow.....the democrats have brain washed you really well.......the individuals who created a country that freed our slaves at the end of rifles and bayonets from the democrats who owned them.......

Yeah, you're absolutely Right about everything. Take car.
Here you go...let's look at slavery and the bible....shall we....

What Does the Bible Say About Slavery?

First, the Bible never condones it. It recognizes slavery as a fact of life in the ancient world (a very fallen and sinful world), and it restricts and regulates it. But the Bible never presents slavery as (a) the best of all possible worlds, and (b) something permanent from now until doomsday.

The Law of Moses begins with the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. From the get-go in verse 2 Yahweh calls Himself the God who brought Israel up out of slavery. So, God identifies Himself as the One who desires liberty for His people.

The Law in the Old Testament set up a code that made Israel distinct from all other nations regarding slavery.

For example, in Israel slaves had rights.

And their slavery did not have to be permanent. Some people sold themselves to pay off debts (Leviticus 25:39; Deuteronomy 15:12-17; 2 Kings 4; Nehemiah 5:1-8).

However, all Hebrew slaves had to be set free in the seventh year.

This was more like indentured servitude, nothing like the chattel slavery of the American antebellum South. The spouse and children were to go free also (Exodus 21:3). Slaves who were abused were to be set free (Exodus 21:26-27). A master who murdered his slave would be put to death (Exodus 21:20; 23-25). (In Exodus 21:20 the Hebrew for "punished" is naqam and has the meaning of incurring the death penalty.)

Runaway slaves from other nations (the pagan gentiles) were to be protected and freed, not sent back into slavery (Deuteronomy 23:15-16).

All slaves, whether Jew or gentile, were to be protected from abuse (Leviticus 24:17,22; Exodus 21:20).

If a slave was injured, he was to be paid for his injury and set free (Exodus 21:26-27).

So when Paul told slaves to obey their masters...he knew they would eventually be freed....

And how exactly did those slaves become slaves when Paul was addressing them?

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible clearly approves of slavery, and in some cases treats slaves as permanent property of the owner, to be passed from father to son as any other chattel. There are different rules for Hebrew and Heathen slaves.


“Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him.

“If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever. And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do” (Exodus 21:3-7, KJV, emphasis my own).

“And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee. And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty: Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thing to day” (Deuteronomy 15:12-17, KJV).

(NOTE: There appears to be a conflict between Exodus 21:3-7 which states that maidservants shall not be released as the menservants are and Deuteronomy 15:12-17 which says the woman slave shall also be set free after serving six years. However, Exodus seems to apply to Hebrew servants who are not related to the owner, whereas Deuteronomy refers to brothers and most likely sisters and other family members.)


“Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour” (Leviticus 25:44-46, KJV, emphasis my own).


The Bible allows slave owners to beat their slaves and several versions, including the KJV, provide that the slave owner will not be punished if the slave dies as the result thereof providing the death is not immediate.

“And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money” (Exodus 21:20, 12, KJV).

"If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property” (Exodus 21:20, 21, NIV).

“He that strikes his bondman, or bondwoman, with a rod, and they die under his hands, shall be guilty of the crime. But if the party remain alive a day or two, he shall not be subject to the punishment, because it is his money” (New Advent Bible).

However, other versions, such as the NIV, suggest that a slave owner is to be punished for beating a slave to death regardless whether the death was immediate or days later as long as the beating was the proximate cause of death. However, there was to be no punishment for beating a slave if the slave did not die as a result. Here is what the NIV says:

"If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property” (Exodus 21:20, 21, NIV).

While the Bible does provide some sort of punishment for one who kills his slave, one thing is crystal clear: there is no punishment whatsoever for beating a slave – man or woman – within in inch of his or her life as long as they survive the beating.

The New Testament does not condone such brutality, but it does provide that all servants are expected to be obedient to their masters, even enduring grief and suffering, since such obedience pleases GOD:

“Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed” (1 Timothy 1:6, KJV).

“Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things” (Titus 2:9, KJV).

“Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart” (Ephesians 6:5-7, KJV).

“Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God; And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:22-24, KJV).

“Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God” (1 Peter 2:18-20).
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......
No, it was southerners that wanted slavery as an institution, and some Northerners that owned slaves..
Slavery is ok in the bible, says there is nothing wrong with it...Humans have been putting people in bondage for centuries.....Do you cry when you see what the Anglo-Americans did to the native inhabitants in the USA to found this nation?
There's a world of difference between the Biblical Servant and the Secular Slave.
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......
No, it was southerners that wanted slavery as an institution, and some Northerners that owned slaves..
Slavery is ok in the bible, says there is nothing wrong with it...Humans have been putting people in bondage for centuries.....Do you cry when you see what the Anglo-Americans did to the native inhabitants in the USA to found this nation?
There's a world of difference between the Biblical Servant and the Secular Slave.

The lines were socially and institutionally blurred, intentionally, to further the oppression and subjugation of fellow human beings in America into servitude. Manifest Destiny is another prime example.
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......
No, it was southerners that wanted slavery as an institution, and some Northerners that owned slaves..
Slavery is ok in the bible, says there is nothing wrong with it...Humans have been putting people in bondage for centuries.....Do you cry when you see what the Anglo-Americans did to the native inhabitants in the USA to found this nation?
There's a world of difference between the Biblical Servant and the Secular Slave.

The lines were socially and institutionally blurred, intentionally, to further the oppression and subjugation of fellow human beings in America into servitude. Manifest Destiny is another prime example.
More of that American exceptionalism...
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......
No, it was southerners that wanted slavery as an institution, and some Northerners that owned slaves..
Slavery is ok in the bible, says there is nothing wrong with it...Humans have been putting people in bondage for centuries.....Do you cry when you see what the Anglo-Americans did to the native inhabitants in the USA to found this nation?
There's a world of difference between the Biblical Servant and the Secular Slave.

The lines were socially and institutionally blurred, intentionally, to further the oppression and subjugation of fellow human beings in America into servitude. Manifest Destiny is another prime example.
More of that American exceptionalism...

If we can reach some critical mass from the bottom up, we can again create a movement to push back on the system. It's been done before, but never through "channels" designed to diffuse the energy of the "rabble". It is a process that never ends and must be regenerated every generation.
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......

Dear 2aguy and Asclepias
Not to worry. I have a copy of a speech given at TSU in Houston about the Democrat Party and history of Jim Crow laws and civil rights oppresssion. And one of my neighbors who finished his PhD in African American Political Studies published his book on our historic district of Freedmen's Town where all the Black politics is documented that basically amounts to genocide against poor Blacks.

He nearly got kicked out of the university because he mentioned Sheila Jackson Lee in unfavorable terms, and her husband holds a position among the regents or trustees of UH.

I wrote a tribute to him in my song lyrics about taking the campus plans developed in Freedmen's Town
and applying that model to replacing sweatshops and prison labor with legitimate work study programs.

Asclepias no need to get defensive.
It is well established how the liberal politicians have bought and sold the Black race card for votes.
Everyone knows this inside and outside the party. All the Black activists know how Blacks have been sold down the river, and just disagree on which people to blame more for it, the victims or the victimizers.
It's like incest going on in the family, where people go to all extremes to make it someone else's responsiibility to deal with.

As all this bad karmic cycle comes to an end,
then there can be healing and restoration on a fuller level instead of this superficial talk.
Blaming some other group for the problems is not the same as fixing them.

I'm confident the Black leadership in this country will finally get fed up of being divided and conquered,
they will unite out of pure necessity, organize their resources and invest in their own programs
aside from a political system that just keeps tracks of points based on who slams who in the media.
Again that doesn't solve anything, but makes millions if not billions for the media on election campaigns.
As long as people profit off the conflict and division,
this detracts attention and resources that could go into developing longterm business plans
for creating an independent base for African American entrepreneurs, leaders and educators.
I think that is where this is heading, since the blame game is a dead end. And people will tire of
getting nowhere with that. Out of pure necessity, and inability to afford any more waste, things will change.
People will unite and get it right. Not to worry, it will happen soon at the rate things are either
escalating upward or crashing downward. Change is in the air, the plate tectonics are shifting....
It is well established how the liberal politicians have bought and sold the Black race card for votes.
Yet not all blacks vote for democrats running for office....There are black repubs, non-voters.....Welfare is the same through GOP administrations as the are during democratic ones....
You have the same fallacy of logic like a right winger about race cards, and the fact that both sides play the same game, whether it's subtle or outspoken...

Hi Moonglow:
Do you have any idea how censored and slammed in the Black Conservatives are?
I am not talking about their existence being in question, I am talking about their political CENSORSHIP and OPPRESSION/PERSECUTION to push political support to the left.

Of COURSE I know there are Black Conservatives trying to change things, but they keep running up against WALLS in politics, media and govt:

A. One of my neighbors is the only business leader and owner promoting INVESTING in OWNERSHIP (instead of depending on govt welfare)
as a 6th generation descendant of the Freedmen's Town Founders who built it as "noncitizens" WITHOUT depending on govt.

Would you like to ask Gladys House who is a BLACK FEMALE REPUBLICAN how many fights she has gotten into with Sheila Jackson Lee
and the Black Democrats running or ruining the district?

B. Would you like to ask Allen West how much of his Constitutional educational outreach is being received and promoted in the media
compared with BLM? Which is getting coverage and support?

You can look on this board and see the slams and SOCIAL SEGREGATION
keeping any information from his advocacy from being respected or taken seriously at all.

This is why Blacks remain behind in terms of Constitutional education in PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and SELF-GOVERNMENT.

The leaders PREACHING about this are CUT OFF and
*DEMONIZED* in the liberal media and politics so that the poor Blacks are taught to
FEAR PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and AVOID anyone who teaches
that owning your own land and property is part of the path of equality and self-govt.

Are we even talking about the same media and political bias, Moonglow?

Or are we talking past each other, both saying the same thing from opposite experiences?

I personally am trying to work with the very Black conservatives who feel completely left out,
cut off, put down, accused of being Uncle Toms and sell outs, when they are trying to solve
the financial problems of the poor Black populations by investing in viable business plans.

I am NOT saying they don't exist, I am saying they are being demonized politically to divide
the Blacks and that's why there isn't unity in solving their issues so the pattern of victimization stops!
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......

Dear 2aguy and Asclepias
Not to worry. I have a copy of a speech given at TSU in Houston about the Democrat Party and history of Jim Crow laws and civil rights oppresssion. And one of my neighbors who finished his PhD in African American Political Studies published his book on our historic district of Freedmen's Town where all the Black politics is documented that basically amounts to genocide against poor Blacks.

He nearly got kicked out of the university because he mentioned Sheila Jackson Lee in unfavorable terms, and her husband holds a position among the regents or trustees of UH.

I wrote a tribute to him in my song lyrics about taking the campus plans developed in Freedmen's Town
and applying that model to replacing sweatshops and prison labor with legitimate work study programs.

Asclepias no need to get defensive.
It is well established how the liberal politicians have bought and sold the Black race card for votes.
Everyone knows this inside and outside the party. All the Black activists know how Blacks have been sold down the river, and just disagree on which people to blame more for it, the victims or the victimizers.
It's like incest going on in the family, where people go to all extremes to make it someone else's responsiibility to deal with.

As all this bad karmic cycle comes to an end,
then there can be healing and restoration on a fuller level instead of this superficial talk.
Blaming some other group for the problems is not the same as fixing them.

I'm confident the Black leadership in this country will finally get fed up of being divided and conquered,
they will unite out of pure necessity, organize their resources and invest in their own programs
aside from a political system that just keeps tracks of points based on who slams who in the media.
Again that doesn't solve anything, but makes millions if not billions for the media on election campaigns.
As long as people profit off the conflict and division,
this detracts attention and resources that could go into developing longterm business plans
for creating an independent base for African American entrepreneurs, leaders and educators.
I think that is where this is heading, since the blame game is a dead end. And people will tire of
getting nowhere with that. Out of pure necessity, and inability to afford any more waste, things will change.
People will unite and get it right. Not to worry, it will happen soon at the rate things are either
escalating upward or crashing downward. Change is in the air, the plate tectonics are shifting....
It is well established how the liberal politicians have bought and sold the Black race card for votes.
Yet not all blacks vote for democrats running for office....There are black repubs, non-voters.....Welfare is the same through GOP administrations as the are during democratic ones....
You have the same fallacy of logic like a right winger about race cards, and the fact that both sides play the same game, whether it's subtle or outspoken...

Hi Moonglow:
Do you have any idea how censored and slammed in the Black Conservatives are?
I am not talking about their existence being in question, I am talking about their political CENSORSHIP and OPPRESSION/PERSECUTION to push political support to the left.

Of COURSE I know there are Black Conservatives trying to change things, but they keep running up against WALLS in politics, media and govt:

A. One of my neighbors is the only business leader and owner promoting INVESTING in OWNERSHIP (instead of depending on govt welfare)
as a 6th generation descendant of the Freedmen's Town Founders who built it as "noncitizens" WITHOUT depending on govt.

Would you like to ask Gladys House who is a BLACK FEMALE REPUBLICAN how many fights she has gotten into with Sheila Jackson Lee
and the Black Democrats running or ruining the district?

B. Would you like to ask Allen West how much of his Constitutional educational outreach is being received and promoted in the media
compared with BLM? Which is getting coverage and support?

You can look on this board and see the slams and SOCIAL SEGREGATION
keeping any information from his advocacy from being respected or taken seriously at all.

This is why Blacks remain behind in terms of Constitutional education in PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and SELF-GOVERNMENT.

The leaders PREACHING about this are CUT OFF and
*DEMONIZED* in the liberal media and politics so that the poor Blacks are taught to
FEAR PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and AVOID anyone who teaches
that owning your own land and property is part of the path of equality and self-govt.

Are we even talking about the same media and political bias, Moonglow?

Or are we talking past each other, both saying the same thing from opposite experiences?

I personally am trying to work with the very Black conservatives who feel completely left out,
cut off, put down, accused of being Uncle Toms and sell outs, when they are trying to solve
the financial problems of the poor Black populations by investing in viable business plans.

I am NOT saying they don't exist, I am saying they are being demonized politically to divide
the Blacks and that's why there isn't unity in solving their issues so the pattern of victimization stops!

Political divides are occurring for white folks also, except it is done on a case basis of incomes and elite social status...No one can stop some one of any color learning from a free education, where the divide begins is income...
Yeah...the democrats keep bitching about reparations for slavery for people who were never slaves in order to punish people who never owned slaves.....

this article points out why they should be careful what they ask for...because the truth about slavery is not what the democrats want....

Blog: Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations
You and the author of the blog are a couple of dumbasses. Someone should do a biopsy to discover the source of such rambling stupidity.

Do you deny that the democrat party was the party of the slave owners...who fought to keep slaves, fought to bring slaves into the new states, and fought to re open the slave trade with Africa....or that muslims were some of the greatest slave owners in the world.....and that slavery still exists in Africa as well as several muslim countries.....

you are the stupid one.......

Dear 2aguy and Asclepias
Not to worry. I have a copy of a speech given at TSU in Houston about the Democrat Party and history of Jim Crow laws and civil rights oppresssion. And one of my neighbors who finished his PhD in African American Political Studies published his book on our historic district of Freedmen's Town where all the Black politics is documented that basically amounts to genocide against poor Blacks.

He nearly got kicked out of the university because he mentioned Sheila Jackson Lee in unfavorable terms, and her husband holds a position among the regents or trustees of UH.

I wrote a tribute to him in my song lyrics about taking the campus plans developed in Freedmen's Town
and applying that model to replacing sweatshops and prison labor with legitimate work study programs.

Asclepias no need to get defensive.
It is well established how the liberal politicians have bought and sold the Black race card for votes.
Everyone knows this inside and outside the party. All the Black activists know how Blacks have been sold down the river, and just disagree on which people to blame more for it, the victims or the victimizers.
It's like incest going on in the family, where people go to all extremes to make it someone else's responsiibility to deal with.

As all this bad karmic cycle comes to an end,
then there can be healing and restoration on a fuller level instead of this superficial talk.
Blaming some other group for the problems is not the same as fixing them.

I'm confident the Black leadership in this country will finally get fed up of being divided and conquered,
they will unite out of pure necessity, organize their resources and invest in their own programs
aside from a political system that just keeps tracks of points based on who slams who in the media.
Again that doesn't solve anything, but makes millions if not billions for the media on election campaigns.
As long as people profit off the conflict and division,
this detracts attention and resources that could go into developing longterm business plans
for creating an independent base for African American entrepreneurs, leaders and educators.
I think that is where this is heading, since the blame game is a dead end. And people will tire of
getting nowhere with that. Out of pure necessity, and inability to afford any more waste, things will change.
People will unite and get it right. Not to worry, it will happen soon at the rate things are either
escalating upward or crashing downward. Change is in the air, the plate tectonics are shifting....
It is well established how the liberal politicians have bought and sold the Black race card for votes.
Yet not all blacks vote for democrats running for office....There are black repubs, non-voters.....Welfare is the same through GOP administrations as the are during democratic ones....
You have the same fallacy of logic like a right winger about race cards, and the fact that both sides play the same game, whether it's subtle or outspoken...

Hi Moonglow:
Do you have any idea how censored and slammed in the Black Conservatives are?
I am not talking about their existence being in question, I am talking about their political CENSORSHIP and OPPRESSION/PERSECUTION to push political support to the left.

Of COURSE I know there are Black Conservatives trying to change things, but they keep running up against WALLS in politics, media and govt:

A. One of my neighbors is the only business leader and owner promoting INVESTING in OWNERSHIP (instead of depending on govt welfare)
as a 6th generation descendant of the Freedmen's Town Founders who built it as "noncitizens" WITHOUT depending on govt.

Would you like to ask Gladys House who is a BLACK FEMALE REPUBLICAN how many fights she has gotten into with Sheila Jackson Lee
and the Black Democrats running or ruining the district?

B. Would you like to ask Allen West how much of his Constitutional educational outreach is being received and promoted in the media
compared with BLM? Which is getting coverage and support?

You can look on this board and see the slams and SOCIAL SEGREGATION
keeping any information from his advocacy from being respected or taken seriously at all.

This is why Blacks remain behind in terms of Constitutional education in PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and SELF-GOVERNMENT.

The leaders PREACHING about this are CUT OFF and
*DEMONIZED* in the liberal media and politics so that the poor Blacks are taught to
FEAR PROPERTY OWNERSHIP and AVOID anyone who teaches
that owning your own land and property is part of the path of equality and self-govt.

Are we even talking about the same media and political bias, Moonglow?

Or are we talking past each other, both saying the same thing from opposite experiences?

I personally am trying to work with the very Black conservatives who feel completely left out,
cut off, put down, accused of being Uncle Toms and sell outs, when they are trying to solve
the financial problems of the poor Black populations by investing in viable business plans.

I am NOT saying they don't exist, I am saying they are being demonized politically to divide
the Blacks and that's why there isn't unity in solving their issues so the pattern of victimization stops!

I am NOT saying they don't exist, I am saying they are being demonized politically to divide
the Blacks and that's why there isn't unity in solving their issues so the pattern of victimization stops!

And you can't fathom that same tactic being used on your own? "Liberals" versus "conservatives" for example? “Your” party is more racist than “my” party? I'm not sure black folk want anyone else to tell them what they need to be doing, and if black conservatives aren't being heeded within the larger black community perhaps the message isn't resonating. My guess is trickle down won't sell well. But to suggest black folk are instrumental in their own victimization within american society is to alert even the most casual of observers that you know jack about the black experience in America. You should go make friends with a bunch of black folk and get to know them. I did not say be friendly, be friends, you’ll learn a lot. You know more whites are on welfare than blacks, right? What about their victimization? Or the victimization of conservative southern states who take more in from the federal government than they contribute. What about their victimization?

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