Democrats and Their Associates, Criminal Aliens

All those statistics you are throwing around, the incarceration numbers and percentages, are meaningless in the debate concerning illegal immigration. For all you know, those "criminal aliens" all got here legally, with proper credentials. A criminal alien is any alien, rather here legally or illegally, that has been convicted of a crime. Tourist here on a tourist visa gets caught shoplifting, criminal alien. Student here on a temporary student visa gets wrote up for drunk and disorderly during the Homecoming festivities, criminal alien.

So.....I can put you in the column of those supporting illegal aliens over law-abiding Americans.

I appreciate the clarity.

Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
Show us your statistics then.

Use Political Chic's. From her numbers, 25.4 million legal and illegal immigrants, 251,000 of them locked up. That is a rate of a little less than one person per hundred. The incarceration rate for LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS is about one person for every one hundred ten. Not much difference.

Another moron, functioning via the great Democrat theorem:

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House. evidence of any Trump-Putin conspiracy.
Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.

Begging for another chance??? stop your hand-wringing and take notes so I don't have give you another failing grade:

"The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

... costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009;....

.... the overall percentage of the criminal alien population carcerated in federal prisons remained consistently around 27 percent of the total inmate population...."

" FY 2007 there will be 605,000 foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S. Of this number, DRO [ICE’s Office of Detention and Removal] estimates half (302,500) will be removable aliens. Most of these incarcerated aliens are being released into the U.S. at the conclusion of their respective sentences because DRO does not have the resources to identify, detain, and remove these aliens under its Criminal Alien Program (CAP).

Further, historical trends indicate that 62 percent of the aliens released will eventually be issued final orders of removal by the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and later fail to surrender for removal or abscond..... As of December 30, 2005, there were more than 544,000 released aliens with final orders of removal who have absconded."

From your source, that you keep repeating,

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien—non-U.S.-citizen—population in the United States was about 25.3 million, including about 14.5 million aliens with lawful immigration status and about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status.1 Some of the alien population have been arrested and convicted of various crimes and incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. DHS refers to these individuals as criminal aliens.

Since the numbers include LEGAL immigrants you can't use them to support arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants. For all we know all the immigrants that are locked up got here legally and were legal residents, they just committed a crime. Meanwhile, all the illegal immigrants kept their noses clean and their asses out of trouble.
We can use them and we will. You can't do anything about it.

Fine, cover yourself in stupid for all I care. Both you and Political Chic are legends in your own minds.
So.....I can put you in the column of those supporting illegal aliens over law-abiding Americans.

I appreciate the clarity.

Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
So.....I can put you in the column of those supporting illegal aliens over law-abiding Americans.

I appreciate the clarity.

Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.

Begging for another chance??? stop your hand-wringing and take notes so I don't have give you another failing grade:

"The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

... costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009;....

.... the overall percentage of the criminal alien population carcerated in federal prisons remained consistently around 27 percent of the total inmate population...."

" FY 2007 there will be 605,000 foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S. Of this number, DRO [ICE’s Office of Detention and Removal] estimates half (302,500) will be removable aliens. Most of these incarcerated aliens are being released into the U.S. at the conclusion of their respective sentences because DRO does not have the resources to identify, detain, and remove these aliens under its Criminal Alien Program (CAP).

Further, historical trends indicate that 62 percent of the aliens released will eventually be issued final orders of removal by the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and later fail to surrender for removal or abscond..... As of December 30, 2005, there were more than 544,000 released aliens with final orders of removal who have absconded."

From your source, that you keep repeating,

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien—non-U.S.-citizen—population in the United States was about 25.3 million, including about 14.5 million aliens with lawful immigration status and about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status.1 Some of the alien population have been arrested and convicted of various crimes and incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. DHS refers to these individuals as criminal aliens.

Since the numbers include LEGAL immigrants you can't use them to support arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants. For all we know all the immigrants that are locked up got here legally and were legal residents, they just committed a crime. Meanwhile, all the illegal immigrants kept their noses clean and their asses out of trouble.

"....arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants."

Definition of illegal
sometimes disparaging + offensive

  1. : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
    Definition of ILLEGAL

Now.......what else did you want me to teach you?
Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.

Begging for another chance??? stop your hand-wringing and take notes so I don't have give you another failing grade:

"The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

... costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009;....

.... the overall percentage of the criminal alien population carcerated in federal prisons remained consistently around 27 percent of the total inmate population...."

" FY 2007 there will be 605,000 foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S. Of this number, DRO [ICE’s Office of Detention and Removal] estimates half (302,500) will be removable aliens. Most of these incarcerated aliens are being released into the U.S. at the conclusion of their respective sentences because DRO does not have the resources to identify, detain, and remove these aliens under its Criminal Alien Program (CAP).

Further, historical trends indicate that 62 percent of the aliens released will eventually be issued final orders of removal by the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and later fail to surrender for removal or abscond..... As of December 30, 2005, there were more than 544,000 released aliens with final orders of removal who have absconded."

From your source, that you keep repeating,

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien—non-U.S.-citizen—population in the United States was about 25.3 million, including about 14.5 million aliens with lawful immigration status and about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status.1 Some of the alien population have been arrested and convicted of various crimes and incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. DHS refers to these individuals as criminal aliens.

Since the numbers include LEGAL immigrants you can't use them to support arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants. For all we know all the immigrants that are locked up got here legally and were legal residents, they just committed a crime. Meanwhile, all the illegal immigrants kept their noses clean and their asses out of trouble.

"....arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants."

Definition of illegal
sometimes disparaging + offensive

  1. : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
    Definition of ILLEGAL

Now.......what else did you want me to teach you?

Duh Huh, no shit. Do you not understand, the numbers you have posted referencing incarceration levels include LEGAL immigrants.

The reason there are a limited number of green cards available was to limit the number of low wage workers in this country so wages at the low end would be competitive.

Since the Democrats want to flood the market and keep the wages for hard labor down, perhaps the floodgates should be opened and anyone with a degree should be allowed to immigrate to the United States and practice the profession they've been trained in if they so desire.

It'll be fascinating listening to the crying of those paid professionals being undercut by some foreigner allowed to migrate here with their education intact.


1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.

Begging for another chance??? stop your hand-wringing and take notes so I don't have give you another failing grade:

"The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

... costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009;....

.... the overall percentage of the criminal alien population carcerated in federal prisons remained consistently around 27 percent of the total inmate population...."

" FY 2007 there will be 605,000 foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S. Of this number, DRO [ICE’s Office of Detention and Removal] estimates half (302,500) will be removable aliens. Most of these incarcerated aliens are being released into the U.S. at the conclusion of their respective sentences because DRO does not have the resources to identify, detain, and remove these aliens under its Criminal Alien Program (CAP).

Further, historical trends indicate that 62 percent of the aliens released will eventually be issued final orders of removal by the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and later fail to surrender for removal or abscond..... As of December 30, 2005, there were more than 544,000 released aliens with final orders of removal who have absconded."

From your source, that you keep repeating,

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien—non-U.S.-citizen—population in the United States was about 25.3 million, including about 14.5 million aliens with lawful immigration status and about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status.1 Some of the alien population have been arrested and convicted of various crimes and incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. DHS refers to these individuals as criminal aliens.

Since the numbers include LEGAL immigrants you can't use them to support arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants. For all we know all the immigrants that are locked up got here legally and were legal residents, they just committed a crime. Meanwhile, all the illegal immigrants kept their noses clean and their asses out of trouble.

"....arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants."

Definition of illegal
sometimes disparaging + offensive

  1. : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
    Definition of ILLEGAL

Now.......what else did you want me to teach you?

Duh Huh, no shit. Do you not understand, the numbers you have posted referencing incarceration levels include LEGAL immigrants.

Let's review
1. The message of the thread is that morons like you are fine with illegal immigration.

I'm not.
Fact I have proven...Democrats demand it.

2. Now watch me school you on your very own psychological motivations, forces which you yourself are unaware of: your use of vulgarity.
Time and again, when folks realize that their political infatuations have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at the truth that you are unable to deny leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.
So.....I can put you in the column of those supporting illegal aliens over law-abiding Americans.

I appreciate the clarity.

Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt. Put all that time and energy into a rant based on numbers you don't even understand. Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that bullshit you copied and pasted. A lack of funding, but not for a wall, or not for more officers, or even more enforcement measures. But for a very specific purpose, not that much money really, and the problem is easily solved. But you can't even see it.

Yeah, talk about clarity.

1. "Ah, I guess your widdle feelings got hurt."
Of course you wrote that
because I put you in your place, huh?

2.".... a rant based on numbers you don't even understand."
I provided numbers and their context.
You're pretty much a jerk, or, a reliable Democrat voter.

3. "Even better, the solution is right there before your very eyes, among all that b******* you copied and pasted."
Did you notice I produced a cogent attack on your support for lawlessness, and never used vulgarity?

I do it every time.

I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
Show us your statistics then.

Use Political Chic's. From her numbers, 25.4 million legal and illegal immigrants, 251,000 of them locked up. That is a rate of a little less than one person per hundred. The incarceration rate for LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS is about one person for every one hundred ten. Not much difference.
Having no point and stating it so eloquently!

The most revealing event took place at 49 minutes into the Trump speech:

...Trump asked for a fund to aid those victims of violence by illegal the Democrats boo.
All in the hall applaud except for the Democrats.

"I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims. The office is called VOICE --- Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests."

It was right up there as revealing as when the snake, Obama, told the Russians he'd be more 'flexible.'
Did you see the evil eye he gave them a few times? I did.
Last edited:
I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.
I would like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. I could retire.

You start off talking about the criminality of illegal immigrants but all your statistics are about criminal aliens, which by definition also includes legal immigrants convicted of a crime. So yes, you did not even understand the statistics you were posting. And I was also correct, with the solution right there in front of you you still can't see it. And finally, you haven't amounted a cogent attack of anything, except in your own little mind, because your statistics don't match your contention.

Begging for another chance??? stop your hand-wringing and take notes so I don't have give you another failing grade:

"The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

... costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009;....

.... the overall percentage of the criminal alien population carcerated in federal prisons remained consistently around 27 percent of the total inmate population...."

" FY 2007 there will be 605,000 foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S. Of this number, DRO [ICE’s Office of Detention and Removal] estimates half (302,500) will be removable aliens. Most of these incarcerated aliens are being released into the U.S. at the conclusion of their respective sentences because DRO does not have the resources to identify, detain, and remove these aliens under its Criminal Alien Program (CAP).

Further, historical trends indicate that 62 percent of the aliens released will eventually be issued final orders of removal by the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and later fail to surrender for removal or abscond..... As of December 30, 2005, there were more than 544,000 released aliens with final orders of removal who have absconded."

From your source, that you keep repeating,

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien—non-U.S.-citizen—population in the United States was about 25.3 million, including about 14.5 million aliens with lawful immigration status and about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status.1 Some of the alien population have been arrested and convicted of various crimes and incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. DHS refers to these individuals as criminal aliens.

Since the numbers include LEGAL immigrants you can't use them to support arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants. For all we know all the immigrants that are locked up got here legally and were legal residents, they just committed a crime. Meanwhile, all the illegal immigrants kept their noses clean and their asses out of trouble.

"....arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants."

Definition of illegal
sometimes disparaging + offensive

  1. : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
    Definition of ILLEGAL

Now.......what else did you want me to teach you?

Duh Huh, no shit. Do you not understand, the numbers you have posted referencing incarceration levels include LEGAL immigrants.

Let's review
1. The message of the thread is that morons like you are fine with illegal immigration.

I'm not.
Fact I have proven...Democrats demand it.

2. Now watch me school you on your very own psychological motivations, forces which you yourself are unaware of: your use of vulgarity.
Time and again, when folks realize that their political infatuations have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at the truth that you are unable to deny leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.

You have "proven" nothing. Your contention is that Democrats support illegal immigration because of the potential for additional Democratic voters. Have you shown that Democrats support illegal immigration? Nope. Have you shown that illegal immigrants vote, let alone vote Democrat? Nope. You have posted basically one piece of "evidence", a Congressional Report concerning criminal aliens, which happens to include LEGAL IMMIGRANTS convicted of a crime. Those numbers show that the incarceration rate of IMMIGRANTS, both legal and illegal, is almost exactly the same as the incarceration rate of NATIVE CITIZENS.

And then, to your post concerning the creation of a VOICE committee--Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. Damn skippy it deserves a resounding BOO. WTF--create a committee for the victims of immigration crime while ELIMINATING the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Tell me, how does that possibly make any sense? I am quite sure the victims of financial fraud far outweigh the victims of crime at the hands of illegal immigrants. It is nothing but political gamemanship and your blissful ignorance only helps perpetuate it.
Begging for another chance??? stop your hand-wringing and take notes so I don't have give you another failing grade:

"The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about 55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000 in fiscal year 2003.

... costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009;....

.... the overall percentage of the criminal alien population carcerated in federal prisons remained consistently around 27 percent of the total inmate population...."

" FY 2007 there will be 605,000 foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S. Of this number, DRO [ICE’s Office of Detention and Removal] estimates half (302,500) will be removable aliens. Most of these incarcerated aliens are being released into the U.S. at the conclusion of their respective sentences because DRO does not have the resources to identify, detain, and remove these aliens under its Criminal Alien Program (CAP).

Further, historical trends indicate that 62 percent of the aliens released will eventually be issued final orders of removal by the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) and later fail to surrender for removal or abscond..... As of December 30, 2005, there were more than 544,000 released aliens with final orders of removal who have absconded."

From your source, that you keep repeating,

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that as of fiscal year 2009 the total alien—non-U.S.-citizen—population in the United States was about 25.3 million, including about 14.5 million aliens with lawful immigration status and about 10.8 million aliens without lawful immigration status.1 Some of the alien population have been arrested and convicted of various crimes and incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. DHS refers to these individuals as criminal aliens.

Since the numbers include LEGAL immigrants you can't use them to support arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants. For all we know all the immigrants that are locked up got here legally and were legal residents, they just committed a crime. Meanwhile, all the illegal immigrants kept their noses clean and their asses out of trouble.

"....arguments against ILLEGAL immigrants."

Definition of illegal
sometimes disparaging + offensive

  1. : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
    Definition of ILLEGAL

Now.......what else did you want me to teach you?

Duh Huh, no shit. Do you not understand, the numbers you have posted referencing incarceration levels include LEGAL immigrants.

Let's review
1. The message of the thread is that morons like you are fine with illegal immigration.

I'm not.
Fact I have proven...Democrats demand it.

2. Now watch me school you on your very own psychological motivations, forces which you yourself are unaware of: your use of vulgarity.
Time and again, when folks realize that their political infatuations have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at the truth that you are unable to deny leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.

You have "proven" nothing. Your contention is that Democrats support illegal immigration because of the potential for additional Democratic voters. Have you shown that Democrats support illegal immigration? Nope. Have you shown that illegal immigrants vote, let alone vote Democrat? Nope. You have posted basically one piece of "evidence", a Congressional Report concerning criminal aliens, which happens to include LEGAL IMMIGRANTS convicted of a crime. Those numbers show that the incarceration rate of IMMIGRANTS, both legal and illegal, is almost exactly the same as the incarceration rate of NATIVE CITIZENS.

And then, to your post concerning the creation of a VOICE committee--Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. Damn skippy it deserves a resounding BOO. WTF--create a committee for the victims of immigration crime while ELIMINATING the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Tell me, how does that possibly make any sense? I am quite sure the victims of financial fraud far outweigh the victims of crime at the hands of illegal immigrants. It is nothing but political gamemanship and your blissful ignorance only helps perpetuate it.

Good to see you back!

Of course I proved that Democrats insist on illegal aliens, and support their remaining in the country!
If I hadn't, you wouldn't be back trying to shield your masters.

Didn't you love it when the snake, Obama told them to go and vote ....and promised no investigation????

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:35 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.....and yours, too.

Write soon, y'hear!

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