Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
so lets see, time for some 'transparency' eh?:eusa_think: were have we heard that before:rolleyes:

Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns

Congressional Democrats are using the legislative process to pressure Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to release more tax returns and information about his investments in offshore accounts.

The push on the Hill represented a full scale legislative assault on Romney over the tax issue, as Democrats sense they may be getting traction over Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of tax information.

In the House, Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) is proposing legislation that would require presidential candidates to release 10 years worth of tax returns and disclose any overseas investments.

And in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich) are proposing beefing up financial disclosure forms for all candidates for federal office to require disclosure of overseas investments, including Swiss bank accounts.

more at- Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns - 2chambers - The Washington Post

but, as I said, and hey, if I recall McCain only released 2 years of returns..........:eusa_eh:....

so you first:lol:

Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret
By Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman McClatchy Newspapers

Hundreds of lawmakers from both parties refuse to release their tax records at at time when Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is being pressured to disclose his tax returns.

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Nancy Pelosi was emphatic. Mitt Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of his personal tax returns, she said, makes him unfit to win confirmation as a member of the president’s Cabinet, let alone to hold the high office himself.

Sen. Harry Reid went further: Romney’s refusal to make public more of his tax records makes him unfit to be a dogcatcher.

They do not, however, think that standard of transparency should apply to them. The Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives are among hundreds of senators and representatives from both parties who refused to release their tax records.

Just 17 out of the 535 members of Congress released their most recent tax forms or provided some similar documentation of their tax liabilities in response to requests from McClatchy Newspapers over the last three months. Another 19 replied that they wouldn’t release the information, and the remainder never responded to the query.

Only one Florida lawmaker — Rep. Corrine Brown of Jacksonville — responded, but she declined to share any tax records.

more at-

Read more here: Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret - Florida -

The Democrats have NOTHING better to do than waste their time on something like tax returns..Maybe they should bring College up transcripts next?
Record Budget deficit
Out-of-control illegal immigration
Crappy economy
American cities filing for bankruptcy

But the top priority for Congressional Dems? The tax returns of presidential candidates.
I think a Top Secret background investigation is needed.

Any associations with groups that advocate the overthrow of the government would result in automatic disqualification.
why bother? They wouldn't understand anything on there anyway and then claim Romney isn't a "regular joe" because of it. Obama becoming a millionaire while being a public servant is what they should be questioning.
Another targeted ploy with a call for 'transparency'.... but of course, as discussed in the other thread.. it is very selective and not surprisingly targeted specifically at the latest class warfare attack only, I.E. 'Romney is Rich'...

If they want transparency, open it up all the way.. but not selective to only whatever attack they are going after at the moment

While many candidates HAVE released more... it is not always so... and Romney is not breaking any rules...

I would like to see what the robots on here and the DEMs would do is it was specifically targeted at, say, college transcripts ... hmmm???...
so lets see, time for some 'transparency' eh?:eusa_think: were have we heard that before:rolleyes:

Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns

Congressional Democrats are using the legislative process to pressure Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to release more tax returns and information about his investments in offshore accounts.

The push on the Hill represented a full scale legislative assault on Romney over the tax issue, as Democrats sense they may be getting traction over Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of tax information.

In the House, Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) is proposing legislation that would require presidential candidates to release 10 years worth of tax returns and disclose any overseas investments.

And in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich) are proposing beefing up financial disclosure forms for all candidates for federal office to require disclosure of overseas investments, including Swiss bank accounts.

more at- Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns - 2chambers - The Washington Post

but, as I said, and hey, if I recall McCain only released 2 years of returns..........:eusa_eh:....

so you first:lol:

Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret
By Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman McClatchy Newspapers

Hundreds of lawmakers from both parties refuse to release their tax records at at time when Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is being pressured to disclose his tax returns.

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Nancy Pelosi was emphatic. Mitt Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of his personal tax returns, she said, makes him unfit to win confirmation as a member of the president’s Cabinet, let alone to hold the high office himself.

Sen. Harry Reid went further: Romney’s refusal to make public more of his tax records makes him unfit to be a dogcatcher.

They do not, however, think that standard of transparency should apply to them. The Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives are among hundreds of senators and representatives from both parties who refused to release their tax records.

Just 17 out of the 535 members of Congress released their most recent tax forms or provided some similar documentation of their tax liabilities in response to requests from McClatchy Newspapers over the last three months. Another 19 replied that they wouldn’t release the information, and the remainder never responded to the query.

Only one Florida lawmaker — Rep. Corrine Brown of Jacksonville — responded, but she declined to share any tax records.

more at-

Read more here: Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret - Florida -


They are a bunch of hypocritical bastards. Telling Romney he must show them 10 years worth of returns, while refusing to do so themselves.
It won't get's just another smokescreen to distract from Obama's many failures.
Here's an idea. How about to be President you must be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years of age, and lived in the US at least 14 years?

Call me crazy.
I think a Top Secret background investigation is needed.

Any associations with groups that advocate the overthrow of the government would result in automatic disqualification.

Here's an idea. Let our free press report on their investigations into our candidates. Then, if one of them turns out to have been a card-carrying member of America-Haters™, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President!

If it turns out one of the candidates is rich as Croesus, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

If it turns out one of the candidates threw puppies into rush hour traffic, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

If it turns out one of the candidates voted for Jimmy Carter, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

If it turns out one of the candidates listens to country music, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

Call me crazy.
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I think a Top Secret background investigation is needed.

Any associations with groups that advocate the overthrow of the government would result in automatic disqualification.

Here's an idea. Let our free press report on their investigations into our candidates. Then, if one of them turns out to have been a card-carrying member of America-Haters™, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President!

If it turns out one of the candidates is rich as Croesus, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

If it turns out one of the candidates threw puppies into rush hour traffic, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

If it turns out one of the candidates voted for Jimmy Carter, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

If it turns out one of the candidates listens to country music, let the voters decide whether or not he should be President.

Call me crazy.'re crazy.

The voters are bombarded with false and misleading information constantly, so your idea would never work.

And what the fuck is your beef with country music???
so lets see, time for some 'transparency' eh?:eusa_think: were have we heard that before:rolleyes:

Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns

Congressional Democrats are using the legislative process to pressure Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to release more tax returns and information about his investments in offshore accounts.

The push on the Hill represented a full scale legislative assault on Romney over the tax issue, as Democrats sense they may be getting traction over Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of tax information.

In the House, Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) is proposing legislation that would require presidential candidates to release 10 years worth of tax returns and disclose any overseas investments.

And in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich) are proposing beefing up financial disclosure forms for all candidates for federal office to require disclosure of overseas investments, including Swiss bank accounts.

more at- Democrats apply legislative pressure on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns - 2chambers - The Washington Post

but, as I said, and hey, if I recall McCain only released 2 years of returns..........:eusa_eh:....

so you first:lol:

Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret
By Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman McClatchy Newspapers

Hundreds of lawmakers from both parties refuse to release their tax records at at time when Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is being pressured to disclose his tax returns.

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Nancy Pelosi was emphatic. Mitt Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of his personal tax returns, she said, makes him unfit to win confirmation as a member of the president’s Cabinet, let alone to hold the high office himself.

Sen. Harry Reid went further: Romney’s refusal to make public more of his tax records makes him unfit to be a dogcatcher.

They do not, however, think that standard of transparency should apply to them. The Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives are among hundreds of senators and representatives from both parties who refused to release their tax records.

Just 17 out of the 535 members of Congress released their most recent tax forms or provided some similar documentation of their tax liabilities in response to requests from McClatchy Newspapers over the last three months. Another 19 replied that they wouldn’t release the information, and the remainder never responded to the query.

Only one Florida lawmaker — Rep. Corrine Brown of Jacksonville — responded, but she declined to share any tax records.

more at-

Read more here: Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret - Florida -


Bring it on!
and the walk-back, begins.....:lol:

Nancy Pelosi Downplays Tax Return Demand

By Jonathan Strong
Roll Call Staff
July 19, 2012, 11:57 a.m.

Facing questions about why she and other top Congressional officials won’t release their tax returns, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) downplayed her previous demands for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney to release his, calling the issue a distraction.

As recently as Wednesday, Pelosi had strongly urged Romney to provide further disclosure of his tax returns. But today, while maintaining Romney should release more documents because of “custom” and “tradition,” Pelosi said the issue was trivial compared with economic issues.

“We spent too much time on that. We should be talking about middle-income tax cuts,” Pelosi said after answering two questions about the issue.

The Minority Leader faced questions about the issue after a McClatchy News report showed only 17 of 535 Members released their tax returns when asked.

more at-
Nancy Pelosi Downplays Tax Return Demand : Roll Call News

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so what's he hiding? lol

who knows, whats pelosi hiding?
Maybe she doesn't want to hear anyone ask why she told Democrats to pass a 2500 plus-pages long bill without reading it, but wants to keep the free Air Force rides all over the world at taxpayer expense she has arm-twisted out of the Treasury Department with who knows what kind of quid-pro-quo or tattle-tale list. Spending several million a year of the Air Force's budget probably beats spending her own millions. She is on the dishonorable mention list of America's 10 most Corrupt Politicians. thanks to America's lookout, Judicial Watch.

It could be that it's easier to skip the party when the onus could be placed upon herself should she choose to show up, and with a lot of company not going, she won't be the only noticable absentee member.

I think she should throw in the towel since she is over 70. The only trouble is, finding someone she can trust to know where the bodies are buried after stabbing so many in the back to get instant yes votes to her ultra socialistic bills. :eusa_whistle:
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