Democrats are desperate to avoid a culture war with Trump in 2018


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Democrats are desperate to avoid a culture war with Trump in 2018

The problem Democrats have is that they are on wrong side of the Culture War, and Trump keeps starting fights on Culture War issues, and the Democrats don't have the discipline not to respond.

A recent example is the NFL controversy. Trump has raised the issue, causing the NFL to miscalculate and go even further to the left. The final result may be the end of the NFL as we know it.

Democrats would actually have to purge their party of all the leftists in order to fix this problem, which dates back to JFK, who was the last real American Democratic President.
Democrats are desperate to avoid a culture war with Trump in 2018

The problem Democrats have is that they are on wrong side of the Culture War, and Trump keeps starting fights on Culture War issues, and the Democrats don't have the discipline not to respond.

A recent example is the NFL controversy. Trump has raised the issue, causing the NFL to miscalculate and go even further to the left. The final result may be the end of the NFL as we know it.

Democrats would actually have to purge their party of all the leftists in order to fix this problem, which dates back to JFK, who was the last real American Democratic President.

well, if the wing nuts at mcclatchy say so. :rofl:
Democrats are desperate to avoid a culture war with Trump in 2018

The problem Democrats have is that they are on wrong side of the Culture War, and Trump keeps starting fights on Culture War issues, and the Democrats don't have the discipline not to respond.

A recent example is the NFL controversy. Trump has raised the issue, causing the NFL to miscalculate and go even further to the left. The final result may be the end of the NFL as we know it.

Democrats would actually have to purge their party of all the leftists in order to fix this problem, which dates back to JFK, who was the last real American Democratic President.

well, if the wing nuts at mcclatchy say so. :rofl:
Find your own source, then.
The far left actually thinks that they will something in 2018. However the people suffering under the far left politics will not forget it. They may not vote for the incumbent, but they are for sure not going to vote far left who will make it worse!
I don't see the Democrats coming out of this hole they've dug for themselves for quite some time.
All the dems need to do is find someone that can lie as well as Trump and it's all over...
On which "cultural issues" do the American people agree with Crooked Donnie?

USA TODAY Poll: Americans say Trump is wrong on NFL protests
Polls are discredited as dishonest and corrupt since they predicted Hillary's landslide victory in 2016.

The polls predicted that she would win the popular vote. She did.
No, you are lying. I kept hearing from the news, even FOX, that Trump had no path to victory in the Electoral College.

When you lie, people tend not to believe you.
Democrats are desperate to avoid a culture war with Trump in 2018

The problem Democrats have is that they are on wrong side of the Culture War, and Trump keeps starting fights on Culture War issues, and the Democrats don't have the discipline not to respond.

A recent example is the NFL controversy. Trump has raised the issue, causing the NFL to miscalculate and go even further to the left. The final result may be the end of the NFL as we know it.

Democrats would actually have to purge their party of all the leftists in order to fix this problem, which dates back to JFK, who was the last real American Democratic President.

Looks like we are going to go all of 2017 without the republicans doing anything. Will you republicans thank them for nothing and keep voting for them?
All the dems need to do is find someone that can lie as well as Trump and it's all over...

Hillary's profession was lying.

People get the difference between damaging lies and hyperbole.
Trump will have to deal with that issue when he runs again, since like Hillary, he will have a past to examine....

So far he has been the least capable president I have seen.
He does have an overworking mouth that got him elected...
Putin was so successful in 2016 and not only have the Dems not been able to stop him, they can't even tell us how he did it! You have to wonder, "Is there a point to even running Democrat Candidates?"

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