Democrats are going to hand the GOP a landslide victory in the next elections if

It should be the GOP's election to lose.

Same question to you then: Suppose then someone offered to make a bet with you where you get say $15 if the Republicans win the Presidency in 2016 and you pay $25 if they don't, would you take it?

I will strongly consider placing a bet when I go to Las Vegas in January, where betting is legal, and I am sure the house will pay me off.

If you would like to place a bet like you are suggesting, then you too should go where gambling is legal, and find the odds you are looking for-)

As far as betting here, I bet you are a left winger; a YOUNG left winger, looking to manipulate the payouts between 2 sites so you can not lose, no matter who wins, lol. You have audacity for sure, but you need find another fish. You see, I believe it is illegal to bet on this site, and I am sure if you continue on with this illegal pattern, someone will surely turn you in-)

SIDE NOTE............Call D.W.S. and tell her to kiss my royal derriere-)

Mostly wrong, although "YOUNG left-winger" may be true depending on what you mean by young an left wing. Is 30s YOUNG for your purpose, and what do you mean by left-wing?

I am primarily interested in making bets with people because it is a useful way of trying to understand how much they actually believe what they are claiming and how much they are BSing. Bets are an excellent way of getting humans to calibrate their uncertainty and reveal how much they actually believe what they claim to believe.


You are as full of crap as an X-Mas turkey. If you want to bet, go to Vegas. You want to change how people think, open your mouth, and do NOT be surprised if/when you do, you manage to insert foot, lol!

Listen padawan, BETTING does NOT improve the chances of the outcome you desire. Betting is a useless past time, that does absolutely nothing, if you intend to move opinion. You are all about betting and are obsessed with it, go to Vegas. I can't help you or any other lefty get rid of their demons, ask Obysmal, lol!

You are WEAK! You are addicted. You are just another lefty addicted on whatever they feed you. Go away until you grow some whiskers-)

Many people here, such as yourself, are far more interested in apparently insulting other people than they are in actually listening to most serious arguments, or barring that in presuming that people they disagree with must have some sort of apparent character flaws. This is less than productive. This is why it is important to push for testable predictions about the universe: far less room for confusion. Of course, betting doesn't improve the chances of an outcome, and it would be extremely silly to think so. The fact that you think that you need to say that suggests that you didn't listen to what I wrote earlier.
I am sure you perceive yourself as a brilliant poster Candy, who has the Conservatives all in a knot.
Considering you've seemed to become obsessed with me...perhaps I am Brilliant.

What you really are, is someone who stands against the majority of the American people, and is actually a subversive. You care less what America thinks, as long as you get your way, just like little college students throwing fits in public.
332-206. Plurality. 50+% PV...Majority. Stats whisper louder than your shouted lies.

You really believe that your side is going to win this election, don't you!
Hillary will win the White House
The Dems will reclaim the Senate
The GOP will keep the House.

You believe you can insult the American people, insult their will, and insult their intelligence, and you a pointy headed MARXIST is going to head the government division of RE-EDUCATION!

I'm happy to debate anyone about whom the better candidate for President is. If you find it insulting...well...the truth hurts; deal.

You people are the problem, and we are going to unceremoniously remove you from power, and that is the end of that! Enjoy the last 13 months or so, because it is the closest you will EVER get to power again, you subversive little DWEEB!

Time will tell. I'm more confident than ever of Hillary's victory.
And then Patriot Act 2.0, where we surrender all our freedoms, will follow. And probably a few wars. Because a bunch of rubes are terrified.
If that were to happen you'd have no one to blame but yourselves for being unreasonable

Since the whole "Try to blame Hillary for Benghazi" debacle went down in flames for you, I guess you need something to grab on to. It's not much, but i guess it's the best you got.
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.

What probability do you estimate that the Republicans will win the election with at least say 53% of the popular vote and at least 370 electoral votes?

Oh, I don't know about that, but unless they pull a big boner, it is the GOPs race to lose. If it continues the way it is going, I am seriously starting to think the GOP will hold the Senate too!

Of course, it is just a snap-shot in time, and right now, we are a long way out. But if anyone thinks that taking the position on every issue OPPOSITE of what American citizens overwhelmingly believe will get you elected, well then, the only conclusion I can come to is that you lefties are reading your own propaganda, and think you are unbeatable.

Interesting. Could you then estimate how likely you think the Republicans are to win this next Presidential election?

As of this date, pretty confidant, but that is predicated upon who/whom gets the GOP nomination also. Hillary and the Dems are in deep trouble. They already can't win Florida as much as the GOP can't win California, and for virtually the same reason.

The old story that the Dems start with 230 something electoral votes will be challenged this time around by who/whom the GOP nominates. If they push through an establishment candidate, the Democrats are going to win. If they nominate someone else without a record, or with a record of standing AGAINST Washington, the Democrats will lose!

You betja!! You need to push as hard as you can for Trump or Carson. What could possibly go wrong for you?
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
The refugee issue is a non factor? Holy crap, I'd disagree with that.

And plenty of people are seeing the PC regarding Islam & Jihadism.

We'll just have to disagree on that.
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
The refugee issue is a non factor? Holy crap, I'd disagree with that.

And plenty of people are seeing the PC regarding Islam & Jihadism.

We'll just have to disagree on that.

In the 2016 election it will be a non factor. Just like Paris. Look, you guys tried to whoop up Benghazi--that happened during the General Election after the conventions--into some bizarro indication that Obama was soft on terrorism. How'd that work out for you guys?
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
The refugee issue is a non factor? Holy crap, I'd disagree with that.

And plenty of people are seeing the PC regarding Islam & Jihadism.

We'll just have to disagree on that.

And the last time anyone gave a serious crap about political correctness was when exactly?
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
The refugee issue is a non factor? Holy crap, I'd disagree with that.

And plenty of people are seeing the PC regarding Islam & Jihadism.

We'll just have to disagree on that.

In the 2016 election it will be a non factor. Just like Paris. Look, you guys tried to whoop up Benghazi--that happened during the General Election after the conventions--into some bizarro indication that Obama was soft on terrorism. How'd that work out for you guys?
"You guys"?

Who guys?
And the last time anyone gave a serious crap about political correctness was when exactly?
Are you serious?

These honest liberals, for starters:
They continue to put the best interest of foreigners ahead of the best interest of Americans.

Polls show Americans do not agree with their current course.
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
The refugee issue is a non factor? Holy crap, I'd disagree with that.

And plenty of people are seeing the PC regarding Islam & Jihadism.

We'll just have to disagree on that.

In the 2016 election it will be a non factor. Just like Paris. Look, you guys tried to whoop up Benghazi--that happened during the General Election after the conventions--into some bizarro indication that Obama was soft on terrorism. How'd that work out for you guys?
"You guys"?

Who guys?

Oh, I forgot you were pretending you're not a republican/conservative
The terrorist events perpetrated in Europe by that group of people we are not supposed to accurately name for fear of hurting people's feelings has changed the complexion of the campaign, for sure. Bernie Sanders is probably the biggest victim of that because his message was so specifically focused on domestic income inequality.

Seems to me the refugee question is more of a side issue, the danger of Jihadism (gosh, I hope I didn't offend or create a micro-aggression there) specifically is the driving force here. Yes, some refugees could be Trojan Horses, but the bigger problem is the overall ideology and how to live/deal with it.

The Democrats are in a precarious position here because they can't control individual events in the Middle East and they're putting a lot of effort into defending/deflecting for that religion that we're not supposed to name because it may hurt someone's feelings.

So I'd guess each terrorist attack presents more of a political challenge to them than the GOP, at least at this moment.

Side issue?

It's a non factor.

That we're not fighting in the ME in an unwinnable war is a plus for Obama and the Democrats. Save the argument that there is a win to be had. There isnt.

Nobody outside of obscure message boards wonders/cares/notices that the word "radical islam" isn't being used (if that is in fact the case). It's a silly story to start with.
The refugee issue is a non factor? Holy crap, I'd disagree with that.

And plenty of people are seeing the PC regarding Islam & Jihadism.

We'll just have to disagree on that.

In the 2016 election it will be a non factor. Just like Paris. Look, you guys tried to whoop up Benghazi--that happened during the General Election after the conventions--into some bizarro indication that Obama was soft on terrorism. How'd that work out for you guys?
"You guys"?

Who guys?

Oh, I forgot you were pretending you're not a republican.

Well, I'd be happy to provide links to my specifically anti-Republican positions on any number of issues if you'd like. The links include war, foreign policy, abortion, personal income taxes, big banks, health care, financial regulation, Citizens United, and others.

Just ask!

Full disclosure: This is where most Regressive Leftists stop responding or spin out of the conversation.
And the last time anyone gave a serious crap about political correctness was when exactly?
Are you serious?

These honest liberals, for starters:

So what. Gee, there were some articles written about political correctness. The average voter cares zilch about it. But that should not deter the GOP from coming out and using terms like "wetback" early and often.

We'll see how that well that works. Deal?

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