Democrats are NOT for the poor or middle-class

1. Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

2. Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

3. Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

4. Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
1. Where in the Constitution does it state that free govt-provided breakfasts/lunches is a Constitutional Right or the Constitutional Job for the govt to provide?

2. That would be neither party.

3. That would be neither party. Individuals may say something that stupid, but neither PARTY does so.

THe constiuttion was designed by rich white men to make sure white plebes and black slaves were kept in thier place

What the fuck makes you think conforming with the consitution is moral or "for the middle class" i have no idea. I can only imagine that' you're of the lower classes because your history teacher didn't bother telling you our founding father's main concern was not getting lynched by an American bi racial mob (by their standards multi racial).

The proper response to your side not being aligned enough with your interests is not to move to a different party that has no alignment feigned or otherwise.
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.
Because the right has locked up the gun toters and bible thumpers for all eternity. Most of the right's base are single-issue voters. Social conservatives don't prioritize fiscal conservatism. It's why Trump and Bernie the socialist shared so many economic ideas.
"single issue voters"
wonder how many people voted for clinton solely because she wasnt trump?
Probably about the same number who voted for her because she's a woman and voted for Obie because he was black.
Both those points counterbalanced by the number of conservatives who turned out solely to vote against a woman and black guy.
Who said that free meals are a constitutional right?
Just trying to understand why snowflakes attempt to demonize Conservatives / anyone who believes parents should actually feed, clothe, and care for their kids instead of demanding the federal govt does so.
1. Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

2. Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

3. Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

4. Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
1. Where in the Constitution does it state that free govt-provided breakfasts/lunches is a Constitutional Right or the Constitutional Job for the govt to provide?

2. That would be neither party.

3. That would be neither party. Individuals may say something that stupid, but neither PARTY does so.

THe constiuttion was designed by rich white men to make sure white plebes and black slaves were kept in thier place

What the fuck makes you think conforming with the consitution is moral or "for the middle class" i have no idea. I can only imagine that' you're of the lower classes because your history teacher didn't bother telling you our founding father's main concern was not getting lynched by an American bi racial mob (by their standards multi racial).

The proper response to your side not being aligned enough with your interests is not to move to a different party that has no alignment feigned or otherwise.

Your education is sorely lacking.
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.

What are you dreaming?

Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
That is pretty much a standard outlook for both parties, im afraid
"entitlement program" seems to get used all the time, all over the country.

Well it pisses me off, because we paid into it all of our working days... These jerks keep giving themselves the best retirement out there ( even long term paid home healthcare for when their frail corrupt bones have to stay in bed )
We all need to unite and fight these people in office.
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.
Because the right has locked up the gun toters and bible thumpers for all eternity. Most of the right's base are single-issue voters. Social conservatives don't prioritize fiscal conservatism. It's why Trump and Bernie the socialist shared so many economic ideas.
"single issue voters"
wonder how many people voted for clinton solely because she wasnt trump?
Probably about the same number who voted for her because she's a woman and voted for Obie because he was black.
Both those points counterbalanced by the number of conservatives who turned out solely to vote against a woman and black guy.

Yawn. Bitchlery lost because she worst candidate of the modern era.
1. Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

2. Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

3. Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

4. Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
1. Where in the Constitution does it state that free govt-provided breakfasts/lunches is a Constitutional Right or the Constitutional Job for the govt to provide?

2. That would be neither party.

3. That would be neither party. Individuals may say something that stupid, but neither PARTY does so.

1. Who cares if it is in the Constitution or not Easy... It is probably the only meal they get because their parents are cracked out on the couch..Did Jesus not feed the whole community with Loafs and Fishes or did he just feed the rich ones walking with him.?

2. Yes it is Easy, it is exactly what McConnell was up too... otherwise where would the rich tax breaks come from? It has been all over the news how the tax breaks planned to come out of healthcare.

3. Yes they are stealing from our Social Security look it up.
Funny thread considering the main part of the current GOP SENATE HC BILL is big tax cuts for the rich while taking $750 billion out of Medicaid which directly affects the poor.
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.
Because the right has locked up the gun toters and bible thumpers for all eternity. Most of the right's base are single-issue voters. Social conservatives don't prioritize fiscal conservatism. It's why Trump and Bernie the socialist shared so many economic ideas.
True to an extent. I mean you are not going to find many bible thumpers or gun toters supporting Hillary or Obama, even though ironically if you take the race tint out of Jerimiah you had pretty much MLKJr economics, and nobody wants their guns. The election was about change. HW never gets elected if Gary Hart doesn't meltdown. But, Obamacare didn't deliver economically to the folks making over 130% of poverty level. We can try and not propagandize like Trump on tariffs on the EU over BMWs. The jobs are NOT coming back unless GM can build entry level luxury cars on a par with the Germans and Lexus. But if taxes were even back to where they were when W got elected ... the deficits and soc sec would look a lot different. There's no real reason why kids have so much in school loans, and there's nothing wrong with getting a BA in liberal arts and end up working a service job. Nothing says service jobs can't pay. The gop is simply lying in saying Reagan wanted low wages and no healthcare for low earners of ALL ages.

Hillary was a flawed messenger to put it mildly, and Bernie's an old fraud too. I don't really blame Obama for Trump, even though I think his embrace of BLM and Michael Brown was a turning point in working class whites voting. Blacks need to face the fact that the reason they get profiled in black poor neighborhoods is because ... wait for it ... blacks commit the crimes. But it's also true we have black kids from more affluent families driving in multi-ethnic neighborhoods who get targeted, and the war on drugs turned into a war on blacks. Whites get screwed too, esp in federal court, but whites get less punishment in state systems. But look what party doesn't want to just stop caring about pot.

The dems need a new set of messengers younger than Dear Leader Pelosi, and the gop needs a new soul.
1. Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

2. Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

3. Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

4. Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
1. Where in the Constitution does it state that free govt-provided breakfasts/lunches is a Constitutional Right or the Constitutional Job for the govt to provide?

2. That would be neither party.

3. That would be neither party. Individuals may say something that stupid, but neither PARTY does so.

1. Who cares if it is in the Constitution or not Easy... It is probably the only meal they get because their parents are cracked out on the couch..Did Jesus not feed the whole community with Loafs and Fishes or did he just feed the rich ones walking with him.?

2. Yes it is Easy, it is exactly what McConnell was up too... otherwise where would the rich tax breaks come from? It has been all over the news how the tax breaks planned to come out of healthcare.

3. Yes they are stealing from our Social Security look it up.
Senate health care has a 17% approval, and 35% from republicans. Even they know its garbage
Who said that free meals are a constitutional right?
Just trying to understand why snowflakes attempt to demonize Conservatives / anyone who believes parents should actually feed, clothe, and care for their kids instead of demanding the federal govt does so.

Go take a look in the ghettos and get a reality wake up. It is not the child's fault that the parents are drug addicts..Giving them food at school doesn't go into the parents hands to sell for more drugs..
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.

What are you dreaming?

Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
That is pretty much a standard outlook for both parties, im afraid
"entitlement program" seems to get used all the time, all over the country.

Well it pisses me off, because we paid into it all of our working days... These jerks keep giving themselves the best retirement out there ( even long term paid home healthcare for when their frail corrupt bones have to stay in bed )
We all need to unite and fight these people in office.
People are fighting back. I'm watching Republican Pat Toomey's home being surrounded with hundreds of angry concerned citizens right now. Toomey is a yes vote for the bill which favors major tax cuts for the rich while screwing the middle class and poor.
Who said that free meals are a constitutional right?
Just trying to understand why snowflakes attempt to demonize Conservatives / anyone who believes parents should actually feed, clothe, and care for their kids instead of demanding the federal govt does so.

Go take a look in the ghettos and get a reality wake up. It is not the child's fault that the parents are drug addicts..Giving them food at school doesn't go into the parents hands to sell for more drugs..
Racist garbage
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.

What are you dreaming?

Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
All lies from a simplistic leftist douche. Typical ass hole. Are you really this stupid?
1. Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

2. Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

3. Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

4. Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
1. Where in the Constitution does it state that free govt-provided breakfasts/lunches is a Constitutional Right or the Constitutional Job for the govt to provide?

2. That would be neither party.

3. That would be neither party. Individuals may say something that stupid, but neither PARTY does so.

1. Who cares if it is in the Constitution or not Easy... It is probably the only meal they get because their parents are cracked out on the couch..Did Jesus not feed the whole community with Loafs and Fishes or did he just feed the rich ones walking with him.?

2. Yes it is Easy, it is exactly what McConnell was up too... otherwise where would the rich tax breaks come from? It has been all over the news how the tax breaks planned to come out of healthcare.

3. Yes they are stealing from our Social Security look it up.
Senate health care has a 17% approval, and 35% from republicans. Even they know its garbage
It's now down to 12% approval rate.
Poll: Only 12% of Americans support the Senate health care plan
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.

What are you dreaming?

Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
All lies from a simplistic leftist douche. Typical ass hole. Are you really this stupid?
Prove its a lie, sweetie pie- prove it
1. Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

2. Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

3. Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

4. Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
1. Where in the Constitution does it state that free govt-provided breakfasts/lunches is a Constitutional Right or the Constitutional Job for the govt to provide?

2. That would be neither party.

3. That would be neither party. Individuals may say something that stupid, but neither PARTY does so.

1. Who cares if it is in the Constitution or not Easy... It is probably the only meal they get because their parents are cracked out on the couch..Did Jesus not feed the whole community with Loafs and Fishes or did he just feed the rich ones walking with him.?

2. Yes it is Easy, it is exactly what McConnell was up too... otherwise where would the rich tax breaks come from? It has been all over the news how the tax breaks planned to come out of healthcare.

3. Yes they are stealing from our Social Security look it up.
Senate health care has a 17% approval, and 35% from republicans. Even they know its garbage
It's now down to 12% approval rate.
Poll: Only 12% of Americans support the Senate health care plan
You would have thought that Senate republicans would have learned a lesson from the failed House bill- they didn't. In fact their piece of garbage, the one that trump and every senate leader supported is even worse
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.

It's strange because Left-Wing political parties in Western nations for many decades were primarily for lower income peoples.
If they were then why aren't they elected from middle America? Why do they seemingly only get elected in the areas of the country where the most wealth is concentrated? Why do people in middle America reject them time & time again? If it wasn't for them fooling the black population their party would cease to exist.

What are you dreaming?

Who is the party that stopped school program breakfast , and lunch?

Who is the party that wants the poor to have 0 healthcare? So their rich buddies can have a huge tax break?

Who is the party that tells people that Social Security is a give away?

Who is the party that wants poor babies born and then not feed them?
That is pretty much a standard outlook for both parties, im afraid
"entitlement program" seems to get used all the time, all over the country.

Well it pisses me off, because we paid into it all of our working days... These jerks keep giving themselves the best retirement out there ( even long term paid home healthcare for when their frail corrupt bones have to stay in bed )
We all need to unite and fight these people in office.
People are fighting back. I'm watching Republican Pat Toomey's home being surrounded with hundreds of angry concerned citizens right now. Toomey is a yes vote for the bill which favors major tax cuts for the rich while screwing the middle class and poor.

Cool... People are finally getting off their comfy couches and fighting .... Both of the Democrats and Republicans screw the Americans one way or another. If a big movement started up I would travel to be in it..

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