Democrats are passing out condoms to 5th graders

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

I believe the government schools have been passing out condoms for decades. Why do cons continue to allow this to dupe them?

Its better to pay attention to the big issues of the day, rather than allow minor issues to divide. When you do, you’ll find there is little difference between the two criminal gangs.
The big issues wouldn't become big issues If we'd paid attention when they were minor issues.
Lol. Since when were war, peace, imperialism, foreign intervention, government spending and taxation, corporatism, justice, etc minor issues?
When they were just thoughts or ideas that the American people were duped into believing they were no big deal or necessary evils for progress.
How many times did we poke the viper in MINOR skirmishes before the viper knocked down the twin towers? How many times has government passed a "temporary & MINOR" tax only to have it grow to ridiculous MAJOR levels that never end?
Klass . Today we is kombinating sex ed and home ekomicals.
This is Dr Peter Norths solution to unwanted pregnatsie
I was in school during the 1950s and 1960s before birth control pills came along. Most girls woukd let you get to third base but not score. That was frustrating.

Of course I did acquire condoms but in those days the good girls were absolutely terrified of becoming pregnant. I remember once filling a condom up with water to prove it would provide protection but even that desperate try failed to convince the girl. I felt like a fool when she laughed at me.

There were a few girls in high school that were supposed to be “easy.” One was called “Socks” because she stuffed her bra with socks to enhance her assets. I stayed away from the easy girls because even back then I realized when you had sex with someone you were having sex with everybody they had sex with. I also worried that if an easy girl got pregnant she might pick what she considered to be the best choice to be the father. If that was me I might be stuck raising some else’s kid with a wild and crazy wife.

It‘s fun looking back at the days of your youth and reminiscing.

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

I believe the government schools have been passing out condoms for decades. Why do cons continue to allow this to dupe them?

Its better to pay attention to the big issues of the day, rather than allow minor issues to divide. When you do, you’ll find there is little difference between the two criminal gangs.
The big issues wouldn't become big issues If we'd paid attention when they were minor issues.
Lol. Since when were war, peace, imperialism, foreign intervention, government spending and taxation, corporatism, justice, etc minor issues?
When they were just thoughts or ideas that the American people were duped into believing they were no big deal or necessary evils for progress.
How many times did we poke the viper in MINOR skirmishes before the viper knocked down the twin towers? How many times has government passed a "temporary & MINOR" tax only to have it grow to ridiculous MAJOR levels that never end?
This is a minor issue promoted specifically to inflame cons. The media does this a lot to both sides, so we stay divided while the oligarchy continues to enrich and empower themselves.

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

I believe the government schools have been passing out condoms for decades. Why do cons continue to allow this to dupe them?

Its better to pay attention to the big issues of the day, rather than allow minor issues to divide. When you do, you’ll find there is little difference between the two criminal gangs.
The big issues wouldn't become big issues If we'd paid attention when they were minor issues.
Lol. Since when were war, peace, imperialism, foreign intervention, government spending and taxation, corporatism, justice, etc minor issues?
When they were just thoughts or ideas that the American people were duped into believing they were no big deal or necessary evils for progress.
How many times did we poke the viper in MINOR skirmishes before the viper knocked down the twin towers? How many times has government passed a "temporary & MINOR" tax only to have it grow to ridiculous MAJOR levels that never end?
This is a minor issue promoted specifically to inflame cons. The media does this a lot to both sides, so we stay divided while the oligarchy continues to enrich and empower themselves.
I don't consider twisting social norms to be a minor issue. Giving 10 year olds the green light to fuck like rabbits is not a wise idea.

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

Every zygot is sacred?
If this report is accurate, then I think that it is good news.

If a condom can help prevent children from having children, then that is a plus for society.

My son is in 5th grade and doesn't have a clue what sex is. Neither do any of his friends. Liberals are truly disgusting people.
Every liberal I know has fled places where 5th graders have sex ... as have middle class blacks and republicans. LOL

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

Every zygot is sacred?

Idiot, the "zygote" stage lasts approximately four days.

Sit the fck down

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

I bet you were dropped on your head at birth.

Forgive me, I did not mean to poke fun of you by drawing attention that you have no brain to use of your own.

On the bright side, however, I hear there is a renewed interest in the story of the Headless Horseman, so that might be a good career path for you.


If not, you could always get a job in the Biden Administrain wreck.
Last edited:

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.


Is Pedo Joe coming to town?

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.


Is Pedo Joe coming to town?
Only if their hair smells nice

Democrats are passing out condoms to 5th graders​

Where were they when I was in school? That is about the time, maybe 3rd grade or so, that I started getting boners, and I could have used a condom back then to tie my dick down in my pants to keep from showing as a bulge in my drawers before the whole class when I got up!

I want reparations for all my emotional scars! Rubbers should have been passed around starting in the 1st Grade. :smoke:

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.


Catching black babies in rubbers is better than killing them at Planned Parenthood, which is the other half of the left's black genocide program.
Pervs are gonna perv while grooming their next victims. It is as simple as that. They want to pervert as many as they can.

The Chicago Public Schools policy states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education, the Sun-Times said, adding that more than 600 CPS schools will end up having them, save for a dozen that enroll only younger grades.

"Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions," Kenneth Fox — CPS' chief health officer and a pediatrician of 30 years — told the paper. "And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions."

So when will teachers legally be able to start dating their students?

Time to place your bets.

I believe the government schools have been passing out condoms for decades. Why do cons continue to allow this to dupe them?

Its better to pay attention to the big issues of the day, rather than allow minor issues to divide. When you do, you’ll find there is little difference between the two criminal gangs.
The big issues wouldn't become big issues If we'd paid attention when they were minor issues.
Lol. Since when were war, peace, imperialism, foreign intervention, government spending and taxation, corporatism, justice, etc minor issues?
At peace?

The US is at war 24/7........with itself.

Just look at the democrat run inner cities.
Apparently Votto wants to see a bunch of pregnant 5th graders.
Not my thing - Yes on the rubbers
If you can't abort them in the genocidal garbage bins of Planned Parenthood, that is, if one gets passed the goalie, then do your best to make sure they can't reproduce by destroying them sexually, mentally, spiritually, etc. before they can.

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