Democrats Are Sore Losers.....And Even Worse....They're Sore Winners

Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

Biden will be my president, he can't be yours mac
You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
BDS is a terrible affliction, isn't it?

Biden will be my president, he can't be yours Mac your an illegal

Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

Biden will be my president, he can't be yours mac
You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
BDS is a terrible affliction, isn't it?

Biden will be my president, he can't be yours Mac your an illegal


Illegal rapist killer mexican

I finally draged it out of you.
They impeached Bill over perjury, corruption, obstruction of justice, witness tampering.
They knew he was doing other things that were illegal, but their mistake was impeaching him over something they felt they had proved without a doubt that he did.

Guy, Ken Starr spent $70 MILLION dollars in 1990's money (It would be 111 Million today) trying to prove the Clintons did ANYTHING illegal, and all they could find is he lied about getting a blow job.
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

First, I think you're confusing Biden with Hillary's 'Deplorables' quote. Second, can you really say that Trump was treated any worse than Obama or Clinton were?

Yes. The MEDIAS sucked up to Obama no matter what. Never an unkind word. And old Big Ears SUCKED.

You haven't convinced me. Some facts might help.

That he sucked? Or that the MEDIA sucked up to him? I can settle "Sucked" right now. Fast and Furious ,Benghazi ,and ObamaCare. The MEDIA? Did CNN and the rest hound Obama 24/7? Call him a nazi and a racist? Make up conspiracy theories about Russia?

Does the 'media' include Fox News, Breitbart, and Limbaugh's network? If so, yes, Obama was hounded 24/7 and called a racist. Who was it that popularized the conspiracy theory that claimed Obama was not born in this country and was not eligible to be president?

PS--The Repubs had the HOUSE for 6 of 8 YEARS of Obama. Did they Impeach him over a Phone Call?

They impeached Bill over a BJ after investigating him for years for losing money on a real estate deal before he was prez.

They impeached Bill over perjury, corruption, obstruction of justice, witness tampering.
They knew he was doing other things that were illegal, but their mistake was impeaching him over something they felt they had proved without a doubt that he did.

How do you know what they 'knew'? Everything they actually impeached him on was related to an affair. You're supposed to lie about having an affair and he should never have been asked about his.
They impeached Bill over perjury, corruption, obstruction of justice, witness tampering.
They knew he was doing other things that were illegal, but their mistake was impeaching him over something they felt they had proved without a doubt that he did.

Guy, Ken Starr spent $70 MILLION dollars in 1990's money (It would be 111 Million today) trying to prove the Clintons did ANYTHING illegal, and all they could find is he lied about getting a blow job.
You neglected to mention the investigation went on for 4 years.

I guess they had to wrap it up early so they could get in the 11 Congressional investigations of Hillary just for Benghazi. That doesn't include TravelGate and email investigations. Years of investigations and no one has locked either one up yet. I wonder why?
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

Time for the Right to "Resist. Overturn. Boycott. Surveil. Leak. Impeach". We won't riot, but we COULD just refuse to participate in the economy. They want to behave if they don't need us, so let them do without our money.

If the Right so much as protests like the Tea Party, the Left in power will turn guns, tanks, and any and all brutal force in a heartbeat and the liberals will cheer. The Left loves guns when they are the only ones holding them.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
After months of riots by leftists....the Democrats are acting like the self-righteous jerks that we knew they were, even when they think they've won.

After demonizing us for over 4 years Biden had the nerve last night to say we must stop treating our opponents like enemies.
Why didn't he do that before now?
Trump never said that Biden voters were racists or Deplorables. He never called Biden voters a bunch of chumps like Biden called Trump voters a couple of weeks ago.

Would you care to show everyone how not to be a sore loser?
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
Over 40 years of public service, yes you're correct he hasn't done anything
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
I can thank people by who are too stupid to be able to separate personality from policy.
What’s worse is that the personal stuff was being mostly propagated by Pravda.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
I can thank people by who are too stupid to be able to separate personality from policy.
What’s worse is that the personal stuff was being mostly propagated by Pravda.

Maybe you should learn from this and support less of a narcissist next time.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
Over 40 years of public service, yes you're correct he hasn't done anything
In conclusion, you have a severe case of BDS.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
Over 40 years of public service, yes you're correct he hasn't done anything
In conclusion, you have a severe case of BDS.
So is that your college educated opinion?
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
Over 40 years of public service, yes you're correct he hasn't done anything
In conclusion, you have a severe case of BDS.
So is that your college educated opinion?

Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
I can thank people by who are too stupid to be able to separate personality from policy.
What’s worse is that the personal stuff was being mostly propagated by Pravda.

Maybe you should learn from this and support less of a narcissist next time.
Every politician is narcissistic. You have to be if you’re going around telling everyone who you are.
The issue is policy. Voters who can’t understand that distinction should not be allowed to vote. Raise the age to 35 except for military and vets.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
Over 40 years of public service, yes you're correct he hasn't done anything
In conclusion, you have a severe case of BDS.
So is that your college educated opinion?

So you join the navy yet?
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
I can thank people by who are too stupid to be able to separate personality from policy.
What’s worse is that the personal stuff was being mostly propagated by Pravda.

Maybe you should learn from this and support less of a narcissist next time.
Every politician is narcissistic. You have to be if you’re going around telling everyone who you are.
The issue is policy. Voters who can’t understand that distinction should not be allowed to vote. Raise the age to 35 except for military and vets.

Not as narcissistic as Trump. Apparently you haven't learned anything. Any other Republican candidate would have cruised to a second term.

LoL, good luck trying to raise the voting age to 35. Any other stupid ideas you wish but are 100% never going to happen?
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
I can thank people by who are too stupid to be able to separate personality from policy.
What’s worse is that the personal stuff was being mostly propagated by Pravda.

Maybe you should learn from this and support less of a narcissist next time.
Every politician is narcissistic. You have to be if you’re going around telling everyone who you are.
The issue is policy. Voters who can’t understand that distinction should not be allowed to vote. Raise the age to 35 except for military and vets.

Not as narcissistic as Trump. Apparently you haven't learned anything.

LoL, good luck trying to raise the voting age to 35. Any other stupid ideas you wish but are 100% never going to happen?
You’re dodging the substance. People are stupid when they weigh personality and Pravda-promoted personality over policy. That would be democrats.
Maybe when you guys stop whining about the outcome of this election, we'll stop making fun of you about your hilarious temper tantrums.

Biden will be your president.

Everything you morons said about Trump is the actual truth about biden and the democrats....biden is mentally demented, incompetent and completely corrupt....and the democrat party is racist, violent, hate filled and socialist......and will destroy this country...


Biden will be your president. Sucks for you huh?
You never think is through to the conclusion, Biden is your president and he won't deliver..

You're a Trump supporter. Nobody cares about what your input on how Biden will do.

It's just more BDS.
The BDS is you, seek help he won't deliver the goods

You hate Biden before he has even done anything. This is clearly a case of severe BDS.
It’s not even about Biden. He’s an empty vessel. It’s the democrat agendas of economic stifling via the green scam, segregation and dependency, unstructured families, erasing American culture for the advancement of communism and enabling illegal immigration and more terrorism.
You just forfeited the Cold War.
Democrats are stupid, ignorant and arrogant.

That sucks for you then, doesn’t it?

You can thank Trump for being so polarizing and driving so many people to vote.
I can thank people by who are too stupid to be able to separate personality from policy.
What’s worse is that the personal stuff was being mostly propagated by Pravda.

Maybe you should learn from this and support less of a narcissist next time.
Every politician is narcissistic. You have to be if you’re going around telling everyone who you are.
The issue is policy. Voters who can’t understand that distinction should not be allowed to vote. Raise the age to 35 except for military and vets.

Not as narcissistic as Trump. Apparently you haven't learned anything.

LoL, good luck trying to raise the voting age to 35. Any other stupid ideas you wish but are 100% never going to happen?
You’re dodging the substance. People are stupid when they weigh personality and Pravda-promoted personality over policy. That would be democrats.

On many circumstances, I would agree. But with Trump it's different. He's a narcissistic liar and he's mentally unfit to hold that kind of power.

The people have spoken. I suggest you listen.

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