So What Hasn't The Democrats Gotten Away With So Far?

Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want while never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights, and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't, they'll lose the right to kill the unborn.
Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on.
Keep them uneducated and misinformed. (That's why they appeal to children so much) If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions, you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices.
There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats have been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it (he probably overheard Barry and Michael talking about burning Lahaina)
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine into the White House, higher luggage thieves, and trannies showing off their naked breasts into the White House, and hosting pedophiles inside the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help Americans in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have not only allowed but encouraged crime in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and even admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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You poor poor victim.
Aww... retard trying desperately to be considered smart! Isn't that sweet? Awww :itsok:
Aww....thanks for even more worthless commentary, douche bag.:oops-28:
I also noted that you cannot refute a word in the OP. :iagree:
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I have news for you, the president isn't supposed to be investigating anything. His job is to run the White House. He's not supposed to be investigating anyone. That's the job of the DOJ and the Attorney General. And the president isn't supposed to be telling the AG who he's going to investigate. really need to read a book about civics and read the constitution.

Make all the excuses you wish. You fully understand they are nothing more than excuses. Either way the argument is that Trump failed.
Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want while never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights, and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't, they'll lose the right to kill the unborn.
Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on.
Keep them uneducated and misinformed. (That's why they appeal to children so much) If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions, you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices.
There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats have been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it (he probably overheard Barry and Michael talking about burning Lahaina)
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine into the White House, put a cross-dressing luggage thief in charge of nuke secrets, let trannies show off their naked breasts in the White House, and is hosting pedophiles inside the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help Americans in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have not only allowed but encouraged crime in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and even admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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What garbage.
He was impeached for talking to Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the phone, trying to get assurances from him that he's going to fight corruption in his government. He said that he would release foreign aide that was earmarked for him only if he kept his nose clean.

It just so happened that Biden (who says he never talked to anyone involved in Ukraine) had his son put on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, and was sending kick-backs from foreign aide to the "Big Guy" (Joe Biden), also known as Robert L. Peters.

He was also impeached for trying to prevent Biden from getting away with stealing an election. Now he's being indicted by the Feds over Jan 6th, and also in Georgia for trying to investigate election fraud.

I can't believe you're so poorly informed. Were you encouraged to go to college?
Make all the excuses you wish. You fully understand they are nothing more than excuses. Either way the argument is that Trump failed.
Are you really this stupid?

The president, by law, is not allowed to interfere in any investigation by the DOJ.
The Democrats in the House threatened to impeach him when he wanted to fire James Comey and Jeff Sessions for refusing to press charges against Hillary. As soon as he did, James Comey leaked the Steele Dossier to the press, and the acting AG created the Mueller Investigation.

You're just so used to Biden telling everyone to attack his political opponents that you think it's legal now.
Seems every day there's examples of Democrat policies being enforced that no Republican could ever get away with. No biggy. Intentions are more important than results. After all, Democrats aren't racist, homophobic, bigots.
Well, that's what the media seems to claim.
It seems like nothing they do is punished. Coming from the people that claim that the GOP is filled with terrorists and are a threat to democracy, (nobody is above the law they say) they sure are getting away with a lot of horrible activity these days.
If you control the media, you get your people into every part of the government and then you can do whatever you want.
They encouraged dishonest people to go to college and get a degree. And now those people are running our cities and our courts and letting the left do pretty much everything they want while never having to worry about being held accountable for it.

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We've seen Biden and Obama literally get away with everything. Bribery, extortion, espionage, obstruction of justice, jury tampering, murder, and now genocide.

Yet all they had to do was push the right buttons, and biased voters voted for them in droves. All you have to tell women is that the GOP wants to take away their abortion rights, and like fools they voted for them.
Yep. Women can still justify voting Democrat because they've been fooled into thinking that if they don't, they'll lose the right to kill the unborn.
Being stupid, pig-headed, and willing to shelve your principles to belong to the crowd seems to be what the Democrat Party was built on.
Keep them uneducated and misinformed. (That's why they appeal to children so much) If you're irrational and you vote with your emotions, you're going to make some pretty bone-headed choices.
There are people running governments in this country that have no business being in government. We used to think we were exclusive and special, but now our government's corruption puts 3rd world countries to shame. We are a international embarrassment.

Here's some of the criminal acts Democrats have been getting away with lately:

  • Obama murdered his personal chef and got away with it (he probably overheard Barry and Michael talking about burning Lahaina)
  • Biden used an alias to avoid detection of his illegal activities (Hillary used an illegal server)
  • Biden has been taking money from our enemies to sell us out (treason)
  • Biden has arrested his primary political opponents
  • Biden has been using the FBI and IRS to raid the homes of anyone who dares to question his policies (yet they say Trump was a dictator)
  • Obama made sure his people were in place on Maui where over 500-1000 people were killed in a suspicious fire that wiped out the city of Lahiana (mass-murder...genocide....indigenous natives murdered for their land)
  • Biden is bringing cocaine into the White House, put a cross-dressing luggage thief in charge of nuke secrets, let trannies show off their naked breasts in the White House, and is hosting pedophiles inside the White House
  • Biden has thrown the border wide-open and now more people have entered the country than the total population of 13 states since he took office
  • Biden refuses to help Americans in East Palestine OH and Lahaina HI while sending $130 billion to his money-launderer in Ukraine
  • The Democrats refuse to allow any new laws that prevent child-sex trafficking
  • Democrat DAs refuse to enforce the law and have not only allowed but encouraged crime in blue cities
  • This week the White House celebrated the Inflation Reduction Act and even admitted that it had nothing to do with reducing inflation
Yet nothing is being done to stop them. Democrats are still getting away with stealing elections and still breaking the law every chance they get. Nobody is being brought to justice while their opponents are being arrested for doing nothing.

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Thats the twelth level of crazy.
Are you really this stupid?

The president, by law, is not allowed to interfere in any investigation by the DOJ.
The Democrats in the House threatened to impeach him when he wanted to fire James Comey and Jeff Sessions for refusing to press charges against Hillary. As soon as he did, James Comey leaked the Steele Dossier to the press, and the acting AG created the Mueller Investigation.

You're just so used to Biden telling everyone to attack his political opponents that you think it's legal now. might as well throw in the towel for arguing that Republicans are so weak the Democrats easily run over them without even a token fight.
Thats the twelth level of crazy.'s the truth.

These people are doing this keeping in mind that normal folks can't possibly think anyone could be this evil.

But most of us weren't alive when China went communist and Hitler was tricking people into thinking he wasn't all that bad.

Never mind the fact that the US federal government has murdered entire populations to take their land before, or have you forgotten that? might as well throw in the towel for arguing that Republicans are so weak the Democrats easily run over them without even a token fight.
I guess you don't think it's possible that the two-party system is a charade....and that many of the Republicans are working with Democrats to make this all happen.
I guess you don't think it's possible that the two-party system is a charade....and that many of the Republicans are working with Democrats to make this all happen.

It's all a charade. That's been my argument for years.

It's all a charade. That's been my argument for years.

You need to shitcan your belief that Democrats are much different from Republicans.
Democrats are mostly communists and the Republicans are going along with the Democrats out of fear or greed.
They all have skeletons in their closet and are scared to death of being exposed.
Obama spied on everyone, and he knows all of their dirty little secrets.
And anyone who tries to hold him accountable either ends up dead or being destroyed.
You need to shitcan your belief that Democrats are much different from Republicans.

I've never argued any such thing.

Democrats are mostly communists and the Republicans are going along with the Democrats out of fear or greed.
They all have skeletons in their closet and are scared to death of being exposed.
Obama spied on everyone, and he knows all of their dirty little secrets.
And anyone who tries to hold him accountable either ends up dead or being destroyed.

So again, you might as well throw in the towel.
I've never argued any such thing.

So again, you might as well throw in the towel.
This Article Was Written and Sent To Me By A Maui Local Born and Raised There. He Currently Lives in Lahania and Knows Some of These Officials Personally. When I Asked To Include His Name, He Said: “I don’t want any clout. I send this out of love for Maui and its people. I hope something like this never happens again.” As You Read This, Please Consider Sharing! All Ad Revenue From This Tweet Will Be Donated DIRECTLY (Through Local Sources) To Maui Fire Victims! WE MUST SPREAD THIS INFORMATION FAR & WIDE TO PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN ANYWHERE! Each Like/Retweet Equals Money Going To Families Who Need It! HERE ARE HIS EXTREMELY POWERFUL WORDS: “First let me start off by saying Lahaina is a desert climate and has been since plantation owners rerouted the water source to other parts of the island. Lahaina used to be a lush landscape. The infrastructure has largely remained the same since its inception. This means a cluttered nest of wires and rotting buildings. We have fires every year due to fallen electric lines. This isn’t something new. In my opinion, this disaster could’ve been completely prevented had they spent the money to upgrade to in-ground electric lines. Many have asked over the years but were told there was no funds to do it. It’s a lot easier to secure funding after a disaster. At the very least, HECO (the electric company) could’ve cut the power a lot sooner. HECO CEO Shelee Kimora claimed it could’ve affected specialized medical equipment. This is crazy considering you can’t use medical equipment if it’s incinerated by a fire. Just another excuse to avoid accountability. The state of the art “all hazard” sirens never went off. Herman Andaya (Maui EMA director) who was in charge of making the decision to turn on the sirens said he didn’t regret it. The next day he resigned due to “health issues”. No cell service and no loudspeaker either. There was no warning of any sort. People were in their houses and completely unaware until it the fire was close. There was a fire earlier and the Maui Fire Department said it was “100% contained”. The police allowed incoming traffic into the town coming from Kaanapali but closed the road off on the other side due to a downed line that wasn’t even blocking the road. This caused a gridlock. Residents' water was turned off with no way to protect their houses. Firefighters ran out of water and were denied access by Kaleo Manuel (DLNR’s deputy director for water resource management) until it was too late. This unnecessarily put firefighters at even greater risk. I am especially embarrassed with leadership treating locals like criminals. They immediately enacted a roadblock (they could’ve just closed the fire zone) and implemented a military-enforced curfew 10pm - 6pm. There has also been a near-total media block in the fire zone. This is unconstitutional! Many residents believe they have been soft selling the body count and knew they were hundreds of bodies that they collected the first day. Most of which are likely to be children who stayed home, without any cell service or power. Rumors of them filling containers with bodies and stacking them up in non refrigerated buildings. I suspect they’re trying to keep numbers down until the news cycle is over. Despite not providing aid themselves, they have made it incredibly hard for residents to help by blocking the wharf and turning away boats with local aid, they blocked the roads, FEMA has been confiscating pallets of aid claiming it’s not fema approved items and they are not trained to distribute them. Maui’s Mayor Bissen has acted like a bully throughout this entire mess. Just recently he threw a fit and tried to close down the press conference after a reporter asked “how many children are missing?” The people need transparency and accountability and independent reporters who won’t be bullied!”


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