Democrats are starting to realize they're in deep shit.

Both parties and the entire US are in deep trouble because of Trump
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.
Are you embarrassed you're a fascist snowflake?
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Let me help you tree. Websters definition
  1. often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>
That is Trump and friends (and you)
So you're honestly fearful that Trump is going to send the secret police to arrest you for posting that?
He is suppressing comments by the press using social media. If I had a more than 10 people reading what I say he would use social media instead of the secret police. If he could use the secret police he would but our government still has enough safeguards in place. He is trying to diminish the judiciary as a way to increase his power.
He is a modern day fascist using every tool he can. he is trying to expand the tools he has.

Are you DAFT? You are a liberal so yes you are. It's a mental illness. It's a free country and we have free speech here. There is no suppression of The Free Press. He has one outlet, the bully pulpit like every other president before him. Where was your outrage when Obama repeatedly attacked Fox News openly?

You see kids, Liberals are the most dishonest and disreputable people on Earth. They lie, they conceal their intentions, they are racists and bigots, but all the evil they do, is behind doors in back rooms, and in private conversations with their private positions. And the Press has become their Propagandists, willingly and openly, not even pretending any more to have a balanced impartial view of things.

The overwhelmingly liberal MSM was duplicitous in this election and interfered with Democracy, and attempted to influence this election by openly campaigning for Hillary Clinton in their every article, and in their every broadcast. If you want evidence of election tampering, the only solid evidence of that, points right at THE LEFT.

They and their MSM cronies in The Press have lost all credibility. And rather than try to Win the American People and their trust back, Liberals and the MSM Double Down on Stupid, refuse to reform, and instead complain about how they are powerless to install their hand picked puppet Hillary Clinton, and rather than blame her, and blame the fact that The American People do not trust them, they blame TWITTER, and Donald Trump's 140 character statements for dashing their hopes of a Dark Liberal Utopia and American Flags burnt upon the bonfires of their vanity.

But that is a liberal for you. Delusional until the very end. Myopic, lacking introspection, with tired old ideas, old divisions, hatred and malice. You'd think they'd learn that if they truly tried to do what is best for America and their voters, they could find common ground with Conservatives.

But those kind of Democrats died with JFK. A few held on in to the Reagan years and governed with honor, but the last of the Mahicans, the last precious few Democrats that believed in and loved America, died with him. All that is left are subversives, globalists, and traitors.
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They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)
View attachment 110893
Both parties and the entire US are in deep trouble because of Trump
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

Your definition is commie propaganda. It's easily proved wrong.
Both parties and the entire US are in deep trouble because of Trump
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.

Read some economics and learn a thing or two:

They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)

? other news, Trump has no popular support out of the gate, on the contrary, he has popular rising. His hasty OE orders are getting overturned by courts, people are not buying his drain-the-swamp bullshit as he stacks his admin full of Goldman execs and repeals wall street regulations. He now also says that his wonderful healthcare plan that he was day-onening on the campaign trail will take another year to unveil.

Democrats are in the hole, but the way Trump is going they got nothing but blue skies to look forward to in this "target rich environment".
I'm looking forward to those blue skies. :)

Those who have less than me will also be benefiting from the Trump presidency.
Both parties and the entire US are in deep trouble because of Trump
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.

Read some economics and learn a thing or two:

Might get closer to the definition reading a few books on political ideologies.
That fascism is a right wing ideology is without question.
Of course many on these boards make their own definitions.
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.

Read some economics and learn a thing or two:

Might get closer to the definition reading a few books on political ideologies.
That fascism is a right wing ideology is without question.
Of course many on these boards make their own definitions.

Bullshit. It's been questioned ever since WW II. Before that the left was in love with fascism, so there was nothing to debate.
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....
Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.

Read some economics and learn a thing or two:

Might get closer to the definition reading a few books on political ideologies.
That fascism is a right wing ideology is without question.
Of course many on these boards make their own definitions.

It is not without question. That is a fraudulent statement. A thing liberals specialize in. Fraud & Lies. Same as settled science.
Let me ask you morons this. If anything is settled, if "global so called warming" is settled, why is it a theory, and a weakly supported one at that?

Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy. Note how Liberals rail against, persecute, insult, ridicule, and even assault anyone that is different than they are, anyone that disagrees with them? They are the Fascists, and Liberalism is Fascism whitewashed over rotting flesh.

No theory is "settled"! It is up for debate, discussion & criticism. We used to have a thing called critical thinking. Did that "water" get tossed out with the baby and replaced with Liberal Superstitionism?

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is without question.
The Law of Gravity is without question
The Law of Inertia is without question.

And the fact that liberals lie is without question.

Everything else is up for debate and discussion.
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Do you know the definition of Fascism?
  1. Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Who does that sound like?

The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.

Read some economics and learn a thing or two:

Might get closer to the definition reading a few books on political ideologies.
That fascism is a right wing ideology is without question.
Of course many on these boards make their own definitions.

It is not without question. That is a fraudulent statement. A thing liberals specialize in. Fraud & Lies. Same as settled science.
Let me ask you morons this. If anything is settled, why is it a theory, and a weakly supported one at that?

Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy. Note how Liberals rail against, persecute, insult, ridicule, and even assault anyone that is different than they are, anyone that disagrees with them? They are the Fascists, and Liberalism is Fascism whitewashed over rotting flesh.

Sorry...but I just have to laugh at your chart

It is more political/historical revisionism from conservatives

On par with claiming our founding fathers were conservative. Socialism and Fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Your chart is a Libertarians view of the world....not the political spectrum
The person that wrote that definition is an Idiot. See my signature. Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy.
Please, go to an encyclopedia or dictionary not right wing propaganda.

Read some economics and learn a thing or two:

Might get closer to the definition reading a few books on political ideologies.
That fascism is a right wing ideology is without question.
Of course many on these boards make their own definitions.

It is not without question. That is a fraudulent statement. A thing liberals specialize in. Fraud & Lies. Same as settled science.
Let me ask you morons this. If anything is settled, why is it a theory, and a weakly supported one at that?

Fascism is a Leftist Philosophy. Note how Liberals rail against, persecute, insult, ridicule, and even assault anyone that is different than they are, anyone that disagrees with them? They are the Fascists, and Liberalism is Fascism whitewashed over rotting flesh.

Sorry...but I just have to laugh at your chart

It is more political/historical revisionism from conservatives

On par with claiming our founding fathers were conservative. Socialism and Fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Your chart is a Libertarians view of the world....not the political spectrum

The chart is accurate and is based on The Freedom Index. You just refuse to come to grips with what you are and what your party represents, and that is Political Terrorism, and Social Fascism.


To the left is more government control and intrusion in to our lives, and to the right is less government control and intrusion in our lives.

You and you party have not changed for 200 years. You are slave masters, tyrants, and oppressors. And you are still telling Good Americans who Love Their Country and Their Freedoms to go sit in the back of the bus, like you always have, and always will.

You are the enemy of freedom, and the enemy of personal liberty, and this is why you burn our flag and shit on our Constitution daily.

You should repent of your wickedness and fall on your knees and beg God for forgiveness for your sins against your fellow man. But you will not, and cannot, because you have no god but yourself, and no religion but your wicked liberal agenda.
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Maybe young people read these posts and start to believe fascism is not right- wing, in fact, super right wing. Of course when they go to college they will discover their error.
Maybe young people read these posts and start to believe fascism is not right- wing, in fact, super right wing. Of course when they go to college they will discover their error.
Fascism is the polar opposite of "super right wing" dumb ass. Good grief - I can't tell if you progressives are just lying or if you truly are this stupid. Do you really not understand the political scale or are you just trolling?
Trump has a golden opportunity here. If he mucks this up - he hands it back to the Dumbocrats on a silver platter. If he gets it right (executes the will of the American people, provides full transparency, acts with integrity, obeys the constitution, addresses the $20 trillion debt, etc.) he will turn this momentum into an avalanche like Reagan did. This is one of the most critical administrations in U.S. history.

True, but the Soros army (democrats) are basically a terrorist organization at this point. There is no limit to the levels they will stoop to in an effort to defeat Trump.

The Soros army faces the biggest crises since the Civil War. If Trump succeeds in making America great again, the democrats are done, probably forever. There is no dirty trick or false flag that the Soros army will not engage in. No lie or bit of slander that is too much.
Maybe young people read these posts and start to believe fascism is not right- wing, in fact, super right wing. Of course when they go to college they will discover their error.

Not if they actually learn anything.

A Harvard Ethnic Studies major will believe it, but then they believe an ethnic studies degree will get them a job...
Trump has a golden opportunity here. If he mucks this up - he hands it back to the Dumbocrats on a silver platter. If he gets it right (executes the will of the American people, provides full transparency, acts with integrity, obeys the constitution, addresses the $20 trillion debt, etc.) he will turn this momentum into an avalanche like Reagan did. This is one of the most critical administrations in U.S. history.

True, but the Soros army (democrats) are basically a terrorist organization at this point. There is no limit to the levels they will stoop to in an effort to defeat Trump.

The Soros army faces the biggest crises since the Civil War. If Trump succeeds in making America great again, the democrats are done, probably forever. There is no dirty trick or false flag that the Soros army will not engage in. No lie or bit of slander that is too much.
You speak the truth. However, I think history has shown that those who engage in that type of behavior are ultimately exposed in the end. The truth will come out. The truth always comes out.

Look how many progressive have filed false police reports for "hate crimes" that never occurred. In each case, their stories fell apart and they were the one's that were ultimately charged with a crime.

Soros and his people are going to do everything in their power to undermine Trump. That's why he has to go above and beyond during this presidency. He must be as honest and transparent as any president ever. He must return power back to the people and shrink the federal government. He must address the national debt.
Deep shit is Republicans sweating out President Trump's antics. If impeachment talk is already being mentioned, imagine after two months many Republicans will realize Trump might be the end of the Republican party. When the first conservative party died the period after was called "Era of good feelings."
Maybe this time it will be called "Make America like it used to be before the Great- Again thing."
Deep shit is Republicans sweating out President Trump's antics. If impeachment talk is already being mentioned, imagine after two months many Republicans will realize Trump might be the end of the Republican party. When the first conservative party died the period after was called "Era of good feelings."
Maybe this time it will be called "Make America like it used to be before the Great- Again thing."
Your bravado about the fall of the Republican Party when it controls the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states while your Dumbocrat Party is in complete and total turmoil is astounding to say the least. But hey....if it helps you sleep better at night....keep trying to tell yourself that the Republican Party is about to disappear.

(Believe me - I wish it would more than you do. Would love to kick out all of the RINO's an see true conservatives join the Constitution Party)

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