Democrats are starting to realize they're in deep shit.

They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)

They knew this was the case back in the 1950s/1960s, so their response was to begin importing huge numbers of poor people/illegals. Americans had stopped voting for them, but the scumbag democraps refused to change their big-government policies which americans did not want, so rather than improve their policies they simply changed their voters.

That's why the 1965 Immigration Act was passed, so the democraps could form a lifeline to a newly created bloc of voters beholden to them. It violated the constitution, but the end justified the means - import a huge new group of voters, ensure other groups stay poor and also dependent upon them (inner city blacks) and ride these groups who have lots of babies to demographic victory.

I don't know who is more despicable, the democraptic shit for doing this - or the republicans for letting it happen.
It's on Trump & Co.

If they fuck this up, all bets (and predictions) are off.

The Dems are pretty much irrelevant in this equation.

The dems are pretty much irrelevant in all equations.
They are now the party of shut the F up and do as we say.
back of that bus gets any more crowded and the front wheels wont even be touching the road.
Okay, but my actual point is that this won't last long if Trump over-interprets his "mandate" and screws it up.

Just like the Dems did.

And no one can say they know what's going to happen.
President Trump may appear to be a 'loose cannon' to some/many but he didn't become a billionaire by making stupid decisions.
He has surrounded himself with extremely accomplished people and he did so to get the best possible advice/help from them.
He has told each of them to be 100% blunt and honest no matter what.
Remember. Everyone of the people don't NEED the money. Or anything else from President Trump. Any of them can tell him to go fuck himself at any time. They know this. And President Trump knows this.
They are there for one reason only: To serve their country. Period!
That's the sign of a truly smart leader.
Who the fuck did BONOBO have as his closest adviser? His 'fisting buddy' Valerie Jarrett for Christ's sake!
I'm not expecting anything. Just pointing out a fact.

Do you believe your party had no problems and should continue the way it has been?

I don't have a party. I'm registered as no party preference. I do think the Dems need to change strategy. Playing by the rules is not working. Breaking them keeps rewarding Republicans. Time for Democrats to start taking pages from their playbook.
Democrats started to lose when they took for granted the white worker vote

It's true, but who would've thought them white workers so fn ignorant?

2/3s of Trumpsters thought that employment got worse under Obama and most believed that stock market was down - If I believed these ridiculous falsehoods I'd be desperate enough to vote for pussy grabbers too.
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They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)

And you base this on what exactly? Trumps first three weeks on the job have been anything far from successful.
I'm not expecting anything. Just pointing out a fact.

Do you believe your party had no problems and should continue the way it has been?

I don't have a party. I'm registered as no party preference. I do think the Dems need to change strategy. Playing by the rules is not working. Breaking them keeps rewarding Republicans. Time for Democrats to start taking pages from their playbook.

Dems need to realize there are no political consequences for bad behavior
The country is divided closely enough that just LISTENING to the following two honest liberals might be all they need to do:

They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)
Underestimating huh? Like the 52% of voters who voted for Hillary?
And now you'll explain how the 52%, mostly in Cal. and NYC helped Hillary become President right?
Maybe if you slap your face a few times really hard you'll wake up and find out Trump being elected was just a dream.
Go ahead and try it asshole!
Oh you mean the two states with the biggest population centers? Yeah that's how our country's population is distributed dumbass.
They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)
View attachment 110893
Both parties and the entire US are in deep trouble because of Trump
Yep....Trump is Americas only hope from you fascists.....

You're a bit of a clueless bitch, aren't you?
You can stop bending over now, I'm done....
Not just dems. Everyone is realizing they are in deep shit with squirrel top at the helm.


I haven't seen any evidence that EVERYONE is realizing any such thing.
Underestimating huh? Like the 52% of voters who voted for Hillary?

Another lie is that all you do show up to insert a lie?

If I were trump I would let the ban on his EO stand and let the dimshitscum import all the terrorist they wanted to. Then when anything happened and they all spouted it was on Trumps watch, He could PROVE with video, audio, and by all means to everyone in the country that it was the fault of the dimshits and their block of his order. The fact is if he cant control the border, since the Constitution, and FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW gives ONLY HIM the power to regulate Immigration. Since the court and the dimshitscum have usurped the power, THEY are SOLELY responsible for ANY terrorist act committed in this country by anyone who enters ESPECIALLY those with current visas who have returned to the listed countries, and been there long enough to be trained for a terrorist attack. It is time to make them, their press shit, Hollywood, and all of the other USA hating treasonous scum complicit in EVERY act that results in any felony act. The law allows for that, and it is time theDOJ brought charges every time, made arrests, and incarcerated the PERPS (haha) for the maximum sentence in GITMO away from decent Americans.
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They've dug themselves a hole. lol

The dems have underestimated the # of voters who don't agree with them. :)

Well I don't know about your thread here--LOL. Comrade Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any President in decades, meaning his support is collapsing, not growing.
Donald Trump Approval Rating: After Muslim Ban, He Is The Most Unpopular President Ever, Gallup Poll Finds


For the first time in this nations history, the President elect had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower. With this recent immigration ban, he hasn't won any new friends he just continually stirs the pot. Including in the Republican House and Senate.

Trump ran on a ban on muslims and won ya dipshit.
Democrats started to lose when they took for granted the white worker vote

It's true, but who would've thought them white workers so fn ignorant?

2/3s of Trumpsters thought that employment got worse under Obama and most believed that stock market was down - If I believed these ridiculous falsehoods I'd be desperate enough to vote for pussy grabbers too.

Keep telling white working class how stupid they are..... That will definitely bring them back.
The Democrats when they realized all of their predictions about Trump were NOT accurate....


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