Democrats are taking an unprecedented gamble this month that could cost them in November: voting to legalize cannabis at the federal level

Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can mean more people can afford healthcare. That can include mental health and rehab care. Individual Liberty, what a concept, right, Right Wingers.
"At will employment" means legalizing illegal aliens? No thank you. We had a Bracero program that seemed to work pretty well at one time but leftists and Ceasar Chavez killed that off.
We have no immigration clause and should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass to help depress wages. We should be making money not losing money off of foreign nationals in the US.
good news for Bill Maher!

Are you aware that MJ is legal already in several states? Voted in some as medical and in others as recreational too; legal within the State using the 10th Amendment by a vote of the people, has already become a fait accompli.

Apparently the pressure to continue to have MJ possession (not speaking to cultivation, transportation or illegal sales) as a Medical or Recreational Drug has upset the Adult Beverage Industry & Big Pharma to seek to enforce Federal Law in States which already have passed MJ's legality.

It seems that the D's see the writing on the wall, and the right wing sees another wedge issue to add to guns, god, gays and taxes.
Right wingers only know how to lose money with Commerce Clause and a central bank.

Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall concerning their hypocrisy regarding Capitalism and Individual Liberty.
as far back as President Jimmy Carter wanted to legalize marijuana. then again, he did pall around with Bob Dylan and The Allman Brothers
How is this a gamble? It makes perfect sense. I would also argue that the federal ban on marijuana is unconstitutional anyway, as is the ban on pretty much all drugs.
OP is a dangerous asshole in advocating the decriminalization of psilocybin. There are also many other compounds found in this genus, and since there are some COVID-19 connections, the jury is still out, or at least should be, because stupid young people compromised by knowledge and hormones will ingest the entire mushroom to get one potentially beneficial compound. duh
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.
How is this a gamble? It makes perfect sense. I would also argue that the federal ban on marijuana is unconstitutional anyway, as is the ban on pretty much all drugs.

Which amendment does the ban of narcotics infringe upon?
(I gotta hear this)
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
You must have really, really, really wanted to go to public school with your friends, instead of being stuck at home.
How is this a gamble? It makes perfect sense. I would also argue that the federal ban on marijuana is unconstitutional anyway, as is the ban on pretty much all drugs.

Which amendment does the ban of narcotics infringe upon?
(I gotta hear this)

Liberals never get this, but the Constitution doesn't work that way. See the Ninth Amendment for clarification.
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
You must have really, really, really wanted to go to public school with your friends, instead of being stuck at home.

Do all who attended public schools think a stoned society is a productive ambitious society?
Do they like the idea of Mexican cartels owning grow houses next door to them?
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
You must have really, really, really wanted to go to public school with your friends, instead of being stuck at home.

Do all who attended public schools think a stoned society is a productive ambitious society?

No. But I don't think government should be in charge of making society productive and ambitious.

Do they like the idea of Mexican cartels owning grow houses next door to them?

Nor am I afraid of Mexicans.

Is that all ya got?
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
You must have really, really, really wanted to go to public school with your friends, instead of being stuck at home.

Do all who attended public schools think a stoned society is a productive ambitious society?

No. But I don't think government should be in charge of making society productive and ambitious.

Do they like the idea of Mexican cartels owning grow houses next door to them?

Nor am I afraid of Mexicans.

Is that all ya got?

I suspect that that means you have no understanding of the issue.

1. Do you understand that the efforts of the Mexican government are at odds with those of the United States?

Mexico As Our Enemy ..Colonel Douglas Macgregor, ret.
Mexico sided with Germany against us in WWI
Mexico was the platform for the KGB all throughout the Cold War
For the last 40-50 years, anyone heading North through Mexico, saying that they were going to the United States, was given free transport on Mexican public transportation.

2. Do you understand that the millions of illegal aliens enticed and accepted by the Democrat Party are essentially a fifth column in America?
“The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy
15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives

3. They 'contribute' to a foreign country, one that has long been an enemy of the Untied States.

And, the money taken from working Americans is sent to Mexico by these Mexican citizens....more money than the

"Remittances totaled more than oil income

Money sent from abroad came to $24.8 billion last year, up 4.75%

Mexico News Daily | Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Remittances sent home by Mexicans working outside the country surpassed [Mexican] petroleum revenues in 2015 for the first time.

There was a 4.75% increase in money sent from abroad, most of which comes from the U.S., to total US $24.8 billion last year, up from $23.6 billion in 2014, said the Bank of México.

The bank said it was the first time remittances had totaled more than petroleum revenues since it began tracking them in 1995.

Oil revenues last year totaled $23.4 billion."
Remittances totaled more than Mexico's oil income
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
You must have really, really, really wanted to go to public school with your friends, instead of being stuck at home.

Do all who attended public schools think a stoned society is a productive ambitious society?

No. But I don't think government should be in charge of making society productive and ambitious.

Do they like the idea of Mexican cartels owning grow houses next door to them?

Nor am I afraid of Mexicans.

Is that all ya got?

“No. But I don't think government should be in charge of making society productive and ambitious.”
That shit kind of went out the window circa 1930s when father government forced me to invest in the citizenry. If Father Government says I have to own an equity share in low class filth they better force low class filth to make better decisions.

“Nor am I afraid of Mexicans.”
Sidestepping huh?
Does that mean you’d like living nextdoor to weed harvesting cartels?
Good news for Democrats. That's a huge vote winner. They are a lot of apathetic cannabis smokers who say "Both parties are the same" and stay home.

Problem is, they still might be too apathetic to vote. Cannabis does that. But nobody is going to move away from Democrats over the issue. All the fascist drug war types are already Trump supporters.

I don't smoke nor do I stay home but I most certainly might be a little more sympathetic to their positions if they would get this passed.

Why yes, because eveybody knows that stoned children are more productive and ambitious and an impaired citizenry can thrive on our robust welfare system. Like abortions, weed is so cool.

The sarcasm is lost on his sort. That is the damage done by government schooling.
You must have really, really, really wanted to go to public school with your friends, instead of being stuck at home.

Do all who attended public schools think a stoned society is a productive ambitious society?

No. But I don't think government should be in charge of making society productive and ambitious.

Do they like the idea of Mexican cartels owning grow houses next door to them?

Nor am I afraid of Mexicans.

Is that all ya got?

“No. But I don't think government should be in charge of making society productive and ambitious.”
That shit kind of went out the window circa 1930s when father government forced me to invest in the citizenry. If Father Government says I have to own an equity share in low class filth they better force low class filth to make better decisions.

“Nor am I afraid of Mexicans.”
Sidestepping huh?
Does that mean you’d like living nextdoor to weed harvesting cartels?

Why? Pot isn't hard to grow. The only reason that thousands don't is because it's illegal.

Legalize it and no one from Mexico would have any incentive to come here and grow it.

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