Democrats Assault on Judge Gorsuch is a Bust


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This guy is squeaky clean...


How far on a limb will they go to block confirmation?
March 22, 2017

Joseph Klein

Democrats are flailing around in a desperate effort to block Judge Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. They are still sore over what the New York Times editorial board claimed was the “Senate Republicans’ outrageous and unprecedented blockade of Merrick Garland” last year. Vengefully seeking to delegitimize Judge Gorsuch’s nomination, the Senate Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are using much of their time trying to trip up Judge Gorsuch with “gotchas,” as well as caricaturing the man and his record. In the process, the Democrats appear petty and partisan, while Judge Gorsuch is acquitting himself with eloquence, dignity and wit. Over and over again, Judge Gorsuch stressed his fealty to the law, including to the Constitution.

“A judge is there to make sure that every person, poor or rich, mighty or meek, gets equal protection of the law,” Judge Gorsuch said. “I have one client,” he added. “It’s the law.”

Democrats evidently do not see Judge Gorsuch’s judicial temperament as a virtue. They do not like the outcomes of some of the decisions he was involved with as a federal appellate court judge, because they do not fit the progressives' social justice political agenda. Thus, they seek to characterize his views on major issues as way out of the so-called “mainstream” and against the “little guy.” They also question Judge Gorsuch's independence from the president who nominated him.


Some Democrats have already indicated their consideration of a filibuster when it comes time to bring Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the Senate floor. Will there be 8 Democrats willing to defy their caucus and vote to close down such an obstructionist filibuster, allowing an up-or-down vote on the merits? Will the Democrats decide in the end to let Judge Gorsuch through and wait for the next nomination to fight all the way with a filibuster? If not, Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell will have no choice but to invoke the “nuclear” option and have Judge Gorsuch’s nomination for the Supreme Court proceed with a majority vote.

Democrats' Assault On Judge Gorsuch Is A Bust

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