Democrats Attemp to Run Obama Against Trump


May 23, 2014
Trump campaign, but not Trump, says Obama was born in the US -

After polls came out that showed President Obama with a 50% + approval rating, and Obama hit the trail for frail Hillary, now liberal news lackey's are attempting to square Obama off with Trump. Strategy: give POTUS an issue to talk about out on campaign trail against Trump. But this is a fail as an issue. Nobody cares about birthed issue or Trumps taxes. It's the economy stupid. It's right track vs. wrong track polling for direction Ametica is going. People want to see a great America and feel we have been going to hell the last 20 years or so.
I do enjoy how Trump makes Obama look like a joke......
Democrats are missing the issue of lost jobs because of trade policies. Why can't they understand that there is a reason Ohio went from 27 electoral votes in the 1980's down to what...18 I think now? Job loss! People have packed up and left ghost towns and ghost sections of cities like Detroit, Michigan. Total betrayal of people whose families were Democrats since FDR.
Trump campaign, but not Trump, says Obama was born in the US -

After polls came out that showed President Obama with a 50% + approval rating, and Obama hit the trail for frail Hillary, now liberal news lackey's are attempting to square Obama off with Trump. Strategy: give POTUS an issue to talk about out on campaign trail against Trump. But this is a fail as an issue. Nobody cares about birthed issue or Trumps taxes. It's the economy stupid. It's right track vs. wrong track polling for direction Ametica is going. People want to see a great America and feel we have been going to hell the last 20 years or so.

Trump needs to answer for his birther position

It reflects a belief in conspiracy theories and an inability to distinguish fact from fantasy
Trump campaign, but not Trump, says Obama was born in the US -

After polls came out that showed President Obama with a 50% + approval rating, and Obama hit the trail for frail Hillary, now liberal news lackey's are attempting to square Obama off with Trump. Strategy: give POTUS an issue to talk about out on campaign trail against Trump. But this is a fail as an issue. Nobody cares about birthed issue or Trumps taxes. It's the economy stupid. It's right track vs. wrong track polling for direction Ametica is going. People want to see a great America and feel we have been going to hell the last 20 years or so.

Trump needs to answer for his birther position

It reflects a belief in conspiracy theories and an inability to distinguish fact from fantasy
Trump campaign, but not Trump, says Obama was born in the US -

After polls came out that showed President Obama with a 50% + approval rating, and Obama hit the trail for frail Hillary, now liberal news lackey's are attempting to square Obama off with Trump. Strategy: give POTUS an issue to talk about out on campaign trail against Trump. But this is a fail as an issue. Nobody cares about birthed issue or Trumps taxes. It's the economy stupid. It's right track vs. wrong track polling for direction Ametica is going. People want to see a great America and feel we have been going to hell the last 20 years or so.

is that the rightwingnut talking point for the day?

poor baby....keep on whining.
Trump campaign, but not Trump, says Obama was born in the US -

After polls came out that showed President Obama with a 50% + approval rating, and Obama hit the trail for frail Hillary, now liberal news lackey's are attempting to square Obama off with Trump. Strategy: give POTUS an issue to talk about out on campaign trail against Trump. But this is a fail as an issue. Nobody cares about birthed issue or Trumps taxes. It's the economy stupid. It's right track vs. wrong track polling for direction Ametica is going. People want to see a great America and feel we have been going to hell the last 20 years or so.

That's right bitches.

Obama's going to kick that dumb fake wig motherfucker down the block.

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