Democrats big mistake!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.


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Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.
as correct as you are, this country does not need 2 stark raving mad political parties.

if truth can not prevail, even over the tsunami of bullshuit that is the trump machine, then maybe a civil war, or at least a "cultural revolution" is necessary.
as correct as you are, this country does not need 2 stark raving mad political parties.

if truth can not prevail, even over the tsunami of bullshuit that is the trump machine, then maybe a civil war, or at least a "cultural revolution" is necessary.
If it comes down to Biden-Trump, American politics has ended.

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.
200 plus Bank records, 20 LLCs, 6 different bank accounts, $50 million plus received from hostile foreign nations is EVIDENCE, AstroTurf. Wake the f- up.
Trump moves upside the UAW while Bidenochio's CIA handlers instruct him to do more Ukrainian panhandling.

'The 2012 presidential election signaled the onset of sundown in America, and not merely because an avowed big-spending statist won the race. Rather, it's because the Republican candidate proved in words and lifelong deeds that there is no conservative party left in America -- at least not one that is willing or able to defend sound money, free markets, and fiscal rectitude. So the drift into the crony capitalist end game will now accelerate, suffocating what remains of free market prosperity and honest political democracy.
And that is why all is lost. The bailout "saved" perhaps 10,000 jobs in Ohio, a figure that represents two-tenths of 1 percent of the 5 million votes cast there. So Romney's de facto flip-flop on the auto bailout was both a profile in cowardice and proof that the Republican political apparatus believes the party's core free market principle is an electoral loser.'
(Stockman, The Great Deformation, pp. 551-2 Sundown in America: The End of Free Markets and Democracy)
200 plus Bank records, 20 LLCs, 6 different bank accounts, $50 million plus received from hostile foreign nations is EVIDENCE, AstroTurf. Wake the f- up.
Any intelligent Bidenochio impeachment investigation must go back to at least 2012, when The Elf, Anthony Fauci, mouthed off to the US Senate about Dual Use, on 26 Ap.

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.
What there was is that 95% of the media will not investigate Progressive Socialists. They are part of the godless cult. So, they do not report on it. It's like Progs are Eastern Europe/Soviet Union Iron Curtain and anyone else on the other side is Radio Free Europe. Difficult to convince and many of the citizens even vote them in again in Democracy. Those nations had elections also. They voted the same people in also.
Saying, there is no evidence over and over doesn't make it true.

Georgia election data indicates that more than 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Dec. 30 during a state Senate hearing.

Lynda McLaughlin from the Data Integrity Group, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.

And why is this in current events?

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.
Plenty of evidence out there Asssstro. But karma goes around to your ilk and Trump will be pressident again.
as correct as you are, this country does not need 2 stark raving mad political parties.

if truth can not prevail, even over the tsunami of bullshuit that is the trump machine, then maybe a civil war, or at least a "cultural revolution" is necessary.
rumpart adds to the kookbot theory.....
neither is a truckload of classified material, it seems.
Truckload? You mean carload in a garage don't you rumpart?
And one person had every right to the documents, Joey Capone did not....forget that??
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as correct as you are, this country does not need 2 stark raving mad political parties.

if truth can not prevail, even over the tsunami of bullshuit that is the trump machine, then maybe a civil war, or at least a "cultural revolution" is necessary.
If the election is simply about Trump's grievances ... the dems win, and take congress ... and hopefully "change" the sup ct.

If the election is about Biden's four years ... we're all in deep shit.

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.
We’ve known that Thumpers live in an alternate reality with alternate facts for a long time

Democrats have a major failing that they don't seem to realize. And that is that "evidence" in maga world does not matter. For them, it's a non-starter. For example, Trump claims that he won the 2020 presidential election, and has never produced a shred of evidence that it was stolen from him. But to his supporters "no evidence" does not matter. All that matters is what Trump says, which is drumbeat over and over by far right wing media and is gospel to the ignorant.

Democrats present an air of supreme confidence when they speak of the "no evidence" that Trump and his minions espouse. However, they fail to recognize that it doesn't matter. And until they get down into the gutter with Trump and toss around a few lies of their own, they can't win. Trump knows how to take advantage of the less well educated and less sophisticated Americans. Until Democrats figure this out, they can't beat him.
Somewhere in there I sort of agree with you. On Jan 21, 2021 Trump voluntarily walked out of the White House and handed Biden the keys to the front door. And Democrats have been trying to prove for about 3 years now that they won the 2020 election at the very same time Biden has been president for 2 1/2 years. It makes no difference what Trump says and there is no reason for Democrats to spend every waking moment of every day trying to prove they won. I have never understood this. It's stupid. Ignore Trump and realize your guy has been president since Jan 2021.
If the election is simply about Trump's grievances ... the dems win, and take congress ... and hopefully "change" the sup ct.

If the election is about Biden's four years ... we're all in deep shit.

If Trump is the nominee it will be about his grievances. He's a narcissist. He can't help himself.
If Trump is the nominee it will be about his grievances. He's a narcissist. He can't help himself.
yeah, but honestly Biden isn't doing too good. I think he can survive inflation in sort of a similar way Obama became the first to be reelected with 8% unemployment by running a resolutely negative campaign against Romney. (And both Bushes did the same, so it's not like some "rule" was broken)

But the border is just not a good visual. Imo, Biden ran essentially on being a competent adult for president. I read or heard on tv (accidentally since I don't do tv news unless its local) that he was finally going to issue work visas for Venezuelans, but just processing amnesty applications and letting applicants stay here is .... well, I can't believe all democrats like this "policy."

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