Democrats come out in support of female genital mutilation FGM


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
After letting the bill sit and almost expire, 72 Democrats decided on the last day of the legislative session to vote in favor of scrapping the bill, meaning female genital mutilation will continue to be permitted in the Pine Tree State.
Democrats come out in support of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The ones with a brain left, will step away from being one of these clipped losers. But we know many treat being a DEMOTEEFA like their die hard football team. Sadly their intelligence doesn't go much further than being football trailer parks. lol

And for the mentally impaired who fail to follow the sources .........


Political Theater: Maine House Passes Toothless Female Genital Mutilation Ban – Maine First Media
ICE Raises Awareness at Airports About FGM...

ICE Raises Awareness at Airports About Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

August 1, 2018 | — In an effort to raise awareness about the brutal practice of female genital mutilation (or cutting) in some foreign countries and by certain communities in the United States, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division’s Homeland Security Investigations has launched Operation Limelight at multiple airports around the country.
ICE’s focus is at airports where there often are larger numbers of people traveling who belong to communities where female genital mutilation (FGM) is prevalent, this includes many Muslim communities and a few Christian sects in Africa. Some of the countries where FGM is practiced include Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Sudan, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Mali and Indonesia. There have been a few reported cases of FGM, also referred to as female circumcision or cutting, in the United States. FGM has no health benefits and can cause “lifelong consequences including chronic infection, severe complications during childbirth, mental health and even death,” said ICE in a press release.
ICE-HIS is running Operation Limelight at JFK International, Newark International, Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International, Washington’s Dulles International Airport, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and the Los Angeles International Airport. “Our aim here is three-fold regarding this brutal practice,” said Brett Dreyer, assistant special in charge at HSI Newark. “Enforcement is a key piece here, but so is outreach and prevention. This is why we have partnered with other government agencies, NGOs and, most importantly, survivors and advocates from the community to share knowledge and resources so we may collectively end this practice.” “As part of Operation Limelight USA, special agents, who have completed FGM-related training, speak to passengers flying to or from high-risk countries, offering informational brochures and identifying potential victims and violators of FGM,” said ICE. “These discussions both educate passengers on the consequences of involvement in FGM and provide passengers with a means by which to refer cases or receive victim assistance,” said ICE.

Federal law “prohibits individuals from conducting, assisting, attempting or conspiring to conduct FGM in the United States or facilitating the international travel to perform FGM abroad on female children, under age 18,” stated ICE. “Additionally, 26 states, including New Jersey, have specifically outlawed FGM, and for the remaining 24 states, FGM would fall under existing child abuse statutes.” In 2016, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimated that around 200 million women living today have undergone FGM. In addition, an estimated 513,00 girls and women are at risk of FGM in the United States, according to the CDC. According to ICE, members of the public who have information about individuals suspected of engaging in human rights abuses, to include FGM, are urged to call the HSI tip line at – 1-866-DHS-2423 (1-866-347-2423).

ICE Raises Awareness at Airports About Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

See also:

Vagina rejuvenating therapies 'pose serious risk'
31 July 2018 - Women are being warned against risky cosmetic "rejuvenating" procedures to reshape and tighten the vagina.

Experts say the "therapies", offered by some private clinics in the UK and the US, pose a serious risk of burns, scarring and recurring pain. Typically during these procedures, a probe is inserted into the vagina to heat or laser the vaginal tissue. Although it is non-surgical and can be done in a lunch hour, it is not necessarily safe, say officials. Laser and energy-based devices have been approved for use in destroying pre-cancerous cells in cervical or vaginal tissue, as well as genital warts, but they have not undergone testing for rejuvenation therapies.

Serious harm

US regulator the FDA says it will take action if deceptive marketing of the "dangerous procedure with no proven benefit" continues. It says a growing number of manufacturers have been claiming the procedure can treat conditions and symptoms related to menopause, urinary incontinence or sexual function. "These products have serious risks and don't have adequate evidence to support their use for these purposes. We are deeply concerned women are being harmed," says the FDA warning.


Paul Banwell, consultant plastic surgeon and member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, shared the FDA's concerns: "There has been an exponential rise in the interest in women's health and sexual well-being and whilst this should be encouraged, it is vital that any educational and treatment initiatives are provided in a sensitive manner free of any misleading or marketing hyperbole."

Dr Vanessa Mackay, from the UK's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), said: "There is no evidence to suggest that non-surgical 'vaginal rejuvenation' devices are effective in improving vaginal muscle tone or reshaping vaginal tissue. If women are concerned about the appearance or feel of their vagina, they should speak to a healthcare professional. It is important to remember, however, that every woman's vagina is different. Labia are as individual as women themselves and vary in appearance and colour. "To strengthen the muscles around the vagina, women are encouraged to try pelvic floor exercises which can help to improve muscle tone and sensitivity during sex."

How to do pelvic floor exercises:

  • Sit or stand comfortably with knees slightly apart and then draw up the pelvic floor muscles as if trying to avoid passing urine
  • It is important not to tighten the stomach, buttock or thigh muscles during the exercises
  • Do 10 slow contractions, holding them for about 10 seconds each
  • The length of time can be increased gradually and the slow contractions can then be followed by a set of quick contractions
  • The whole process should be carried out three or four times a day
Tips for a strong pelvic floor

Vaginal dryness is a common but treatable problem that many women experience at some point in their lives. It can be caused by a number of things including the menopause, breastfeeding, childbirth, not being aroused before sex and some types of contraception. Women are encouraged to try self-help options before seeing a healthcare professional, including vaginal moisturisers and lubricants. If these aren't effective, a doctor may prescribe vaginal oestrogen, says the RCOG.

Vagina rejuvenating therapies 'risky'

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US, UK Step Up Cooperation Against FGM...

US, UK Step Up Cooperation Against Female Genital Mutilation

September 06, 2018 — Authorities in the U.S. and Britain are stepping up cooperation to tackle female genital mutilation, staging joint operations at airports in London, New York and elsewhere to raise awareness of an issue that affects millions of girls and women worldwide.
Police and border security agencies on both sides of the Atlantic have signed a new agreement to share intelligence about when and where victims may be taken for the procedure, known as FGM, and help identify perpetrators.


A badge reads "The power of labor against FGM" is seen on a volunteer during a conference on International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Cairo, Egypt​

In the past week, officials also targeted travel hubs including Heathrow, JKF airport and Eurostar stations, approaching people traveling from countries where the practice is common and encouraging them to report any concerns.

The mutilation of girls’ external genitals for non-medical reasons is practiced across Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It also affects immigrant communities in Europe and the U.S.

US, UK Step Up Cooperation Against Female Genital Mutilation
Disgusting. But... democrats are the party of TRASH. They will WHORE themselves to whatever form of PERVERT and/or social MONGREL if they think they'll get their vote.
After letting the bill sit and almost expire, 72 Democrats decided on the last day of the legislative session to vote in favor of scrapping the bill, meaning female genital mutilation will continue to be permitted in the Pine Tree State.
Democrats come out in support of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The ones with a brain left, will step away from being one of these clipped losers. But we know many treat being a DEMOTEEFA like their die hard football team. Sadly their intelligence doesn't go much further than being football trailer parks. lol

And for the mentally impaired who fail to follow the sources .........

View attachment 190637

Political Theater: Maine House Passes Toothless Female Genital Mutilation Ban – Maine First Media

Democrats love them some Islam. That's all I have to say about that--even when little girls are being horrifically mutilated.

They love the "diversity", they love the "exotic dress", they love everything about it. Feminism be darned.
Our reports have been featured on Tucker Carlson, Info Wars, Daily Caller, Breitbart News and more.

Fake News Outlets like Bangor Daily News, Manchester Union Leader and the Boston Herald, have all run hit pieces against us. Twitter has deleted more than 3,500 of our followers and shadow-banned us. The Leftist media does not want alternative voices being heard. Their goal is to silence dissenters so it appears that all reasonable people agree with their far-Left agenda.

Maine First Media covers the Maine-First agenda traditional media outlets ignore — or worse yet — paint in a negative light.

Feel free to send Maine First Media your news tips at [email protected].

Thank you for your loyal support. If you keep reading and sharing, we’ll keep reporting!
So now Republicans are concerned about women's rights? I bet if FGM was ordained by churches, you fuckers would be supporting it.
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I’m sickened by what some human beings think is okay to do to other human beings. FGM is truly sadistic. Those who do the mutilation should have the exact same thing done to them and then be left to bleed out and die all alone.
So now Republicans are concerned about women's rights? I bet if FGM was ordained by churches, you fuckers would be supporting it.
Admit it. You support it.

Yeah I support women getting their clits cut off. That benefits me as a woman so much.
Thank you for admitting you support this barbaric practice along with the leaders of your party

Obviously you cannot detect sarcasm. But I wouldn't expect much from a Trump supporter like yourself.
So now Republicans are concerned about women's rights? I bet if FGM was ordained by churches, you fuckers would be supporting it.
Admit it. You support it.

Yeah I support women getting their clits cut off. That benefits me as a woman so much.

there are varying forms of FGM----not all include a complete clit removal-----the most benign involves just a very minor cut on the
PREPUCE of the clit. (allah, ONLY, knows how to locate that spec
on the genitalia of a girl child) other forms include the clit PLUS
the labia minora----or even some sort of reaming out of the introitus---
and suturing thereof. It is an elective procedure like ear piercing.
I had my ears pierced at age 22 VOLUNTARILY-----however an aunt
of mine also did PIERCING of ears and was often asked to do the procedure in infants. She declined but such procedures are done
routinely in some cultures. As far as I know----the legality is not in
So now Republicans are concerned about women's rights? I bet if FGM was ordained by churches, you fuckers would be supporting it.
Admit it. You support it.

Yeah I support women getting their clits cut off. That benefits me as a woman so much.
Thank you for admitting you support this barbaric practice along with the leaders of your party

Obviously you cannot detect sarcasm. But I wouldn't expect much from a Trump supporter like yourself.

Trump is OFTEN sarcastic----sometimes SCATHINGLY
So now Republicans are concerned about women's rights? I bet if FGM was ordained by churches, you fuckers would be supporting it.

I'm about everyone's rights and I don't even belong to a church.
Our reports have been featured on Tucker Carlson, Info Wars, Daily Caller, Breitbart News and more.

Fake News Outlets like Bangor Daily News, Manchester Union Leader and the Boston Herald, have all run hit pieces against us. Twitter has deleted more than 3,500 of our followers and shadow-banned us. The Leftist media does not want alternative voices being heard. Their goal is to silence dissenters so it appears that all reasonable people agree with their far-Left agenda.

Maine First Media covers the Maine-First agenda traditional media outlets ignore — or worse yet — paint in a negative light.

Feel free to send Maine First Media your news tips at [email protected].

Thank you for your loyal support. If you keep reading and sharing, we’ll keep reporting!

Feel free to share the truth and real events taking place FGM


The campaign | STOP FGM NOW.COM

A real dumb ass believes this is NOT going on LOL.
So now Republicans are concerned about women's rights? I bet if FGM was ordained by churches, you fuckers would be supporting it.
Admit it. You support it.

Yeah I support women getting their clits cut off. That benefits me as a woman so much.
Thank you for admitting you support this barbaric practice along with the leaders of your party

Obviously you cannot detect sarcasm. But I wouldn't expect much from a Trump supporter like yourself.
Yet you support the Party that opposes anyone who fights this.

Look at your own post. You fail to condemn this yet go off on your fellow Americans who try to stop this -- at least in the US.

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