Democrat's Common Core textbooks rewrite 2nd amendment


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All our school textbooks are written by the federal govt even though the constitution says education is entirely a state matter.

Common Core-approved Textbooks Rewrite Second Amendment

April 5, 2014

In a textbook approved by Common Core for use by students studying for the Advanced Placement (AP) history exam, the Second Amendment is defined this way: "The Second Amendment: The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Another book that received the Common Core stamp of approval informs students that the Second Amendment “grant citizens the right to bear arms as members of a militia of citizen-soldiers.”

Finally, there is the description of the Second Amendment published in a book approved by Common Core for use in elementary schools.

Regarding the Second Amendment, the authors of the book state:

This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison. The founding fathers included this amendment to prevent the United States from acting like the British who had tried to take weapons away from the colonists.

During an interview on Fox News, the superintendent of an Illinois middle school that is using this book, Bob Hill, defended its warped retelling of history: “What happens with the right to bear arms in the context of 2014, is the right to bear arms in reality, not as written in the Constitution, but in reality is it in any way abridged and the answer is ‘yes, in some places by the need to register guns or gun owners’ and so on."
Common Core is American, from right to left, and encourages students to critically think.
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Common Core is American, from right to left, and encourages students to critically think.

CC is more liberal hate-america, hate-white-people, propaganda. We need to do what the constitution says and keep the feds out of education.
Common Core is American, from right to left, and encourages students to critically think.

Powerful special interests - from the private sector - want to control Washington, as it gives them centralized control over the economy. (Corporations don't pour trillions into Washington for nothing)

They don't want people like ShootSpeeders to realize that his government is owned not by faceless bureaucrats but by powerful corporations or wealthy individuals, most of who have holdings that are greatly impacted by laws and regulations.

Problem is: these wealthy special interests don't want to be blamed for what they've done to government through the application of financial pressure. Secondly, they want an army of citizens to fight for their interests (which have little to do with the wedge issues that so commonly distract us with). The powerful special interests that own our politicians want to be seen as "freedom's last stand" so that they can get conservatives to join the revolution. In order to sell this bullshit story, they fund a dense network of think tanks, political action committees, talk radio, publishing groups, print and television media outlets . . . all designed to make the OP think that his nation has been stolen by a dark force (liberals, socialists, communists, illegals, gays, muslim sympathizers, multiculturalists, atheists, environmentalists, etc).

They feed him stories about how the government is coming after his guns, among other things. His guns are safe, mostly because there is no political will for it on either side, despite the typical bluster that happens after each shooting, a theater of feigned outrage by leader on both sides, designed mostly for public consumption.

There is no use trying to convince the OP about the special interests manipulating his information. (And yes all political movements, left/right/center, impose narratives on their believers) So yes, the OP is a deep believer. He is a foot soldier. He believes!. Any attempt to explain to him that the government is not controlled by gun stealing brownshirts, will fall on deaf ears. Any attempt to explain to him that the government is largely controlled by wealthy "free market" capitalists will sound to him like a terrible lie, one obviously told by the devil that has stolen his nation.

(When information-control becomes this strong, there is literally no way to have a debate. A debate can only happen when the parties involved agree on some basic facts. However, starting in the 70s, a very powerful political movement created the infrastructure to change facts. The game is over. We are on the Titanic and are there are no lifeboats - only a brilliantly crafted gridlock that protects the status quo and those who profit immensely from it.)
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Common Core is American, from right to left, and encourages students to critically think.

Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that I have a fair amount of math under my belt and I can't figure out just what my 4th grade niece's Common Core math assignments are trying to do. Someone who got through Differential Equations shouldn't be confused by an elementary student's multiplication homework, but here we are.
gee, common core teaches the wrong meaning behind the 2nd and jake calls that critical thinking.

does anyone else wonder if there's on liberal left that wants to conserve the Constitution?

I certainly don't
You guys do know that a "well regulated militia" is stated before the "shall not be infringed" part right? It states that in order to have a well regulated militia in preserving a free state, the rights of the individual to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed (Paraphrasing of course).

Obviously the founding fathers didn't have the foresight to see nuclear weapons and automatic weapons but the founding fathers were deliberate in saying that is was intended to form "well regulated" militias. So if the constitution is to be followed literally, the right to keep and bear arms should only apply to well regulated militias and not every gun nut that wants to shoot at black people who thinks their music is too loud.
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You guys do know that a "well regulated militia" is stated before the "shall not be infringed" part right? It states that in order to have a well regulated militia in preserving a free state, the rights of the individual to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed (Paraphrasing of course).

Obviously the founding fathers didn't have the foresight to see nuclear weapons and automatic weapons but the founding fathers were deliberate in saying that is was intended to form "well regulated" militias. So if the constitution is to be followed literally, the right to keep and bear arms should only apply to well regulated militias and not every gun nut that wants to shoot at black people who thinks their music is too loud.

Militias?? The word has no clear meaning. Today "militia" means the anti-govt survivalist groups. Is that who you're supporting? THINK
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

1. Grammar A punctuation mark ( , ) used to indicate a separation of ideas or of elements within the structure of a sentence.
2. A pause or separation; a caesura.
3. Any of several butterflies of the genus Polygonia, having wings with brownish coloring and irregularly notched edges.

comma - definition of comma by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Not that anyone cares, but the Comma's in the Second Amendment tell us that the people of the United States have a Right to own a gun. The only way to deny this Right is to Amend the Constitution or change the rules of the use of the Comma.
My state is getting ready to vote on opting out of it

You should contact your Reps. and ask they do the same for your states

this is some nasty stuff and needs to be PUT DOWN
Jake's true colors are shining bright

He's a full fledged progressive/Democrat/fascist commie
You guys do know that a "well regulated militia" is stated before the "shall not be infringed" part right? It states that in order to have a well regulated militia in preserving a free state, the rights of the individual to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed (Paraphrasing of course).

Obviously the founding fathers didn't have the foresight to see nuclear weapons and automatic weapons but the founding fathers were deliberate in saying that is was intended to form "well regulated" militias. So if the constitution is to be followed literally, the right to keep and bear arms should only apply to well regulated militias and not every gun nut that wants to shoot at black people who thinks their music is too loud.

Go find all the people that taugth you English and kill them

find the people that taught you history and demand they finish the job
All our school textbooks are written by the federal govt even though the constitution says education is entirely a state matter.

Common Core-approved Textbooks Rewrite Second Amendment

April 5, 2014

In a textbook approved by Common Core for use by students studying for the Advanced Placement (AP) history exam, the Second Amendment is defined this way: "The Second Amendment: The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Another book that received the Common Core stamp of approval informs students that the Second Amendment “grant citizens the right to bear arms as members of a militia of citizen-soldiers.”

Finally, there is the description of the Second Amendment published in a book approved by Common Core for use in elementary schools.

Regarding the Second Amendment, the authors of the book state:

This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison. The founding fathers included this amendment to prevent the United States from acting like the British who had tried to take weapons away from the colonists.

During an interview on Fox News, the superintendent of an Illinois middle school that is using this book, Bob Hill, defended its warped retelling of history: “What happens with the right to bear arms in the context of 2014, is the right to bear arms in reality, not as written in the Constitution, but in reality is it in any way abridged and the answer is ‘yes, in some places by the need to register guns or gun owners’ and so on."

I would like to hear where in the Constitution it states that education is entirely a state matter.
All our school textbooks are written by the federal govt even though the constitution says education is entirely a state matter.

I would like to hear where in the Constitution it states that education is entirely a state matter.

Are you serious.? The tenth amendment.

The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.[1] The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people.

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