Democrats Compromised - Russian Hackers Blackmailing Progressive Groups

The source. Hot Air is a well-known fake news site.
Nice try, Komrade, but MULTIPLE sources / links were provided, to include CNBC...not to mention 2 Governors (In & Ga) came out about it.

This was when the Obama administration tried to seize control of states' election systems 'in the interest of national security' at the point in the election when Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes that included Espionage, fraud, influence peddling, etc... Obama and DHS tried to spin it by saying due to the (un-proven) Russian hacks of the DNC states' election systems should fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government as 'critical infrastructure'. Obama and DHS attempted over and over to prove the state systems could be hacked - just like the DNC's e-mails had been...except they FAILED.

Thank God! Can you imagine the guy who illegally spied on Americans and used the IRS as a weapon against them - the man whose Party rigged their own Primary, engaged in voter fraud during their Primary, and fed Hillary debate questions in advance - seizing control of every states' election system? Hillary might have had that 'landslide victory' Democrats predicted yet got so wrong.
Remember when Trump said Obama left him a mess?

The CIA was just hacked and exposed after participating in several illegal Intel leaks, and the NSA just had an insider expose a TON of their secrets after also (potentially) participating in illegal Intel leaks.

Umm, this is part of what Trump was accurately talking about - undisciplined, disloyal, criminal, illegally leaking, critical Intel hemorrhaging agencies endangering our National Security.
'You're going to have to come up with something better than a fake news site.
You're going to have to come up with something better than, "Huh-uh", snowflake
Excuse me, I'll correct myself. Since there's nothing in the CNBC report about progressives being blackmailed, it appears you're creating the fake news all by yourself or are an operative of those who are. Either way, it's still fake news.
'You're going to have to come up with something better than a fake news site.
You're going to have to come up with something better than, "Huh-uh", snowflake
Excuse me, I'll correct myself. Since there's nothing in the CNBC report about progressives being blackmailed, it appears you're creating the fake news all by yourself or are an operative of those who are. Either way, it's still fake news.
No, snowflake .You're still just saying, 'Huh-uh'. Links have been provided, evidence it is going on, supporting the OP. Where's your evidence to support your claim of, 'Huh-uh'? Your 'say so' isn't good enough.

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