Democrats Compromised - Russian Hackers Blackmailing Progressive Groups

till this day, i still dont know what "Hack" far as I can recall,,,,sounds like a term farmers use when farming, or chopping off the heads of chickens
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.

While we do not 100% know what 'Hack' IS, we know what it is NOT.

It is NOT hacking the state election systems or taking any physical action which switched votes or physically cost Hillary votes (as in eliminated votes already cast for her or prevented anyone from physically voting for her).
till this day, i still dont know what "Hack" far as I can recall,,,,sounds like a term farmers use when farming, or chopping off the heads of chickens
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.
OOOH, hadit! If only we could be as smart as YOU. sigh
till this day, i still dont know what "Hack" far as I can recall,,,,sounds like a term farmers use when farming, or chopping off the heads of chickens
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.
OOOH, hadit! If only we could be as smart as YOU. sigh
It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.

While we do not 100% know what 'Hack' IS, we know what it is NOT.

It is NOT hacking the state election systems or taking any physical action which switched votes or physically cost Hillary votes (as in eliminated votes already cast for her or prevented anyone from physically voting for her).
And that is the bottom line. The ONLY result of the "hack" was the release of the DNC emails, and that could have been a disgruntled DNC staffer.
till this day, i still dont know what "Hack" far as I can recall,,,,sounds like a term farmers use when farming, or chopping off the heads of chickens
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.
The Russians hacked into the DEM party computers and wiped off the state of Wisconsin from all the DEM campaign maps.
till this day, i still dont know what "Hack" far as I can recall,,,,sounds like a term farmers use when farming, or chopping off the heads of chickens
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.
The Russians hacked into the DEM party computers and wiped off the state of Wisconsin from all the DEM campaign maps.
>>> just coming home from my ranch,,,had to hack about 42 chickens,,did I miss anything?
till this day, i still dont know what "Hack" far as I can recall,,,,sounds like a term farmers use when farming, or chopping off the heads of chickens
And therein lies the crux of the matter. Most of the snowflakes out there have no idea what they mean by "hack". All they know is it sounds scary and they pin their entire opposition to Trump on the vague, unsettling feeling that somewhere, somehow, a Russian duck is spying on them.

Seriously, though, they have no idea. They're just certain it was done, and it denied Hillary her birthright access to the throne.
The Russians hacked into the DEM party computers and wiped off the state of Wisconsin from all the DEM campaign maps.
Again, the only people that were proven to have hacked election systems, were in the Obama administration. Easy already posted the links.
Julian Assange and Wiki-leaks just released a ton of CIA hacked 'secrets'...

According to the Democrats Julian Assange doesn't hack anyone, that when it is reported Assange Hacks someone, like Hillary, it is RUSSIA doing the hacking.

You would think the Democrats / the CIA - who are supposed to be the hackers not the 'hack-ees' - would learn / be able to fend off Russian hacking by now.
Again, Troll, wrong thread. So you refuse to say whether the Russians 'hacked the election (Democrats)' or not. ....meanwhile Libs are being blackmailed.
It's not the wrong thread. I'm offering an alternate explanation to your fake news. The more you deny it the more it appears to be true. Why else would Trump be doing all this scrambling and deflection, if not to cover up that he knew?
We do know the Obama administration hacked state election systems. Were is that investigation?
We do? I think you need to quit listening to fake news.
Check out the links and interviews, Komrade. Your boy and his DHS were busted doing what they accused the Russians of doing ' 'Hacking the election'. :p
We do know the Obama administration hacked state election systems. Were is that investigation?
We do? I think you need to quit listening to fake news.
I think you are a hack, that struggles with reading comprehension. Tell me what was false in the links provided by easy65, or shut your pie hole.
The source. Hot Air is a well-known fake news site.
We do know the Obama administration hacked state election systems. Were is that investigation?
We do? I think you need to quit listening to fake news.
Check out the links and interviews, Komrade. Your boy and his DHS were busted doing what they accused the Russians of doing ' 'Hacking the election'.
You're going to have to come up with something better than a fake news site. The proof that it's a lie is that if Trump knows Obama wiretapped him, why hasn't he presented the evidence? The only logical conclusion is that there isn't any.
We do know the Obama administration hacked state election systems. Were is that investigation?
We do? I think you need to quit listening to fake news.
I think you are a hack, that struggles with reading comprehension. Tell me what was false in the links provided by easy65, or shut your pie hole.
The source. Hot Air is a well-known fake news site.
There are multiple sources. Open up that closed mind. Point out what was incorrect about the links. A sign of a weak mind is to attack the messenger instead of the content. We know who you are.
One of the comments......

"Omg...the winning. Oh....the winning! Think about this, if you will, and try not to shiver in antic-i...(SAY IT!)...pation of the delicious taste of the irony. The Center for American Progress, engaged in plotting sedition, if not outright treason, for at least the last few months, must be crapping their collective drawers at the possibility that all those lovely, shadenfreudeinishious, breathless emails to the Democrats in general, and the Obama administration in particular, on how to best unseat a legally elected President without leaving their little fingerprints on it might get out to the rubes who actually foot the bills.

I really hope the hackers take their money and release all the information anyway. I so want to watch them squirm and scatter like the cockroaches they are....right into the Federal Roach Motel. Roaches check in, but they don't check out!

As Gomer Pyle once said.."My, my, my!"


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