Democrats' Connections To China: 'Stolen Valor' Blumenthal and Wife Have Six-Figure Investment in Chinese Government-Linked Retail Center


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) and his wife Cynthia have a six-figure investment in a massive retail shopping complex in Shanghai that is part of a partnership between a Chinese government-controlled business consortium and Disney.

The Blumenthals have an investment of between $100,000 and $250,000 in U.S. Shanghai LLC, according to the senator’s annual financial disclosures."

Blumenthal moronically claims he had no idea about his CCP investment until contacted by the Washington Free Beacon.



Democrats' Connections To China: D-Diane Feinstein

Feinstein and her husband made their fortune through their ties to the CCP...

"Where is the Special Counsel that investigates the decades long corruption and collusion of Dianne Feinstein, and her husband, with the totalitarians/communist Chinese regime? For years they have been the conduits for protection of China from U.S. law, the beneficiaries of its businesses and made a fortune by being the go to people for the Chinese government. Top all of this off with the revelation that she had a Chinese mole on her stuff. But, was he really a mole?

“In 1986, Feinstein and Jiang designated several corporate entities for fostering commercial relations, one named Shanghai Pacific Partners. Feinstein’s husband served as a director. His financial position was relatively small, less than $500,000 on one project, the only such position in China the Feinstein family held when Feinstein entered the Senate in 1992.

‘They said that Feinstein’s consistent support for China’s interests cannot help but benefit her husband’s efforts to earn profits there.’"

Feinstein chaired a committee that awarded US contracts, and a large number of US contracts were doled out to the CCP that directly benefitted her husband's company that did business with the CCP / Chinese businesses.

'In May 1993, Feinstein expressed her strong support on the Senate floor for continued trading with China. Contemporaneously, her husband was seeking to raise up to $150 million from investors, including himself, for a variety of Chinese enterprises.”

For over 30 years Feinstein has been helping China—and they have been financially helping her and her husband through business deals.'

'Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.'

Feinstein became great persoal friends with the now leader of China, Xi, even spending 1 Christmas with the CCP leader.

During the Obama administration, in the midst of his failed coup attempt against Trump, D-Feinstein 'outed' fellow Democrat CIA Director John Brennan for illegally and Un-Constitutionally spying on the US Senate. She did so, not to uphold the Constitution and / or Rule of Law or to protect US citizens who were also being illegally spied on by the CIA and FBI - she did it to protect her own ass. She was afraid Brennan would discover the fact that she had been facilitating CCP espionage right out of her own office for DECADES. SHE WAS RIGHT - IT WAS DISCOVERED.

Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, confess his crimes, and swear never to do it again as part of a deal to prevent his going to prison. Several weeks later, after all this quieted down (although the major liberal fake news media refused to report on any of it), an extremely small bit of coverage quietly came out reporting that D-Feinstein's Chinese aid of decades who worked in her office was caught engaging in espionage out of her office.

It was reported that the CCP spy was allowed to immediately return to Beijing without being held / arrested / questioned, there was no investigation of the incident, Feinstein was not investigated, her home and office were not raided, her PCs and files were not confiscated, Feinstein was not questioned - the whole thing just went away despite the cast that Feinstein had facilitated CCP espionage against her own country for DECADES.

"According to four former intelligence officials, in the 2000s, a staffer in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s San Francisco field office was reporting back to the MSS [China’s Ministry of State Security, its intelligence and security apparatus]. While this person, who was a liaison to the local Chinese community, was fired, charges were never filed against him. (One former official reasoned this was because the staffer was providing political intelligence and not classified information—making prosecution far more difficult.) The suspected informant was ‘run’ by officials based at China’s San Francisco Consulate, said another former intelligence official. The spy’s handler ‘probably got an award back in China’ for his work, noted this former official, dryly.

This anecdote provides significantly more questions than answers. For starters: Who was the spy? For how long was the spy under surveillance? What information about “local politics” was the spy passing back to China? Just how close was the spy to the senator? Did law enforcement officials sweep vehicles and other areas for listening devices? Was there an investigation into whether others in the senator’s circle may have been coordinating with Beijing?

Did the senator expose herself to potential blackmail, or the public to danger through leakage of sensitive, highly classified information? Is firing really the proper punishment for providing political intelligence to a foreign power?"

We will NEVER know!

All of this is in this great article covering almost every detail / aspect of Feinstein's connection to the CCP, hw she helped them, and how she profited from her selling out / treason.


Democrats' Connections To China: D-Eric Swalwell

D-Eric Swalwell was targeted by the CCP, along with quite a few others, when he (they) initially ran for public office between 2013 - 2015. It was in 2013 that Swalwell was approached and compromised by CCP spy Fang Fang. Fang2 was known for using sex to get close to / compromise targets - Swalwell was no different.

'....Chinese spy Fang Fang (AKA ‘Bang Bang’ for her tactic of having sex with her targets). Swalwell was compromised by Fang between 2013 and 2015 when they developed a close relationship after she fundraised for him and even placed an intern in his office.

'Swalwell and Fang were so close that in 2015, “amid a widening counterintelligence probe, federal investigators became so alarmed by Fang’s behavior and activities that … they alerted Swalwell to their concerns — giving him what is known as a defensive briefing.”

The compromising and all details were finally publicly exposed. To his credit Swalwell did not deny any of it; however, like a typical POS TDS-suffering, personal accountability-avoiding Democrat, SWALWELL BLAMED TRUMP FOR HIS TREASON / BEING COMPROMISED BEING PUBLICLY EXPOSED. He tried to spin the whole thing and divert everyone's attention to Trump with the false accusation.

It wasn't Trump's fault he f*ed a CCP spy and facilitated CCP espionage by putting another CCP in his main office (like Feinstein had done), according to Swalwell - it was Trump's fault this all was exposed to the public / American people.

Once n the House of Representatives, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi assigned Swalwell to the House Intelligence Committee, where Swallwell had access to the nation's most classified information. Pelosi was briefed by the Intel Community and DOJ on how the CCP had helped fund-raise for Swalwell and help him get elected, how he had been compromised by known CCP spy Fang Fang through the sex tactic called a 'Honey Pot', and that Swalwell had agreed to ut another CCP spy in his office as an intern / assistant. Republicans aggressively argued due to the FACT Swalwell had been compromised by the CCP he should be removed from the House Intel Committee and be placed on some other committee.

Despite knowing Swalwell was a compromised politician who had facilitated CCP espionage (as Feinstein had), Pelosi refused to remove him from the Intel Committee and made the decision to keep a Democrat known to have been compromised by the CCP on this critical Committee where he continued / continues to have access to the nation's top classified Intel.
- Pelosi continues to put US National Security in danger by keeping the known compromised CCP espionage-facilitating Swalwell on the House Intel Committee.

To add insult to desired injury, Speaker named D-Rep Eric 'Fang fang' Swalwell as one of top Impeachment Managers in Pelosi's 2nd failed Impeachment attempts against former President Trump.


BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment Trial

If they’re not cheating, they’re lying. House Impeachment Manager Eric Swalwell gave a riveting performance on Wednesday reading off Trump’s tweets with emotional appeal. During this theatrical performance, Swalwell read off a Trump retweet by Jennifer Lynn Lawrence.

But there was one problem with the tweet - It was photoshopped. Jennifer Lynn Lawrence has never been verified by Twitter. Democrats faked that to make it look more important.

Lawrence came forward publicly to expose the Tweet Comrade Swalwell used during the Impeachment in an attempt to remove / Impeach President Trump was FAKE!

I wonder how much money (and / or sex) the CCP paid Comrade Swalwell to commit this crime in order to ensure Trump could not run again in 2024?!


Democrats' Connections To China: The Bidens

"As the Chairmen’s report details, Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board negatively impacted the efforts of dedicated career-service individuals who were fighting to push for anticorruption measures in Ukraine. Because the vice president’s son had a direct link to a corrupt company and its owner, State Department officials were required to maintain situational awareness of Hunter Biden’s association with Burisma. Unfortunately, U.S. officials had no other choice but to endure the “awkward[ness]” of continuing to push an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine while the vice president’s son sat on the board of a Ukrainian company with a corrupt owner. As George Kent testified, he “would have advised any American not to get on the board of Zlochevsky’s company.” 429 Yet, even though Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board cast a shadow over the work of those advancing anticorruption reforms in Ukraine, the Committees are only aware of two individuals who raised concerns to their superiors. Despite the efforts of these individuals, their concerns appear to have fallen on deaf ears.

Even though almost all of the Committees’ records are from U.S. agencies and U.S. officials or persons, 'Democrats have repeatedly misconstrued the facts of this investigation and have smeared it as a Russian disinformation campaign. In doing so, they conveniently have ignored their own long history of meeting with Telizhenko and his yearlong work for a Democrat lobby shop. If Democrats are concerned that Telizhenko presents any risk of advancing disinformation, it is notable that the Ranking Members have not expressed any curiosity about his work with the Obama administration or Blue Star Strategies.

The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow.

Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office.

The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests"

The US Treasury Department, FBI, and DHS publicly released a statement in which they declared they have specific financial documents and records proving the Biden family has engaged in criminal scandals for decades, to include Influence Peddling, extortion, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP through multiple businesses / corporations owned / run by the CCP and the Chinese military.

The records acquired by the Committees show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the former mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while his father was vice president and continued after he left office. Biden and Archer found willing partners in Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime. Their work in China began at least in 2009, with the creation of Rosemont Seneca Partners with Heinz, Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson. Then, several years later, Biden and Archer formed BHR with Bohai Capital and received their business license approval in China shortly after Biden visited China with his father, Vice President Biden.

More recently official documents o include campaign finance reports exposed the fact that Joe Biden received MILLIONS of dollars form the CCP and Russians through Chinese and Russian Lobbyists during the 2020 election campaign.

From an official Congressional report:

The committees also said they obtained records from the U.S. Treasury Department that ‘show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals’.… In addition the younger Biden had ‘business associations with … Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army.… Those associations resulted in millions of dollars of cash flow.”

The Bidens have been proven to be self-enriching criminals who have betrayed their country for profit, have engaged in extortion, Influence Peddling, Russian money laundering, working closely with the CCP and the PLA, making / taking BILLIONS from this nation's enemies.

Democrats' Connections To China: Barbara Boxer​

"Ties between prominent current and former Democrats and China continue to crop up, even as the Chinese Communist Party is trading fiery rhetoric with the Trump administration over its support of Taiwan.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lifted restrictions on U.S.-Taiwan relations last week, a move that the CCP has criticized. And news that U.N. Ambassador Kelly Craft planned to visit the region prompted a statement last week accusing the U.S. of "a crazy provocation."

But former Sen. Barbara Boxer, a Democrat who held Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ California seat for 24 years, briefly registered as a foreign agent for a Chinese surveillance company. After facing mounting backlash, she announced on Twitter Tuesday that she was reversing that decision."

The company, Hikvision, allegedly played a role targeting China’s oppressed Uyghur minority. Hikvision had a government contract with police in Xinjiang Province, the heart of the Uyghur controversy, in 2016 and 2017.

The Uyghurs, a Muslim ethnic group, have allegedly been subjected to mass detention, forced labor and torture in China’s Xinjiang Province. Additional allegations, which China has denied, include forced organ harvesting and coercive birth control.

You know you are screwing up when CCP Joe pressures to to de-register as a lobbying agent for the CCP:

President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration committee took issue with Boxer consulting for Hikvison, whose largest stakeholder is the Chinese government. The committee returned the $500 she donated to the inauguration before she reversed course and deregistered.

Due to a backlash after word broke she had registered as a CCP Lobbyist and with pressure fom Biden's team, Boxer de-registered as a CCP Agent:

"Due to the intense response to my registration I have determined that my continued work has become a negative distraction from my effort to preserve American jobs and make the company better," she tweeted. "Therefore I have deregistered."

She made her share of money already, though, working with /for the CCP.

Ron Raffensperger, brother of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, is the CTO for HUAWEI Enterprise Storage Solutions, the Data Storage Company of . . . . the CCP.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) paid DOMINION $400 million through a subsidiary of HSBC, a month or so BEFORE the November 3 election.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson – currently obstructing efforts to investigate Michigan’s election results – developed ties with Chinese state-run universities and trained lawyers for the Chinese Communist Party – even delivering a lecture at Chinese Premier Xi Jinping’s alma mater. Benson undertook the work aiding the Chinese Communist Party while serving as the Dean of Wayne Law School in Detroit, Michigan.


Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease​

China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter

Why Does Trump Have a Chinese Bank Account?​

The U.S. president has attacked Democratic nominee Joe Biden for his son’s dealings in China. But it appears Trump was himself pursuing business interests there.​


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