Democrats continue their obstructionism

Repulsive....notice that the two people on this list with the least confirmations are both Republicans. And yet progressive will spread their propaganda and declare that Republicans blocked Obama...

View attachment 108187

Trump Nominees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Democrat Delays
It's because all of herr drumph's nominees have so much sleazy baggage that needs to be sorted through first.
Really? Because Barack Obama appointed a self-professed communist to the White House.
Repulsive....notice that the two people on this list with the least confirmations are both Republicans. And yet progressive will spread their propaganda and declare that Republicans blocked Obama...

View attachment 108187

Trump Nominees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Democrat Delays

You are aware that Trump had only given them 29 names to confirm by Inauguration Day, and that the FBI and ethics office hadn't received all their paperwork before the hearings started?
Your source is ...?
You actually expect a LWNJ to have a source?!? :lmao:
He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Yes - but we are not talking about the "Community Organizer" Barack Obama right now. We are talking about Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump can't be bothered making his appointments. He'd rather bask in the glow of his Victory Tour than to get down to the work of governing. That's why he hasn't bothered doing the transition work.

Trump promised you that on January 21st all of the Obama people would be gone and it would be a whole new world. Starting on Day 1. Well that didn't happen.

He's going to keep Obama's appointments and their programs and then take credit for their work and Obama's ideas.
He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Yes - but we are not talking about the "Community Organizer" Barack Obama right now. We are talking about Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump can't be bothered making his appointments. He'd rather bask in the glow of his Victory Tour than to get down to the work of governing. That's why he hasn't bothered doing the transition work.

Trump promised you that on January 21st all of the Obama people would be gone and it would be a whole new world. Starting on Day 1. Well that didn't happen.

He's going to keep Obama's appointments and their programs and then take credit for their work and Obama's ideas.
It's a figure of speech you disingenuous, idiotic, desperate nitwit..... :eusa_doh:
Oh the delicious Dems start using the GOP playbook against them. Did they really think 8 years of obstruction wasn't going to come back and bite them in the ass? Really?
Repulsive....notice that the two people on this list with the least confirmations are both Republicans. And yet progressive will spread their propaganda and declare that Republicans blocked Obama...

View attachment 108187

Trump Nominees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Democrat Delays
It's because all of herr drumph's nominees have so much sleazy baggage that needs to be sorted through first.

The Dems should just let it happen. Forget the vetting. Let the scandals come. Trump belongs to the GOP now. Let them be tainted by the HUGE stink his administration is going to be.
Oh the delicious Dems start using the GOP playbook against them. Did they really think 8 years of obstruction wasn't going to come back and bite them in the ass? Really?
Not whining - just pointing out the constant lying and hypocrisy of your party. You know - like when Barack Obama voted to shut down the federal government as Senator during the Bush Administration and then called such an action "unconstitutional" and "terrorism" when he demanded that the debt ceiling be raised dozens of times while he was president? And then being the embarrassed and disingenuous you are, you attempted to defend that repulsive behavior!
He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Yes - but we are not talking about the "Community Organizer" Barack Obama right now. We are talking about Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump can't be bothered making his appointments. He'd rather bask in the glow of his Victory Tour than to get down to the work of governing. That's why he hasn't bothered doing the transition work.

Trump promised you that on January 21st all of the Obama people would be gone and it would be a whole new world. Starting on Day 1. Well that didn't happen.

He's going to keep Obama's appointments and their programs and then take credit for their work and Obama's ideas.
It's a figure of speech you disingenuous, idiotic, desperate nitwit..... :eusa_doh:

By his Inauguration Day, Barrack Obama had presented 94 names to the Appointments Office, had his appointees submit their paperwork in a timely way, so that his administration was able to hit the ground running, which they did.

But then Obama had to deal with two hot wars, a global financial melt-down, an auto industry in bankruptcy, and an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month, and the Middle East in chaos.

Trump is inheriting a stable and sound economy, the Middle East is still in chaos, most of the ground troops are home. And the foreign relations quagmires he now has to deal with are those of his own making with China, and Russia.

I expect to start hearing any day now how many ethnic Russians live in Poland and how badly treated they are.

That's the line Putin used in invading the Ukraine. It's also the line Hilter used in invading the Austria, and Alsace-Lorraine. He was just restoring Germany's traditional ethnic borders.

At just the precise moment in history that Europe needs a strong NATO to block an aggressive dictator with aspirations of world dominance, the US elects a president who wants to scrap NATO. What an extra-ordinary co-incidence!
Trump promised you that on January 21st all of the Obama people would be gone and it would be a whole new world. Starting on Day 1. Well that didn't happen.

He's going to keep Obama's appointments and their programs and then take credit for their work and Obama's ideas.
Your source is ...?
He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Yes - but we are not talking about the "Community Organizer" Barack Obama right now. We are talking about Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump can't be bothered making his appointments. He'd rather bask in the glow of his Victory Tour than to get down to the work of governing. That's why he hasn't bothered doing the transition work.

Trump promised you that on January 21st all of the Obama people would be gone and it would be a whole new world. Starting on Day 1. Well that didn't happen.

He's going to keep Obama's appointments and their programs and then take credit for their work and Obama's ideas.
It's a figure of speech you disingenuous, idiotic, desperate nitwit..... :eusa_doh:

By his Inauguration Day, Barrack Obama had presented 94 names to the Appointments Office, had his appointees submit their paperwork in a timely way, so that his administration was able to hit the ground running, which they did.

But then Obama had to deal with two hot wars, a global financial melt-down, an auto industry in bankruptcy, and an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month, and the Middle East in chaos.

Trump is inheriting a stable and sound economy, the Middle East is still in chaos, most of the ground troops are home. And the foreign relations quagmires he now has to deal with are those of his own making with China, and Russia.

I expect to start hearing any day now how many ethnic Russians live in Poland and how badly treated they are.

That's the line Putin used in invading the Ukraine. It's also the line Hilter used in invading the Austria, and Alsace-Lorraine. He was just restoring Germany's traditional ethnic borders.

At just the precise moment in history that Europe needs a strong NATO to block an aggressive dictator with aspirations of world dominance, the US elects a president who wants to scrap NATO. What an extra-ordinary co-incidence!
The economy has been on life support for 8 years now. Don't try to bullshit us. I don't know Canada's measurement of success but 1.5% gdp growth is pathetic. Obama has fucked up every foreign policy he could get his hands on. We now have ISIS thanks to his bailing from a stable Iraq purely for politics. Syria is a mess, Libya, Arab Spring, etc. Russia has has a very strained relationship with us since he came in and even Israel, our long time ally.

Trump has to fix everything like a toddler went through a room and turned everything upside down.
By his Inauguration Day, Barrack Obama had presented 94 names to the Appointments Office, had his appointees submit their paperwork in a timely way, so that his administration was able to hit the ground running, which they did.
Yeah...that's what happens when you don't have a real job. When you get the people of the state of Illinois to pay you to be a "Senator" when you instead just sit around planning your presidency.

Donald Trump had a very large and successful company to run. He had to make a TON of arrangements to hand it off, to handle his foundation, etc. This is what it's like for people on the right - we hold real jobs and we don't cheat people.

And Donald Trump isn't inheriting the utopia the left so desperately wants everyone to believe. We have a record 94 million people out of the labor force. We have a record number of people on food stamps (because Trump destroys jobs and then celebrates when people give up looking for a job). We have a record $20 trillions in debt. The entire Middle East is on fire with our allies being removed from power and replaced by radical terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. And lets not forget ISIS.
He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Yes - but we are not talking about the "Community Organizer" Barack Obama right now. We are talking about Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump can't be bothered making his appointments. He'd rather bask in the glow of his Victory Tour than to get down to the work of governing. That's why he hasn't bothered doing the transition work.

Trump promised you that on January 21st all of the Obama people would be gone and it would be a whole new world. Starting on Day 1. Well that didn't happen.

He's going to keep Obama's appointments and their programs and then take credit for their work and Obama's ideas.
It's a figure of speech you disingenuous, idiotic, desperate nitwit..... :eusa_doh:

My gawd but you're testy. The Donald hasn't kept a single promise. Not one. I see a "repeal", but no "replace". Not even an idea. Donny promised they would never "repeal" without "replacing", and he just did.

He promised to release his tax returns if he won. Now he says nobody wants to see them.

Today he said he was only going to depart undocumented criminals. The anchor babies - the "Dreamers" can stay.

He's not draining the swamp. He isn't even replacing Obama's appointees.
The Donald hasn't kept a single promise. Not one.
Really? Not one? Lets examine that statement - shall we?
  • He promised to repeal Obamacare. While that can only be done by Congress first and his signature after (i.e. not vetoing it), in his first week he did sign an Executive Order easing instructing the government to be as lenient as possible while still being compliant with the law. Promise Kept.
  • He promised to reduce devastating "regulations". In his first week he signed an Executive Order reducing regulations. Promise Kept.
  • He promised to protect the U.S. - in his first week he signed an Executive Order that restricts people from entering the U.S. until they can be properly vetted. Promise Kept.
  • He promised to stop the TPP - in his first week he signed an Executive Order withdrawing the U.S. from it. Promise Kept.
  • He promised to build the wall - in his first week he signed an Executive Order to begin construction on the wall. Promise Kept.
  • He promised to create jobs and not restrict energy options - in his first week he signed an Executive Order to proceed with the Keystone Pipeline. Promise Kept.

It's painfully clear that he has kept more promises than any president since Ronald Reagan.
Republicans have found gold in democrat obstructionism. If this keeps up, "this is why Washington doesn't work" will ride 25 more republicans into democratic seats in 2018.

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