Democrats continue to badger banks into not financing "big oil".

He's damned sure not a liberal. The oil business is expressly designed to make it practically impossible to touch by law or regulation no matter how much they bitch about interference. They have more pet politicians than any other industry and their lobbying operation is vast. The very thought that democrats are stifling them is a joke. We subsidize the hell out the industry and they barely even pay taxes.
Left Plutocrat Is Right Plutocrat's Child

Conservatives accept that Putin funds the Eurogreens. So why can't they accept the scheme of our own oil companies financing calls for restrictions on drilling? The artificial scarcity created by the Unabomber Cult not only increases the profits from the oil the Petrocrats own, they also make more money on drilling the oil for the the lazy and incompetent Arabs. They even make more money from that than they did from their own oil back before this false-flaggotry started, when oil was three dollars a barrel.
Sorry bout that,

1. Maybe when the sun stops giving its light, and heat.
2. In two hundred million years.
3. Oil comes from the earth, not from dead dinosaurs, lol!!!!
3. (a) We would be screwed if it was Dinosaur Oil, actually came from Dinosaurs, we would after a while be looking for more Dinosaurs to kill.
4. We will never run out of oil.

Continuing Failure to Motivate Creative Genius Is What We Really Have to Fear

There's more undiscovered underground oil than there is water in all the Earth's oceans. Same with aquifers. We've barely scratched the surface of our planet's resources.

An economic fact is that re-invested profits are necessary to create new capital for further methods of developing what is underneath the present shallow developments. The profits made from whale oil financed the beginning of the American oil industry.
Left Plutocrat Is Right Plutocrat's Child

Conservatives accept that Putin funds the Eurogreens. So why can't they accept the scheme of our own oil companies financing calls for restrictions on drilling? The artificial scarcity created by the Unabomber Cult not only increases the profits from the oil the Petrocrats own, they also make more money on drilling the oil for the the lazy and incompetent Arabs. They even make more money from that than they did from their own oil back before this false-flaggotry started, when oil was three dollars a barrel.
You have it all figured out don't you. I wish I was that smart.

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