Democrats continue to decimate the "little guy" in favor of their GREED

Health insurance tied to employment is retarded. Does the ACA even address this? I sure haven't heard that it does. Why in the world should health insurance be dictated by where you're employed or by how many hours you work and if you lose your job you also lose your health insurance? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

What is "dumb, dumb, dumb" is the fact that you think your health insurance has to be tied to your job :cuckoo:. You can get your own health insurance any time you want, and you can keep it for life, regardless of your job.

Most full time jobs offer health insurance as part of their benefits package, which ties one's health insurance to their job. Most people who have health insurance have it through their job. When the job goes so does the insurance. That's what's dumb. It shouldn't be tied to employment at all. Are you suggesting that people should not take the insurance that's offered with a job but rather purchase something separately? If companies would give the employee that 'benefit' in money (increased salary), peachy. I've not heard of companies doing that.

Actually, evvery single company I have ever worked for - except for ONE - gave you the money if you declined the healthcare insurance.

Furthermore, even if that was not the case, if you don't like insurance being tied to your job, then decline that perk and pay for your own insurance. Problem solved! It will never again be tied to your job. That's the beauty of America (before the dumbocrats) - you have choice.
Lets take a look at just a few of Mr. Polk's absurd comments that scream hatred and envy for those that have been successful:

plenty of businesses already hire large numbers of "part-time" employees (giving them slightly less than needed to qualify as full-time), so they can offer competitive benefit packages on paper, but no one actually gets them in practice.

Because we know business will police itself in the absence of regulation:

Look at the CEO of Papa John's moaning about the ACA. He's living in a mega-mansion from selling shitty pizza and whining about the eight cents the law will add to the cost of his product.

So the trillion dollar question that the dumbocrats will never answer is: if all of these busineses are so evil, so greedy, and mistreat people so horribly, why not start your own business and hire workers for six-figures each, cadillac healthcare plans, profit sharing, and treat people with the highest levels of respect?

Think about it - since all of these other businesses are sooooooo "bad", all of the top talent will be dying to come work for you. You'll make BILLIONS and be the biggest, most wealthy company in the world, right?

Idiot liberal dumbocrats only cry and become parasites. They never become leaders who do and solve problems.

There are plenty of companies that are highly profitable without treating their workers like shit (Costco is an obvious example that comes to mind).
What is "dumb, dumb, dumb" is the fact that you think your health insurance has to be tied to your job :cuckoo:. You can get your own health insurance any time you want, and you can keep it for life, regardless of your job.

Most full time jobs offer health insurance as part of their benefits package, which ties one's health insurance to their job. Most people who have health insurance have it through their job. When the job goes so does the insurance. That's what's dumb. It shouldn't be tied to employment at all. Are you suggesting that people should not take the insurance that's offered with a job but rather purchase something separately? If companies would give the employee that 'benefit' in money (increased salary), peachy. I've not heard of companies doing that.

Actually, evvery single company I have ever worked for - except for ONE - gave you the money if you declined the healthcare insurance.

Furthermore, even if that was not the case, if you don't like insurance being tied to your job, then decline that perk and pay for your own insurance. Problem solved! It will never again be tied to your job. That's the beauty of America (before the dumbocrats) - you have choice.

1. Most companies don't give workers the cash if they don't get insurance.
2. Even when they do, it's a poor choice for most employees since that money is taxed as ordinary income, while employer contribution to health insurance premiums are not.
OSHA is chronically understaffed, but that's something you support.

You're just admitting that OSHA has little to do with worker safety. It isn't understaffed. It's just full of lazy government employees.
This is a rather interesting OP.
Seems to me I sure didn't hear much when healthcare costs rose 131% from 1999-2009!


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OSHA is chronically understaffed, but that's something you support.

You're just admitting that OSHA has little to do with worker safety. It isn't understaffed. It's just full of lazy government employees.

OSHA regulates seven million workplaces, but only has 2,300 employees. How is that not understaffed?

Office buildings or small businesses don't need a lot of safety supervision, ya think? Mostly dangerous occupations like construction, mining, crab fishing and drilling for oil require any oversight. How many of those kinds of businesses are there?

You keep giving OSHA credit for improvements in job safety. Yet, you keep admitting it isn't capable of doing the job.
Enough that it would take OSHA over 100 years to inspect all of them.


In other words, OSHA doesn't make a dent in worker safety.

You just don't seem to know which side of this argument you're on.
You realize that states also regulate workplace safety, right? Also the incentive effects created by just knowing the level of oversight can increase.

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