Democrats Crack on fake impeachment

Was this guy her driver?

Democrats wasted an incredible amount of money on the fake impeachment. They should have to pay it all back.
It's a fair assessment really. You can bet she is aware that if the GOP decide to play hard ball there will be MANY people called to testify. She doesn't want this.

They took their shots in the House when they ran it, they made the rules unfair and one-sided. She realizes she is in a no win situation.

She should have trusted her gut instincts. Impeachment is the last thing you want to play politics with if I am surmising properly from what Americans are saying on twitter and elsewhere.

Americans are disgusted and tired of it. You never can tell what "black swan" events will occur but as of now I look for a repeat of Boris Johnson's victory over here. The British people voted for Brexit and then watched the elites sabotage it for three years. When they got the chance they handed Johnson all he needs to finish it up by a huge margin.

I think that happens here in November. We are fed up with the attacks on us and our President and are ready to see him get what we asked done. That swamp is still nasty.

And the Democrats have goooood internal polls so they have to be seeing it too. Feinstein looked at Trumps support rising as Pelosi clowned around, she has seen it firm up as he handled Iran perfectly, and shes saying to Pelosi "enough!...dont bring us all down with you"

Trump ended Pelosi. AOC had a big part to, but the real credit gos to trump. Pelosi is just dragging her feet on her way to the inevitable which is a failed impeachment. I look for her to retire and skulk off back under her rock, or face a serious primary challenge and lose. Even if none of that happens, she is done in her cacus. I doubt anyone there really even respects her anymore.
It's a fair assessment really. You can bet she is aware that if the GOP decide to play hard ball there will be MANY people called to testify. She doesn't want this.

They took their shots in the House when they ran it, they made the rules unfair and one-sided. She realizes she is in a no win situation.

She should have trusted her gut instincts. Impeachment is the last thing you want to play politics with if I am surmising properly from what Americans are saying on twitter and elsewhere.

Yup. She turned the whole thing into a giant circus and now she wants the Senate to do things her way. McConnel ain't having that so Pelousy is shit out of luck.

What an imbecile that woman is.

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