Democrats Create 38% Federal Deficit Reduction Already!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So appaently there was less federal debt for the Republicans to try to kiss off for the recently completed fiscal year--than had become fairly usual for the previous five years.

US budget deficit down to $680B, lowest in 5 years - - Columbia, South Carolina |

Mostly now anyone agrees whey the two parties are not talking to one another(?)! Someone, somewhere, seems to have cut up some credit cards--maybe with the one of them: Not even telling the other one about it.

Kind of makes one point a finger to the starts, and saying: "Home!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington even tried to sign up for ACA at the federal website--Maybe just to make sure, not missing out on federal subsidy(?). . . Millions might say(?)!)
Yeah, after you tripled it five years ago and it's still higher than it was before!! Way to go!!

Dumb ass.
I thought Democratic deficits stimulated the Obama economy.... isn't this bad news for liberals??????
So appaently there was less federal debt for the Republicans to try to kiss off for the recently completed fiscal year--than had become fairly usual for the previous five years.

US budget deficit down to $680B, lowest in 5 years - - Columbia, South Carolina |

Mostly now anyone agrees whey the two parties are not talking to one another(?)! Someone, somewhere, seems to have cut up some credit cards--maybe with the one of them: Not even telling the other one about it.

Kind of makes one point a finger to the starts, and saying: "Home!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington even tried to sign up for ACA at the federal website--Maybe just to make sure, not missing out on federal subsidy(?). . . Millions might say(?)!)

what am I missing here, so instead of spending 1.1 trillion in deficit we are spending $680...ok, good. so? What does that mean? We should just go ahead and spend it up to a trillion again?
I thought Democratic deficits stimulated the Obama economy.... isn't this bad news for liberals??????

not unless they can use it to make themselves right somehow or beat on the gop, shallow will be along shortly to do same...:eusa_liar:
Saying that the Dems created a 38% reduction in the deficit is like giving an arsonist credit for putting out a fire.

Just sayin'.
i think the point is that the larger deficits over the last few years weren't largely a result of any new programs or spending but instead caused by the damaged economy.

now that we're coming out on the other side we should continue to see those deficits drop - which isn't to say more can't or shouldn't be done to prioritize spending and reduce waste.
Anyone can go back to Matt 25:14-30, KJV or Catholic editions, and see how Cheney got five talents, Paulson got two talents,. . . .and then there was Bush, not too up on things, and even at the start. Bush announced that he had learned at Yale University that taxes get cut when a recession happens. The idea is to stimulate spending. So first there was a tax cut, then there was a tax cut, and then there was a tax cut. Finally the rich fellow Osama bin laden--possibly noting that only people like him(?) were getting any tax cuts--took pity on America: More or less like the rich people do. War Spending then got started. Yale University, of the Ivy League, had failed to mention that in order to cut taxes, people have to be liable for income taxes. That is requirement one. Nancy Pelosi is trying to Explain that to Paul Ryan, even this week. Low income filers were not paying federal income taxes, starting back with arithmetic: In the 1986 U. S. federal Tax Reform.

Any resemblance between Secretary Paulson, and Osama bin laden, is probably mostly apparent to accountants. Paul Ryan likely sees no resemblance, at all.

So in twice conquered Israel, Jesus offered the analysis, following the Pythagorean Theorm. After all, the Code of Moses was better regarded a blasphemy--the Law being made for humanity. The superior technology of a Greek religion, the Pythagoreans, could be used to make the better sense: To any assembled clergy(?). (People from Nazareth can actually be thought that stupid(?)!) The Code of Hammurabi had allowed that a family could sell itself into slavery. Dear old dad would make the contract. Even now, many would say, "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

The square root of five squared, plus the square root of five squared, is close to the square root of 49. The household in the story should have been enriched eight talents. Thanks to Bush(?), in fact it was richer by only seven. And so, the decimal point would happen only 1000 years after that(?).

How is an income scale like a measuring scale? Arithmetic and Numbers: No one notes in all of history. Famous Adam Smith would in fact create a usury basis, without noting anything about income measurement scales. Back in Matthew 20:1-16, the crafty little story-teller from Nazareth--not altogether, apparently, that too bright about clergy--had even taken the arithmetic measurement of daily hours, and had created an equal amount payment--regardless if the workers had labored all the needed time unit sum(?), or not. Obama-Biden would go on with that, and create the "Make Work Pay," refundable income tax credit--regardless if labor had worked all the year or not. A year would be thought an actual time unit sum of weeks, or months, or days--or Miliseconds, if Al Gore is still inventing Silicon Valley. He would have been after Bill Clinton, who had come to the understanding of the arithmetic, probably from Robert Reich--not from Nazareth.

Effectively, Matthew 25:14-30, and Matthew 20:1-16, were taken out of the religious context and put into the secular tax code. That would then be Obama-Biden, maybe converted. Still, of course, the schools will not too soon, be up on that. If there is a vertical scale, then horizontal perpendiculr lines can be drawn in. Those can be thought representing the $57.0 tril. total credit market. Manipulations happen. That can even happen on construction job-sites--a phenomenon apparently not well-known about, among newer liberals, and at DNC.

And so Cheney and Paulson took what deficit there was, and sent it off to the Wall Street bankers instead. Reagan Trajectory I had taken what deficit there was, and sent it off to the already prosperous, defense contractors instead. Reagan Trajectory II would take what deficit there was--Obama bin Biden, before they converted(?)--and sent it off to the already prosperous, bureaucrats and public-tax-dollar paid: Teachers in the schools, instead! Probably, even now, this is regarded a miraculous conception, not to be discussed in schools.

What have politicians learned from Bernanke, no one asks(?)! For some people, all you need to do is flip a bunch of switches--and then you get QEIII!

Finally, at the Ivy League, Arithmetic can be wonderful after all?!? The Truck driver, admittely, who backed into the double-parked, brand new, $300,000 Ferrari: Probably makes better sense(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirreded!)
(Addressing the Final Solution To The Presbyterian Question: "Just where is all this money going to come from?!? They don't seem readily able to discuss that, any more, at the Ivy League(?)! The Ivy League even kept the money during the foreclosure crisis, modeled after Matthew 25:14-30, just like the Germans of the Third Republic! That is what all the Ivy League is learning even now! Everything was wonderful!)
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... the deficit for the 2013 budget year totaled $680.3 billion...
--and that's how it came out before the ceiling got lifted. Let's look at what the Treasury Dept. has actually admited on how the first month of FY2014 went.

During October alone the national debt has already increased to $17,088,263,258,631; this is an increase of $350,079,731,933 since the beginning of FY2014. We still have eleven months to go so at this rate the projected deficit for FY2014 should total 4,200,956,783,204 bringing the national debt up to $20,939,140,309,901. With interest rates going back up to where they were five years ago, federal interest outlays alone will top a $trillion yearly.

Then watch what happens to the debt.
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Federal Receipts and Outlays tend to vary monthly, one reason for a borrowing authority.
In Billons of Dollars, variations looked like below in the last few months:
Month Receipts Outlays
Oct-12 184,316 304,311
Nov-12 161,730 333,841
Dec-12 r269,508 r269,699
Jan-13 272,225 269,342
Feb-13 122,815 326,354
Mar-13 186,018 292,548
Apr-13 406,723 293,833
May-13 197,182 335,914
Jun-13 286,627 170,126
Jul-13 200,030 r297,623
Aug-13 185,370 333,293
Sep-13 301,435 226,366

The actual estimate of the FY deficit was originally in excess of $900 bil., so keeping federal workers on the job may have helped collect over $300.00 bil. more than expected, just last FY year alone.

Anyone know that the Republican Party has no clue about business, on more than milisecond basis. Lots of businesses have credit lines, that cover seasonal and other shortfalls. Retailers famously lose money up until Dec. 25, every year--and then pop the corks another week, later.

Republicans like Ryan, and Boehner, and Cantor: Have no clue about life like that at all. With nobody around to do the audits, collect the money, and count it all up: Then to them that is what a functioning government is really all about. That to them is how to run a business.

Business leaders have recently noted that Republicans are not their brand, any more!

After all, Greece is like the Ryan, Boehner, Cantor model of business and government! Normally, in Greece, nobody pays--so normally, there really isn't much to count at any rate!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe RNC come to Lands of Many Nations--which now peddles many White Eyes brands!)
The actual estimate of the FY deficit was originally in excess of $900 bil.,
--the actual mascale estimate that is. Fondly held beliefs are a wonderful comfort.

What the rest of us know is that's number looks like it came from the Treasury dept's Oct.1'12 - Oct.1'13 debt increase. Make that Oct.17'12 - Oct.17'13 and the debt increase jumps back to the $900B level. If that's what 17 days can do then we know what to expect for the rest of FY2014's 365.
The CBO was projecting the final outcome for FY 2013 last May. In February it was still still project $840.0 bil., down from the trillion or so dollar level.

RNC, on the other hand, can make up figures more or less at will. Apparently they claim on six people enrolled in the ACA on October 1, when in fact the the number may have really been zero. There was an RNC, anti-business, federal shutdown being put into place at the time, instead.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe RNC still mad at roll of dice--on one or another of Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
no wonder eXtreme, rw, Repub-voters are abandoning Fox TV :( This Fox article is from yesterday:

US Gov't Posts Smallest Budget Deficit Since 2008 | Fox Business
The deficit widened sharply during the 2007-09 recession, which hit tax revenues and increased payments for unemployment benefits.

Higher tax receipts accounted for about 80 percent of the deficit's reduction, the Treasury said in a statement.
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...the 2007-09 recession, which hit tax revenues and increased payments for unemployment benefits. Higher tax receipts accounted for about 80 percent of the deficit's reduction...
Wait a sec, the deficit's still more than four times what it was since the recession.

Total spending since '07 now tops $4T over pre-recession levels while total receipts since '07 lags former levels by over a $T.
...the 2007-09 recession, which hit tax revenues and increased payments for unemployment benefits. Higher tax receipts accounted for about 80 percent of the deficit's reduction...
Wait a sec, the deficit's still more than four times what it was since the recession.

Total spending since '07 now tops $4T over pre-recession levels while total receipts since '07 lags former levels by over a $T.

^ racist

Q for Libs: Are deficits good or bad?

A: Yes
I dream of the good old days before the two unfunded wars costing trillions and the Bush Tax Cuts costing trillions more passed through reconciliation and all the other GOP expenditures Democrats couldn't stop.

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