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Democrats Did Not Take The House


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House
You can almost feel the desperation of the author, rocking back and forth in a corner typing that story from the fetal position.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the ā€œdenial phaseā€ in the Stages of Grief and Loss.

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House

You keep believing that if it makes you feel better, but you can't get past the fact that the country kicked your crazy ass out.
Republicans did not win the Senate...b/c reasons.

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House

Terrifying how the radical Left has embedded itself in our hallowed halls of American civilizational power.

"INO" is a Republican thing. I've never heard a Dem use the term. Don't fling your dirty laundry this way!

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House
Here ya go...

Leftism is an attractive philosophy. It maintains the fantasy that everyone could be happy and prosperous, if only the wealth of the country were "fairly" spread around, and not just maintained by the pampered, privileged few.

Most people USED TO grow out of this dream world in early adulthood, with the first SHOCK occurring when they get their first real paycheck, and realize that nearly half of their earnings is taken away in the form of taxes. Then, as they support themselves over time, they come to see that most success is EARNED through hard work, intelligent risk-taking, and exploitation of talent.

But the culture now shelters young adults from the realities of life. They sponge off their parents will into their 30's and even beyond, so they never really get to know what it means to be financially emancipated. And never having had to work their way up from poverty to the middle class, they never learn the lessons of, for example, WHY people who work year after year in minimum wage jobs DESERVE to be making minimum wage, and it's not a case of someone being "unfair" to them.

Democrats are all about POWER. They will do anything to get it. Promise people "free" healthcare, "free" college tuition, and subsidies for everything they need in life. They are even willing to embrace tens of millions of people who came here illegally, and who will be draining the resources of our social safety net FOREVER, in exchange for their VOTES, once they are all Americanized.
I seeā€¦.

This is why the blob (who last week called it a ā€œcomplete victoryā€) is now talking about people changing outfits and voting twice.

You got your ass handed to you.
There are no democrats in the Democratic Party. The only thing that remains is the name, and as their grip on power becomes stronger, that will disappear as well and be replaced with a more accurate name...Marxist.
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Hilarious. Considering that white fascists are Republican in name only.

And how do we know that? Like Steve King and Bannon and Donald Trump, they tell us.

Something Republican say that you can actually believe.
I seeā€¦.

This is why the blob (who last week called it a ā€œcomplete victoryā€) is now talking about people changing outfits and voting twice.

You got your ass handed to you.
Can you believe that he said that? And his followers still think heā€™s the leader they admire. Right when he lies right to their faces and still they believe him.
I donā€™t know how his followers function from day to day.
I seeā€¦.

This is why the blob (who last week called it a ā€œcomplete victoryā€) is now talking about people changing outfits and voting twice.

You got your ass handed to you.
Can you believe that he said that? And his followers still think heā€™s the leader they admire. Right when he lies right to their faces and still they believe him.
I donā€™t know how his followers function from day to day.

It will be fun when there is a liberal President in the future and when they eventually shade the truth, we can just defend it as an exaggeration if we want. Iā€™m looking forward to their crying.

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House
Disagree somewhat.

The recently elected nutbars aren't dragging the Democrat Party left, they're exposing how leftist they truly are.....Peloski et. al. don't necessarily disagree with freaks like Cortez, they just want to be more subtle about their Marxism.
Leftism is an attractive philosophy. It maintains the fantasy that everyone could be happy and prosperous, if only the wealth of the country were "fairly" spread around, and not just maintained by the pampered, privileged few.

Yet that's exactly what they do in Europe... hmmmm... another case of "your idea don't work except in all the places they do."

Most people USED TO grow out of this dream world in early adulthood, with the first SHOCK occurring when they get their first real paycheck, and realize that nearly half of their earnings is taken away in the form of taxes. Then, as they support themselves over time, they come to see that most success is EARNED through hard work, intelligent risk-taking, and exploitation of talent.

Bullshit. First, no one gets "half" their paycheck taken unless they are making a lot of money. second most of that goes to programs that help the rich more than the poor.

But the culture now shelters young adults from the realities of life. They sponge off their parents will into their 30's and even beyond, so they never really get to know what it means to be financially emancipated. And never having had to work their way up from poverty to the middle class, they never learn the lessons of, for example, WHY people who work year after year in minimum wage jobs DESERVE to be making minimum wage, and it's not a case of someone being "unfair" to them.

No, buddy. Here's what these kids see today.

They hear the story of how Grandpa had the good union job that provided a good salary that got their family into the middle class.

Then they watch Mom and Dad have to work four jobs between them to stay in the middle class...

Meanwhile, they bust their ass to get a college degree because a computer will toss out your resume if you don't have one, only to find the best job they can get is working as a barista a Starbucks for minimum wage.

And they look at this progression and call bullshit, as well they should.

Democrats are all about POWER. They will do anything to get it. Promise people "free" healthcare, "free" college tuition, and subsidies for everything they need in life. They are even willing to embrace tens of millions of people who came here illegally, and who will be draining the resources of our social safety net FOREVER, in exchange for their VOTES, once they are all Americanized.

And what's the Republican Alternative? Work harder for less money so the rich can enjoy more wealth? Whoops, that tax cut didn't pay for itself, now we have to cut Granny's medicare and social security?

Now your racist shit aside, the reason why we have immigrants is that after you guys gutted the middle class, people aren't having five kids like my parents did... they are stopping at two, which is barely producing enough replacement units.

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House

OK. So I think this is a post about a change of political philosophy in a political party. Personally I think this happened with the D's in the late 60's and then again in the 90's.

-Late 60's, old school Southern Democrats were left voiceless. Thank god.

-90's, the hippie Democrats who booted the Southern Democrats had good jobs and didn't riot when NAFTA was signed.

The Republicans had something strange happen I haven't figured out. By the late 70's they embraced this low tax, big government, conservative, religious fanatical platform and took in every non hippie in the world so they could win national offices after the Nixon debacle left them with no hero's besides Eisenhower of the military industrial complex speech. It has served them well.

This last election was the Trumpsters and we'll have to see what sticks.

The R's are now:

-ignoring religious shortcomings. The moral majority has died off maybe?

-They are ADVENTUROUS economically. I understand this debt as a percentage of GDP thing (I can have a bigger house note if I make more), but man they ignore the debt some years.

-anti free trade or at least anti Marshall Plan, the plan which rebuilt the rest of the world to prevent communist revolutions. And they might be right wanting to end the Marshall Plan finally.

-And the local R's are a pretty VERBAL racist bunch. Think about Mindwars and Purge on here and my neighbors who were empowered by the equally wrong folks who rioted after the Michael Brown shootings.

What changes on each side are you noticing?

When you think about it, the authorā€™s absolutely right. Traditional DimocRATs did not win the house. DINOS did. [Democrat in Name Only]

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, canā€™t put the genie back in the bottle and canā€™t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINOā€™s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

More @ Democrats Did Not Take The House

OK. So I think this is a post about a change of political philosophy in a political party. Personally I think this happened with the D's in the late 60's and then again in the 90's.

-Late 60's, old school Southern Democrats were left voiceless. Thank god.

-90's, the hippie Democrats who booted the Southern Democrats had good jobs and didn't riot when NAFTA was signed.

The Republicans had something strange happen I haven't figured out. By the late 70's they embraced this low tax, big government, conservative, religious fanatical platform and took in every non hippie in the world so they could win national offices after the Nixon debacle left them with no hero's besides Eisenhower of the military industrial complex speech. It has served them well.

This last election was the Trumpsters and we'll have to see what sticks.

The R's are now:

-ignoring religious shortcomings. The moral majority has died off maybe?

-They are ADVENTUROUS economically. I understand this debt as a percentage of GDP thing (I can have a bigger house note if I make more), but man they ignore the debt some years.

-anti free trade or at least anti Marshall Plan, the plan which rebuilt the rest of the world to prevent communist revolutions. And they might be right wanting to end the Marshall Plan finally.

-And the local R's are a pretty VERBAL racist bunch. Think about Mindwars and Purge on here and my neighbors who were empowered by the equally wrong folks who rioted after the Michael Brown shootings.

What changes on each side are you noticing?

The gop is the party of Trump. It's no longer the party of W, HW and Kasich ..... and Reagan.

White Evangelicals continue to support Trump. His polls aren't even that bad with white protestants. He's rock solid on the "repeal Roe" base. Although White Protestant churches are emptying with even the Baptists beginning to fear irrelevancy.

But, the moral majority had nooooo problem with Reagan, who was divorced and a former Hollywood lothario, and who didn't attend services. The "moral superiority" vote has always been happy to accept leaders who are "immoral" so long as their special interests are fed.

The debt is irrelevant. What is important is the success of Trump. McConnell fed his donor base, and Trump claims a populist "win," that his voters believe in.

Lighthizer continues to actually pursue a trade policy that will end trade with China unless China fundamentally reforms. I don't think that's a bad idea. But Trump claims victory in Steel, even though we haven't opened any new blast furnaces, and we won't, and any employment improvement is simply because of nationalistic closed markets. And in that we behave like the Chinese

There is no Trump consistency. NK is a victory .... even though NK is not only building nukes, we no longer know how many they build, and pulling our troops out is no longer unthinkable.

Europe is a Trump victory, as the Baltics reasonably fear Russia reassimiliating them, and France now being the "champion" of the once unquestioned law of nations that wars cannot be used to redraw borders.

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