Democrats Disgrace Themselves During Whistleblower Hearings

So why is Gym Jordan not letting the Democrats attend the secret hearing and not letting Democrats have the transcript?

A hundred or so? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Dream on.

Remember you said this. It will come back to bite you in the ass one day.
One of the so-called whistleblowers was on sean handity today and he worked kid porn cases in GA and got access to J6 reports...

So, that is why he was shielded by Gym.
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In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

Kinda like you guys did with Vindman and the other whistle blowers? Like that?
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

I don't believe there are any "remains" of the once honorable Democratic Party that fought for the American blue collar worker. The 2023 Democrats work against America and Americans in everything they do.
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

Just because some people refer to horse shit as road apples doesn't mean feces is a fruit.

I was suspicious from the beginning about these agents being labeled as whistle blowers.

Here's why: Let's start with the definition of a whistle blower.

A whistleblower (also written as whistle-blower or whistle blower) is a person, often an employee, who reveals information about activity within a private or public organization that is deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe or fraudulent.

However, the Durham report was just released days before, and in it, there was no indication of any conduct that was illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe, or fraudulent, which could easily result in indictments and prosecution which Durham did not recommend.
Just because some people refer to horse shit as road apples doesn't mean feces is a fruit.

I was suspicious from the beginning about these agents being labeled as whistle blowers.

Here's why: Let's start with the definition of a whistle blower.

A whistleblower (also written as whistle-blower or whistle blower) is a person, often an employee, who reveals information about activity within a private or public organization that is deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe or fraudulent.

However, the Durham report was just released days before, and in it, there was no indication of any conduct that was illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe, or fraudulent, which could easily result in indictments and prosecution which Durham did not recommend.
Sad but true, and I have more information about the phony whistle blowers.

Don't get me wrong, I know why conservatives do these kinds of things. It's to create a narrative that motivates their shrinking base to come out in greater numbers on election day. I get that. But this kind of conspiratorial thinking crosses a line in my opinion because it leads people who are already paranoid about the so-called 'deep state' to believe that their political beliefs are under assault and that they're the victims of oppression when the reality is that the FBI is simply pursuing people engaged in illegal activity.

So, whether it's the leftwing Weather Underground of the early 1970s, or the Proud Boys fifty years later, it's the actions and the planned actions of these groups that draws the attention of LE.
Sad but true, and I have more information about the phony whistle blowers.

Don't get me wrong, I know why conservatives do these kinds of things. It's to create a narrative that motivates their shrinking base to come out in greater numbers on election day. I get that. But this kind of conspiratorial thinking crosses a line in my opinion because it leads people who are already paranoid about the so-called 'deep state' to believe that their political beliefs are under assault and that they're the victims of oppression when the reality is that the FBI is simply pursuing people engaged in illegal activity.

So, whether it's the leftwing Weather Underground of the early 1970s, or the Proud Boys fifty years later, it's the actions and the planned actions of these groups that draws the attention of LE.
Phony? Are you serious?
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

They're not "whistleblowers". Just because Gym Jordan says they are doesn't make it true. The three stooges blew a career with the FBI because they didn't realize that their oath was to this Country, not the orange blob. Sucks to be them. When Trump's lackeys like Jordan are done using them, maybe they can get a job as a rent- a- cop.
They're not "whistleblowers". Just because Gym Jordan says they are doesn't make it true. The three stooges blew a career with the FBI because they didn't realize that their oath was to this Country, not the orange blob. Sucks to be them. When Trump's lackeys like Jordan are done using them, maybe they can get a job as a rent- a- cop.

They're not "whistleblowers". Just because Gym Jordan says they are doesn't make it true. The three stooges blew a career with the FBI because they didn't realize that their oath was to this Country, not the orange blob. Sucks to be them. When Trump's lackeys like Jordan are done using them, maybe they can get a job as a rent- a- cop.
How much do you expect people to believe? How are you stupid enough to think what they have done is right in any way. The abuse of power get you off? Fascist.
Sad but true, and I have more information about the phony whistle blowers.

Don't get me wrong, I know why conservatives do these kinds of things. It's to create a narrative that motivates their shrinking base to come out in greater numbers on election day. I get that. But this kind of conspiratorial thinking crosses a line in my opinion because it leads people who are already paranoid about the so-called 'deep state' to believe that their political beliefs are under assault and that they're the victims of oppression when the reality is that the FBI is simply pursuing people engaged in illegal activity.

So, whether it's the leftwing Weather Underground of the early 1970s, or the Proud Boys fifty years later, it's the actions and the planned actions of these groups that draws the attention of LE.
When Trump's lackeys like Jordan are done using them they'll end up at the curb, hat in hand never to be heard from again.

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