Democrats Disgrace Themselves During Whistleblower Hearings

I don't see the need for personal insults. That's why I don't engage in them. Apparently, you have a different point of view.
With your post and what it says why would I believe anything else? My point of view is not supporting lying traitors.
That is not word salad it is quite clear. Why do you support this? The abuse of power in every branch of the government. Like I said, you must be a fascist.
What abuse can you point to after the former 1-term fuckup left by vote of the people.
With your post and what it says why would I believe anything else? My point of view is not supporting lying traitors.
Painting the FBI as traitors is so incredibly wrong and unfair. After all, it's a known fact that most LE people are conservative Republicans who are motivated by investigating crime, and preventing crime if at all possible. The political persuasion of the men and women they pursue is not an issue for them any more than any other crime.
Painting the FBI as traitors is so incredibly wrong and unfair. After all, it's a known fact that most LE people are conservative Republicans who are motivated by investigating crime, and preventing crime if at all possible. The political persuasion of the men and women they pursue is not an issue for them any more than any other crime.
It is not wrong. What they did was treason.
No one needs to try to make Republicans look bad. They make themselves look bad. Every time get arrested and charged with crimes.

What treasonous actions are you talking about. Durham found nothing not a single thing. If he had, he would’ve charged it.

This is just another swing and a miss and you’re trying to claim it’s a home run.

Treason is an FBI agent illegally giving interviews to the Russian press. Treason is refusing to arrest January 6th insurrectionists.

Treason is taking money from the criminal, ex-president’s men and going in front of a congressional hearing and lying.
Lol, liberals crapped their diapers over Trump making a phone call and asking a question. Got impeached over it. But the fbi making up a lie about our enemy colluding with a sitting president. That's no big deal? I tell you what, I want Obama charged with colluding. When he asked Putin to wait till after the election, so he could give him what he wanted.
I can tell that you don't even know what the definition of treason is.
When a united states agency tries to frame an elected president, to remove him from office. That is treason, and the more you make excuses for it. You prove you're the problem.
One of the so-called whistleblowers was on sean handity today and he worked kid porn cases in GA and got access to J6 reports...

So, that is why he was shielded by Gym.
I would think you would be the first in line to welcome him. I mean, the leader of your party is a pedophile.
I can tell that you don't even know what the definition of treason is.
No point in arguing with you about it. You are up to neck believing total bullshit and a warped idea about what is American. As in off the deep end.
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

The Durham report is a lie as it has been contradicted by the original IG report and the Mueller report.

The disgraceful acts of Republicans were on full display. The Republican conduct would have been approved by Adolph Hitler.
You can type all the lies you want with no proof. Everyone laughs at you.
The Durham report proves that the FBI is the democrat's Gestapo.

Everybody is laughing at you. Again Republicans lose more ground in elections. They lose a seat in Colorado that has gone Republican for 45 years. They lose the largest city in Florida. They lose what had been a Republican seat in Pennsylvania for a long time until Trump ran in 2016.

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