Democrats Disgrace Themselves During Whistleblower Hearings

In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

Another failure of performance theater by a party without a point.
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The only testimony that matters is at the hearing dumbass.
There are a hundred or so other whistleblowers waiting in the wings.
The democrats don't need to know who they are, they like their jobs.
Are the rest of the “whistleblowers” also right wing hacks who let their personal political agenda influence their work?
Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.
I guess you haven’t seen the way Margerie Taylor Greene behaves in hearings. She’s had to be shut down by her own party members and put in a time out.

This is nothing compared to that.
Where was the lie?
Those FBI agents were fired for participating in the insurrection. That makes them traitors. That's not debatable.
They are getting paid by the Trump machine. That's not debatable.
Whether they were lying in the hearings can't be proven, but given the previous facts, it's a rational conclusion.
Oh, that's right. The Party ordered you to defend the traitors. Please, carry on.
1. They were not fired for J6.
2. They are not traitors, they served in the military, they are decorated combat veterans dumbass. You and the democrats are the traitors.
3. They are not getting paid by Trump, they were FBI agents who refused to violate their oath.
4. They were under oath, they spoke the truth. Democrats are liars.
No, the only testimony that matters is in court. No ones cares about the Stalinist dog-and-pony shows run by the Republicans.
And yet those "whistleblowers" always end up absent when it's time to testify in court.
A rational person would conclude that either they never existed, or they don't want to go to jail for lying to the court.
You? You're remarkably stupid, so you always come up with some idiot conspiracy theory to explain the missing whistleblowers.
1. Democrats are Stalinists dumbass, reparations??????
2. The whistleblowers can testify wherever they want
3. You can't prove they lied. They have recordings and a paper trail, plus the vicious way the FBI treated them for not playing along.
:link: To 'participated'.
None of them participated in Jan 6th, of course.

Sad that poster on here have adopted the bold-faced lie tactic of their party. They don't even pretend to tell the truth anymore.

Cought holding an empty cookie jar with cumbs on her mouth and hands, a bad liar will say "I didn't eat the cookies," a better liar will say, "I only ate the half of a cookie that was left after someone else ate most of them," while a 2020's Democrat will say, "You ate the cookies, you racist transphobe!"
Goldman in particular was disgusting. If that's the way he acted as a prosecutor, all of his cases should be re-looked at by a special counsel.
Awwww. Someone's upset because his cult's dog-and-pony show got laughed at by the whole nation.

Trump cultists, if you weren't so flagrantly dishonest and corrupt, you wouldn't get laughed at by everyone.
Lol, here you are trying to make Republicans look bad. When you're trying to deflect from the treasonous actions your party has been doing for 6 years. Fuck you, it's time for us to fight back. No way, the democrats get away with this.
Here is Goldman I just read that Goldman is heir to the Levi-Strauss fortune. Basically, he bought his way into Congress with family money:

I guess he couldn't get George Soros interested.

I love me some Levis, they are the best looking jeans on women, and I look damn good in them, even at sixty-one. The original creators were a prime example of great American innovation.

But I'll dig up my old French Star Jeans, if that's what they're doing now.

In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

I think Jim Jordan not to be ashamed of himself to try to pass these clowns off as “patriotic Americans”.

These guys have been fired and have their security clearances lifted for dereliction of duty and giving interviews to the Russian press.

One of them admitted he’s being paid by Kash Patel to appear before the panel. Not one of them has gone through the whistleblowers officer made a formal complaint.

These guys are conspiracy theory, nuts. And they didn’t have a shred of evidence to present.

Last, but not least Gym Jordan lost control of his own hearing. He’s supposed to maintain order and decorum. Not engage in screaming matches with other committee members. Or violate committee rules.

When is this weaponization of government committee gonna start looking at all of the investigations that Donald Trump commissioned in order to prosecute Democrats? We have 4 investigations claiming Democrats were involved in illegal activities around the 2016 election, and so far there hasn’t been a single Democrat charged or government official charged with anything in connection with the 2016 election.

This is at least 30 investigations where Republicans have claimed criminal contact conduct by Democrats and so far no but Democrats have been charged with anything.
Lol, here you are trying to make Republicans look bad. When you're trying to deflect from the treasonous actions your party has been doing for 6 years. Fuck you, it's time for us to fight back. No way, the democrats get away with this.

No one needs to try to make Republicans look bad. They make themselves look bad. Every time get arrested and charged with crimes.

What treasonous actions are you talking about. Durham found nothing not a single thing. If he had, he would’ve charged it.

This is just another swing and a miss and you’re trying to claim it’s a home run.

Treason is an FBI agent illegally giving interviews to the Russian press. Treason is refusing to arrest January 6th insurrectionists.

Treason is taking money from the criminal, ex-president’s men and going in front of a congressional hearing and lying.
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

What a bunch of brazen bovine excrement! Ewgarding the Durham report:

And the so called whistleblower are the facts:

In the case of Marcus Allen, his top secret clearance was revoked after it was revealed he supported those who believed in or threatened to use violence against the American government. Allen then sent an email from his bureau account to colleagues in telling them to “exercise extreme caution and discretion in pursuit of any investigative inquiries or leads pertaining to the events of” Jan. 6.

In the case of Stephen Friend, the FBI said that he lost his clearance after he refused to participate in the arrest of a Jan. 6 attacker. When talking to his superiors about it, Friend “espoused an alternative narrative about the events at the U.S. Capitol," the letter from the Bureau said. There's also an accusation that Friend downloaded documents from the FBI onto a personal drive, but didn't go into details there.
These people are full of shit as are those who spread these lies
Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace on Thursday, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) challenged Jordan's characterization of the men as "whistleblowers" because they are not only Trump-affiliated but Trumpworld funded.
When you're trying to deflect from the treasonous actions your party has been doing for 6 years.
It's not my side that's going to prison for sedition. Those are your people, and your lips are glued to their anuses.

I'm just making it clear where we both stand. Our side puts traitors in prison, while your side sucks traitor asses.

Fuck you, it's time for us to fight back

What's the big plan? Cry louder? Hoover the azzjelly out of traitor rectums with even more gusto? Oooh, scary.

Oh, let me clarify. I'm not certain that I've personally put traitors into prison. I do report the actions of traitors when they actually cross the line into treason, so it's possible that I've helped.

So, a warning to all of the Trump cult traitors here. Tone down your treason. Patriots are watching you. Being an older white male, I can easily infiltrate the traitor groups, and I'm sure others are doing the same.
The only testimony that matters is at the hearing dumbass.
So why is Gym Jordan not letting the Democrats attend the secret hearing and not letting Democrats have the transcript?

There are a hundred or so other whistleblowers waiting in the wings.
A hundred or so? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Dream on.

The democrats don't need to know who they are, they like their jobs.
Remember you said this. It will come back to bite you in the ass one day.
So why is Gym Jordan not letting the Democrats attend the secret hearing and not letting Democrats have the transcript?

A hundred or so? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Dream on.

Remember you said this. It will come back to bite you in the ass one day.
Oh, the same thing the J6 committee did? Oh well.

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