Democrats Disgrace Themselves During Whistleblower Hearings

So he’s bribing them.
They were on the street with children.
Kash gave them survival money without strings. The FBI wanted to destroy them as a message to other whistleblowers.
You can fire someone and let them find other employment, the FBI is plain evil and needs to be defunded and rebuilt apolitically.
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They were one the street with children.
Kash gave them survival money without strings. The FBI wanted to destroy them as a message to other whistleblowers.
You can fire someone and let them find other employment, the FBI is plain evil and needs to be defunded and rebuilt apolitically.
Kash Patel doesn’t hand out money to anyone. He’s paying them specifically because they’re saying what he wants.

It’s bribery.

No one is stopping these schmucks from getting a job. McDonalds is always hiring.
Kash Patel doesn’t hand out money to anyone. He’s paying them specifically because they’re saying what he wants.
It’s bribery.
No one is stopping these schmucks from getting a job. McDonalds is always hiring.
Prove what you say. Kash wants them and their family to live with dignity as decorated combat veterans.
Pulling their security clearance is vicious vengeance.

When the GOP wins in 2024 there will be a lot of traitors getting their security clearances pulled. I can think of 51 right away.
So in summary, the whistleblowers are actually just paid stooges who are taking bribes and Jim Jordan is covering it up.
They were whistle blowers before they needed charity to survive. The FBI could have let them go work elsewhere, but no, the FBI wants to destroy them.
That's why the FBI needs to be defunded and rebuilt in 2025.
This is nothing new…. Consistent with the two Impeachments and January 6 hearings. All are not only a disgrace but a shit show. Can’t take Democrats seriously
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.


Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace, he joined with former U.S. Attorney and a whistleblower lawyer, Harry Litman, who questioned the legitimacy of the claim that the men were indeed whistleblowers instead of disgruntled employees.

Wallace wondered, if Jordan felt there was politicization happening at the FBI, why then wouldn't he call in the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray?

Your OP is a flop! Here is more

The GOP's hearings, featuring FBI agents Marcus Allen and Stephen Friend, were meant to highlight evidence that the bureau politically retaliated against conservatives and Trump supporters.

But even before the hearing took place, CNN released a report showing that Allen and Friend lost their security clearances not due to retaliation for being conservative, but for a wide variety of security concerns including failing to relay information through the proper channels, copying sensitive information onto flash drives, and pushing conspiracy theories about the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Prove what you say. Kash wants them and their family to live with dignity as decorated combat veterans.
Pulling their security clearance is vicious vengeance.

When the GOP wins in 2024 there will be a lot of traitors getting their security clearances pulled. I can think of 51 right away.
Trump already had security clearances revoked for political reasons and none of you complained.

Stephen Friend had his security clearance revoked after he violated FBI policies by copying department documents to a personal storage device. You can’t violate the rules and whine about political retaliation.
Can someone clarify what they blew the shitle on? I watched it yesterday and from what I can tell:
1. One thought SWAT was being used too much.
2. One stated that FBI were investigating parents that had been reported as potentially dangerous.
What was the third?
LOL the Jan 6 investigation for one they refused to seat the republican choices and the democrats seated 2 rinos. then refused to share info.
The select committee rules gave the speaker authority to refuse to seat members to a committee. Pelosi agreed to three of McCarthy's choices which McCarthy took away after she refused to seat two of them. The rules do not give Jim Jordan to hide transcripts.

Dems followed the rules. Republicans make a mockery of the House by ignoring the rules.
Republicans held a secret hearing with the alleged "whistleblowers" and are refusing to release the transcript of that hearing to the Democrats.

Now THAT is Stalinist.

I guess they don't want the Democrats to hear all the analingus they performed on each other.

It's Captain Hyperbole!!!!!
They were whistle blowers before they needed charity to survive. The FBI could have let them go work elsewhere, but no, the FBI wants to destroy them.
That's why the FBI needs to be defunded and rebuilt in 2025.
He's an able bodied American. He could always get a job at McDonalds rather than taking a bribe.
sure it is sure it is

You have to remember to a Democrat anything criticizing Republicans is true no matter how factually false it is and anything you say about Democrats is false no matter how factually true it is.

That's just how Democrats like surada roll
When one of the citizens snaps and kills many people, it is so satisfying in beliefs of these things happening from the hatred progs promote as we warn. And we lament the event.

What the hell did you just say?
These 3 former FBI agents participated in the Jan 6 violent insurrection.

They were fired for being traitors to the USA.

Now they're on the payroll of the fascist Trump cult. They're getting paid to lie.

Anyone calling them "whistleblowers", as the OP is doing, is lying very badly for the glory of Theparty and fascism.

The funny part is how they expect anyone to believe a word these traitors say. They stabbed their own country in the back, they have no regets about doing that, and they're taking money to do it again.

They're whaleshit-low people. Thus, the Trump cult traitors here all identify with them.
Your posts are smacking of desperation. You do realize that, don't you?

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