Democrats Disgrace Themselves During Whistleblower Hearings

No, he’s just playing by the rules you cowardly assholes set during your phony “committee” hearings on Jan. 6. Cry harder that you’re now getting a taste of your own medicine. Doesn’t taste too good does it?
Tell me what rules were set by the January 6th committee?
Tell me what rules were set by the January 6th committee?
Refusing to release transcripts of testimony, falsifying evidence, suborning perjury, refusing to seat the opposite party’s chosen representatives. Take your medicine and STFU crybaby.
No homo. Jordan is letting them tell the truth. To the public. Which is driving you leftards insane. So what happened all those Jan 6 “committee” witnesses? What happened to Blase Fraud after you lefties got done with her? Hypocrite much?
Jordan will never get the stink of Trump's ass off his face & neither will you, asscrack.

The hearings are proving that Jordan is full of shit, which is why you defend what's going on, ass breath.
Refusing to release transcripts of testimony, falsifying evidence, suborning perjury, refusing to seat the opposite party’s chosen representatives. Take your medicine and STFU crybaby.
Why would they seat Trump's patsy's like Jordan who voted sgainst certifying the election, dope?

Go back & try for that GED, halftard.
Kind of the point of the hearing. The three FBI men didn't discuss their politics, but they may well be conservative Republicans who are motivated by investigating crime and preventing crime if at all possible.*

They objected to actions like being ordered to investigate political speech, and to take down license plates at a school board meeting. The FBI, under Garland and Wray, have since made a concerted effort to retaliate against them for their wanting to be law enforcement and not the muscle end of the Democratic Party.

*They also may be Democrats, like the reporters who broke the Twitter Files story and were attacked by the Dems on the Weaponization of Government committee.
Two of them have been paid by the former 1-term fuckups lawyer cash Patel. All of them have had security clearances pulled for either J6 activities or failure to serve a warrant regarding it.

One appeared to n russian propaganda TV to decry our country.

And national socialist party n and on…
They were on the street with children.
Kash gave them survival money without strings. The FBI wanted to destroy them as a message to other whistleblowers.
You can fire someone and let them find other employment, the FBI is plain evil and needs to be defunded and rebuilt apolitically.

Their being paid to be informants for the Stazi.

And rep. Gym is blowing them on the TV
Two of them have been paid by the former 1-term fuckups lawyer cash Patel. All of them have had security clearances pulled for either J6 activities or failure to serve a warrant regarding it.

One appeared to n russian propaganda TV to decry our country.

And national socialist party n and on…
They've been given donations by Patel since the FBI has put them into a no-win situation by suspending them without pay and not allowing them to work an outside job while their cases go forward.

If this were a business owner doing it to his employees, you would have little trouble recognizing how wrong it is.

If FBI agents sign some agreement not to engage in political speech as every other American has the right to, show it to me. None of them - not a single one - participated in "J6 activities." I believe that one of them spoke against investigating people for attending a Trump rally that day. Is that what you meant? Please be more specifi.
Boi, two of the so-called informants have been paid.
You want national socialism rule so your post is not surprising.
Two of the whistleblowers were given money to survive after the FBI tried to destroy them.
The FBI is now the GESTAPO. The congress has oversight. They need to defund the FBI.
In so many ways, day after day, the remains of the Democratic Party disgrace themselves. But this week set new lows even for the Democratic Party.

First, with their lying response to the Durham Report.

Second, with the disgraceful display at today's hearing involving whistleblower testimony wherein they attacked whistleblowers in ways that Lenin would have approved.

Disgrace themselves? haha they have to have something to disgrace…these tyrants have no shame at all
Refusing to do your job should result in losing your job. That's their fault. They didn't earn their security clearances. They were granted that privilege by the government. They broke that trust and therefore no longer qualify for that privilege. That's also their fault.

They don't need charity to "survive", they could go flip burgers.

Kash Patel is bribing them.
When the tide turns and the police state is out in front to us all, you will see what other nations have gone through. Within all of the police, security and intelligence agencies there is a percentage who have the Nazi, Stasi, Kgb yearnings. It exists. Locally, regionally, statewide and nationally.
Two of the whistleblowers were given money to survive after the FBI tried to destroy them.
The FBI is now the GESTAPO. The congress has oversight. They need to defund the FBI.
They're not whistleblowers. Just because someone is an idiot or an asshole like Gym Jordan giving them the title "whistleblower" doesn't make them one.
Jordan will never get the stink of Trump's ass off his face & neither will you, asscrack.

The hearings are proving that Jordan is full of shit, which is why you defend what's going on, ass breath.
The hearings are showing the DOJ and FBI are Democratic storm troopers.
They've been given donations by Patel since the FBI has put them into a no-win situation by suspending them without pay and not allowing them to work an outside job while their cases go forward.

If this were a business owner doing it to his employees, you would have little trouble recognizing how wrong it is.

If FBI agents sign some agreement not to engage in political speech as every other American has the right to, show it to me. None of them - not a single one - participated in "J6 activities." I believe that one of them spoke against investigating people for attending a Trump rally that day. Is that what you meant? Please be more specifi.
They put themselves into their situation of not having a security clearance, by their actions.

And no, if they did not perform the requirements of their job they would be fired.

It's called bias asshole.
They put themselves into their situation of not having a security clearance, by their actions.

And no, if they did not perform the requirements of their job they would be fired.

It's called bias asshole.
What were their actions, exactly, that led to losing their clearances?

Don't guess, provide evidence.

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