Democrats Don't Have To 'WIN' Mid-Terms...GOP Giving Them To DNC

The problem is there is really two factions in the Republican party, one going with option A, the other with Option B, and neither getting anything done.

The only successes have been under the table, court appointments, EO revocations, and regulatory roll-back.

I agree...but I will take that, for now. Considering the alternative, I will gladly take that for now.

(the following not necessarily a direct response to you...but to the thread in general)

The House is passing bills - they sit in the Senate. When Pelosi (D) was Speaker and Reid (D) was Senate Majority Leader, Pelosi blamed the Republicans for holding up legislation in the Senate.

The Democrats took control of both Houses in '07 by promising transparency and fiscal responsibility. Didn't happen. Bush was willing to work with the Dems on immigration and health care reform - as he did on other Democrat projects, (much to his detriment when they proved to be unpopular). Republicans nearly always get burned when they try to cooperate with Dems.

Obama came along, and the Dems passed a raft of spending bills and legislation - Obamacare, Stimulus, a 450Billion dollar holdover bill, Dodd-Frank - they were busy little bees - and it cost them the House in 2010. The Republicans gained more than 60 seats in the House, and 6 in the Senate...not because the Dems didn't do enough - because they did too much!

We'll see how it all plays out - the assessment of the situation by political pundits is not to be trusted - personally, I believe enacting legislation should be cumbersome. And I, for one, am pleased that at least one political party is not in lock-step.

I'll bet a cyber beer that not one in ten Democrat posters on here know that their party held the Senate until 2015, and not one in 50 know (if there are that many, lol) that Harry Reid blocked passage of a budget for 6 years - keeping the budget at historically high numbers, and avoiding accountability.
It is being teported on Drudge that there is a possibility that Tax Cuts get delayed, risking not getting done this year.

The GOP has already proven to be either, too reluctant, opposed to, or too incompetent to get any of the major Trump agenda items passed despite controlling the House and Senate.

The GOP continues to be the DNC's greatest hope for winning in 2018 as the DNC contunues to self-destruct amidst scandal now highlighted by former DNC Chairman Donna Brazile taking a flamethrower to the DNC.


Senate Republican tax plan may eliminate property tax deductions and delay corporate cut

Congress has been doing nothing for years and now they can't say but obama. We are too deep into party politics. So many of these bums should have been voted out, but too many vote on D or R. The same Rs and Ds stay too long because people won't vote against their party. No incentive to do a good job.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).

We have an utter piece of crap tax system right now. Each party just shuffles the deck.
Be that as it may, implementing something worse for the sake of change and being able to say one changed/did something is absurd.
The problem is there is really two factions in the Republican party, one going with option A, the other with Option B, and neither getting anything done.

The only successes have been under the table, court appointments, EO revocations, and regulatory roll-back.

I agree...but I will take that, for now. Considering the alternative, I will gladly take that for now.

(the following not necessarily a direct response to you...but to the thread in general)

The House is passing bills - they sit in the Senate. When Pelosi (D) was Speaker and Reid (D) was Senate Majority Leader, Pelosi blamed the Republicans for holding up legislation in the Senate.

The Democrats took control of both Houses in '07 by promising transparency and fiscal responsibility. Didn't happen. Bush was willing to work with the Dems on immigration and health care reform - as he did on other Democrat projects, (much to his detriment when they proved to be unpopular). Republicans nearly always get burned when they try to cooperate with Dems.

Obama came along, and the Dems passed a raft of spending bills and legislation - Obamacare, Stimulus, a 450Billion dollar holdover bill, Dodd-Frank - they were busy little bees - and it cost them the House in 2010. The Republicans gained more than 60 seats in the House, and 6 in the Senate...not because the Dems didn't do enough - because they did too much!

We'll see how it all plays out - the assessment of the situation by political pundits is not to be trusted - personally, I believe enacting legislation should be cumbersome. And I, for one, am pleased that at least one political party is not in lock-step.

I'll bet a cyber beer that not one in ten Democrat posters on here know that their party held the Senate until 2015, and not one in 50 know (if there are that many, lol) that Harry Reid blocked passage of a budget for 6 years - keeping the budget at historically high numbers, and avoiding accountability.

More and more evidence that the federal government was never meant to have so much power over the day to day life of people. The whole idea of federalism was to leave most things to the States, and let the feds deal with the big picture stuff. Once you start quibbling over small stuff the separation of powers we have becomes a roadblock.

If a society wants a strong central government with only weak local government, they need to have a parliamentary system that unifies the government to get things done.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).

We have an utter piece of crap tax system right now. Each party just shuffles the deck.
Be that as it may, implementing something worse for the sake of change and being able to say one changed/did something is absurd.

Exhibit Obamacare.

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