Democrats dont want to take your guns...


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2020
Of course they do. . They lie about everything ...


Meantime, rifles don't account for even 1% of all gun crime and the head of the ATF can't even tell you what an "assault" weapon is because he don't know much about guns. Seriously, I literally just saw him say that on TV yesterday.
The cringeworthy freakish desperation they have to both disarm those they oppose (that's us, arming the taliban, drug cartels, violent repeat felons that shouldn't be free and other jihadi militants is just fine though) along with their rage over Roe V. Wade should be enough to convince every rational adult that our own hard core libturd "fellow citizens" actually need to be quarantined and otherwise cared for in an asylum setting. I am talking about 10's of millions of people who will need to be contained, sterilized, fed, housed, employed doing mundane tasks, and otherwise entertained and probably several million completely incorrigible millions it would be far easier to snuff out, or even expatriate in some labor exchange deal.

The majority of them just need minimal supervision and can probably function free in society as long as they do not procreate or have access to children unsupervised, but the hardcore ones have to go. They need to be physically removed from society and the gene pool. Massive prison complexes could be built but it may be better to exchange them for North Korean prisoners.

I think Kim might be amicable if we sweetened the deal. For every working age male or female under 21 that is not handicapped we will provide one bed wetter, one hundred pounds of rice, pork, and flour, 5 gallons of LPG, $1000 and one round of M43 7.62mm ammo. I think it would work out well and reduce tensions in the region.
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Of course they do. . They lie about everything ...
If they do not confiscate the guns they ban, they have done nothing to reduce availability of those guns...
... and thus, have done nothing to reduce the number of shootings committed with those guns.

Democrats don't give a hoot in hell about the children or violent crime - they want to make it as hard a possible for the law abiding to exercise their righ to keep and bear arms -- and there is no limit to the dishonesty they are willing to commit to get there.

None of this is news, of course.
The CO House Bill 1230 was rejected in a 6-7 vote in the House Judiciary Committee at about 1 a.m. this morning....Three dems voted against it.
Three dems decided not to shit in their kitchen?

Hmmm... maybe some creatures are redeemable.

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