Democrats doubt they can even retake the House because of Obama

It's with a B and it wasn't stolen. The old Medicare Advantage was a kick back to doctors and hospitals. It reimbursed them at the going rate plus 12% (or was it 14%?). The Affordable Care Act ended that over payment and lumped many of the services Medicare Advantage provided into regular Medicare, thus SAVING $500B from Medicare.

I thought you guys were in favour of reducing spending. Why then do you hate it when Obama does it?

In other words, Obama and the Dims cut $500 billion from medicare. Dims always have some new definitions of words to make bad things sound good.

Ah, well there we go. See, I thought you wanted to have an intelligent, adult conversation.

I was wrong.
They blamed the Democrats for their out of control spending.

False. They pointed to spending and revenue and said they were downgrading due to the unlikely possibility of a real deal and plan being implemented. Couple that with Boehner's continued to comments about not having GOP votes, and we all know what happened.

Even if your characterization is 100% accurate, they didn't blame Republicans. If there was anyone opposed to a "real deal," it was Obama and the Democrats. They wanted taxes increased immediately and any spending cuts for some future Congress to vote on. In other words, it was the classic Democrat con game.
I think half of what you wrote is true and applicable. Maybe. What's funny is some of what you wrote is actually beneficial!

What part is "beneficial?"

I'm dying to hear this.


A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

A weak dollar helps foreign nations, like European nations?

No inflation??

Go back to economy 101.

Your ignorance makes me angry..
Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

Your savior disagrees.

[ame=]Obama: "The LAST THING We Want to Do Is Raise Taxes During a Recession" - YouTube[/ame]
I think half of what you wrote is true and applicable. Maybe. What's funny is some of what you wrote is actually beneficial!

What part is "beneficial?"

I'm dying to hear this.


A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

I would love to know how you came to this conclusion ...

Money or wealth is not finite .....
What part is "beneficial?"

I'm dying to hear this.


A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

I would love to know how you came to this conclusion ...

Money or wealth is not finite .....

Well, if I may be so bold. I'll use one of your quotes that fits this situation.

I don't feel like writing a thesis right now only to have a clown refute it for emotional and partisan reasons rather than its content...

A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

I would love to know how you came to this conclusion ...

Money or wealth is not finite .....

Well, if I may be so bold. I'll use one of your quotes that fits this situation.

I don't feel like writing a thesis right now only to have a clown refute it for emotional and partisan reasons rather than its content...

There is finite and there is infinite...

I will write the problem..

Finite is socialism and infinite is capitalism...

You for purges/culls or free trade agreements?

A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

wow. the stupid meter just went off the scales folks.

regarding inflation:
Inflation: Conclusion
After reading this tutorial, you should have some insight into inflation and its effects. For starters, you now know that inflation isn't intrinsically good or bad. Like so many things in life, the impact of inflation depends on your personal situation.

When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money.

When there is unanticipated inflation, creditors lose, people on a fixed-income lose, "menu costs" go up, uncertainty reduces spending and exporters aren't as competitive.
But... but... YOU said 'A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas'.

I guess we should believe a guy called DontBeStupid, instead of the financial and economic experts at Investopedia, huh.:lol:
No wonder his "jobs bill" hasn't been introduced by any democrats yet. They are desperate to distance themselves from him and his policies. Have they finally realized how much damage he is doing or are they just in self preservation mode waiting for things to somehow miraculously turn around.

Don't bet the House on Democrats - Dan Hirschhorn -


“I’m glad the election’s not today,” said Democratic pollster Keith Frederick, a veteran of House races. “Every poll shows independents losing their patience for the president. These House elections tend to get nationalized, and there’s no doubt right now that as a referendum on Barack Obama, House Democrats lose.”

“It’s going to be a really tough battle,” Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) told POLITICO. “Democrats are all going to have to distinguish themselves from the president.”

After the democrat loss of NY9--Barack Obama has effectively become a LAME DUCK President 14 months prior to the election.

Many are calling for him to be challenged for the nomination--and others refuse to support his Job's bill--and you sure don't see many getting up in front of the podium pounding the drum on raising taxes on anyone.

Democrats don't need to worry if they're going to retake the house---:lol: they need to worry about if they're going to have a job themselves after November 2012--

$donkey stimulus.jpg

A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

wow. the stupid meter just went off the scales folks.

regarding inflation:
Inflation: Conclusion
After reading this tutorial, you should have some insight into inflation and its effects. For starters, you now know that inflation isn't intrinsically good or bad. Like so many things in life, the impact of inflation depends on your personal situation.

When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money.

When there is unanticipated inflation, creditors lose, people on a fixed-income lose, "menu costs" go up, uncertainty reduces spending and exporters aren't as competitive.
But... but... YOU said 'A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas'.

I guess we should believe a guy called DontBeStupid, instead of the financial and economic experts at Investopedia, huh.:lol:

heh heh you should stop. You're really starting to let your stupidity show.
It's with a B and it wasn't stolen. The old Medicare Advantage was a kick back to doctors and hospitals. It reimbursed them at the going rate plus 12% (or was it 14%?). The Affordable Care Act ended that over payment and lumped many of the services Medicare Advantage provided into regular Medicare, thus SAVING $500B from Medicare.

I thought you guys were in favour of reducing spending. Why then do you hate it when Obama does it?

In other words, Obama and the Dims cut $500 billion from medicare. Dims always have some new definitions of words to make bad things sound good.
They cut $500 billion [Medicare Advantage] that went to private insurance companies for them to administer Medicare...a rip off.
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A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas. That helps companies here compete.

Inflation, not that we have a lot now, is also good as it helps people reduce their debt burden as it relates to their income. Same goes for the US debt.

You call it "slashing" Medicare, but what every intelligent person calls it is finding savings in Medicare and reducing spending.

Tax hikes are a good thing when you are at historically low tax revenue levels. Which we are now.

wow. the stupid meter just went off the scales folks.

regarding inflation:
Inflation: Conclusion

When there is unanticipated inflation, creditors lose, people on a fixed-income lose, "menu costs" go up, uncertainty reduces spending and exporters aren't as competitive.
But... but... YOU said 'A weaker dollar means the goods we make here are more competitive overseas'.

I guess we should believe a guy called DontBeStupid, instead of the financial and economic experts at Investopedia, huh.:lol:

heh heh you should stop. You're really starting to let your stupidity show.

yeah, it's stupid when the fact disagree with the nonsense you spout, huh.

How can 'the goods we make here are more competitive overseas' when 'exporters aren't as competitive' with inflation.

Dip-shit. I just proved you wrong on inflation with a completely non-partisan source, and you just can't man up and admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. As usual.
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How can 'the goods we make here are more competitive overseas' when 'exporters aren't as competitive' with inflation.

Because I didn't say they would be more competitive with inflation. I said they are more competitive with a weaker dollar, and they are. It makes our goods cheaper overseas. This is Econ 101 stuff dude.

As for inflation, your own link said it is neither intrinsically good or bad. Maybe you don't know what the word "intrinsically" means. Anyway, inflation can be bad if it drives up the costs of goods faster than the increase in wages and purchasing power. But, it also helps reduce people's debt burden, and since the economy is stagnant now due to consumer's debt burden, inflation now would be a good thing to help reduce that.

Like I said, your stupidity is showing. You should stop now and do some reading.
Non-issue. The election is a year away. Once voters are reminded that it was the GOP that voted to dissolve Medicare and it was the TP obstruction that lead to the credit downgrade, I think voters will change their minds.

If unemployment numbers stay near where they are today and the Stock Market is down to
10,000 he should not be re elected...There is no way this President deserves to continue on as President.

This President has money to spend on his campaign and his people will come up with a catchy slogan and people will fall for it because they will not have any interest in the issues.
He will put all the blame on everyone but himself and the public will fall for it.

The thing that interests me is just a few years ago the Left acted like the Republican party was dead and buried and now they have the House and a decent shot at the Presidency.

I kinda like the way things are going.:clap2:
How can 'the goods we make here are more competitive overseas' when 'exporters aren't as competitive' with inflation.

Because I didn't say they would be more competitive with inflation. I said they are more competitive with a weaker dollar, and they are. It makes our goods cheaper overseas. This is Econ 101 stuff dude.

As for inflation, your own link said it is neither intrinsically good or bad. Maybe you don't know what the word "intrinsically" means. Anyway, inflation can be bad if it drives up the costs of goods faster than the increase in wages and purchasing power. But, it also helps reduce people's debt burden, and since the economy is stagnant now due to consumer's debt burden, inflation now would be a good thing to help reduce that.

Like I said, your stupidity is showing. You should stop now and do some reading.

weak dollar leads to inflation... inflation = us exporters less competitive.

The U.S. is generally not a producer of cheap consumer goods, so it can't compete with countries that have cut-rate labor forces and a willingness to devalue their currency indefinitely.
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Given the blundering of the Tea Party....the House is definitely in play

Tea Baggers are less popular than Obama
Given the blundering of the Tea Party....the House is definitely in play

Tea Baggers are less popular than Obama

That's true and unfortunately that's about the best thing the Prez has going for him. The economy and the fact that he's presiding over it might still trump all else, though.

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