Democrats finally pointing out the "Double Standard" coverage and the press doesn't like it.



Left cries double standard at press treatment of Clinton

O’Donnell argued that as the media has covered Clinton’s health, it has completely ignored a declaration Trump made at a rally that he would blow an Iranian war ship out of the water if the Iranians made inappropriate gestures at U.S. soldiers, effectively starting World War III.

Paul Waldman at The American Spectator described the dynamics as “born of a long dysfunctional relationship with the press that produces a vicious cycle.”

“[The media] treat every new piece of information about her as shocking and sinister, then in response she tries to keep as much information private as possible,” Waldman wrote.


Bush barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan and completely passed out and didn't get anywhere near this attention. And the press gleefully runs to condemn the Clintons wherever the GOP points their tiny finger.
And after all the scandals, the only "conviction" was Bill's beejayjay. Something millions of men have lied about getting. And the GOP Senate wouldn't touch it. I would also become suspicious of the press after they did that to me for more than 30 years.

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

See, there is no double standard.
Only endless attacks on Clinton and the press going on endlessly about what Trump needs to do to win.
Left cries double standard at press treatment of Clinton

O’Donnell argued that as the media has covered Clinton’s health, it has completely ignored a declaration Trump made at a rally that he would blow an Iranian war ship out of the water if the Iranians made inappropriate gestures at U.S. soldiers, effectively starting World War III.

Paul Waldman at The American Spectator described the dynamics as “born of a long dysfunctional relationship with the press that produces a vicious cycle.”

“[The media] treat every new piece of information about her as shocking and sinister, then in response she tries to keep as much information private as possible,” Waldman wrote.


Bush barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan and completely passed out and didn't get anywhere near this attention. And the press gleefully runs to condemn the Clintons wherever the GOP points their tiny finger.
And after all the scandals, the only "conviction" was Bill's beejayjay. Something millions of men have lied about getting. And the GOP Senate wouldn't touch it. I would also become suspicious of the press after they did that to me for more than 30 years.

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

See, there is no double standard.
Only endless attacks on Clinton and the press going on endlessly about what Trump needs to do to win.

Wow, your DNC masters really laid it on thick this time RDerp.
Left cries double standard at press treatment of Clinton

O’Donnell argued that as the media has covered Clinton’s health, it has completely ignored a declaration Trump made at a rally that he would blow an Iranian war ship out of the water if the Iranians made inappropriate gestures at U.S. soldiers, effectively starting World War III.

Paul Waldman at The American Spectator described the dynamics as “born of a long dysfunctional relationship with the press that produces a vicious cycle.”

“[The media] treat every new piece of information about her as shocking and sinister, then in response she tries to keep as much information private as possible,” Waldman wrote.


Bush barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan and completely passed out and didn't get anywhere near this attention. And the press gleefully runs to condemn the Clintons wherever the GOP points their tiny finger.
And after all the scandals, the only "conviction" was Bill's beejayjay. Something millions of men have lied about getting. And the GOP Senate wouldn't touch it. I would also become suspicious of the press after they did that to me for more than 30 years.

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

See, there is no double standard.
Only endless attacks on Clinton and the press going on endlessly about what Trump needs to do to win.

Wow, your DNC masters really laid it on thick this time RDerp.

There it is right there:

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

If there's a lie, tell us which one.
Left cries double standard at press treatment of Clinton

O’Donnell argued that as the media has covered Clinton’s health, it has completely ignored a declaration Trump made at a rally that he would blow an Iranian war ship out of the water if the Iranians made inappropriate gestures at U.S. soldiers, effectively starting World War III.

Paul Waldman at The American Spectator described the dynamics as “born of a long dysfunctional relationship with the press that produces a vicious cycle.”

“[The media] treat every new piece of information about her as shocking and sinister, then in response she tries to keep as much information private as possible,” Waldman wrote.


Bush barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan and completely passed out and didn't get anywhere near this attention. And the press gleefully runs to condemn the Clintons wherever the GOP points their tiny finger.
And after all the scandals, the only "conviction" was Bill's beejayjay. Something millions of men have lied about getting. And the GOP Senate wouldn't touch it. I would also become suspicious of the press after they did that to me for more than 30 years.

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

See, there is no double standard.
Only endless attacks on Clinton and the press going on endlessly about what Trump needs to do to win.

Wow, your DNC masters really laid it on thick this time RDerp.

R-Derp is getting desperate, Marty! His candidate sucks and he knows it.
Congress subpoenaed four of the IT people who worked on Clinton's ignored the subpoena, not showing up at all...two showed up and took the 5th, refusing to testify because they didn't want to incriminate themselves...and the last testified that he had no security clearance at all yet had total access to two servers that contained information so sensitive that it couldn't be shown to Congress. That's what's happening this week with the Clinton emails. But R-Derp thinks the press should be talking about Trump loving Russia? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Left cries double standard at press treatment of Clinton

O’Donnell argued that as the media has covered Clinton’s health, it has completely ignored a declaration Trump made at a rally that he would blow an Iranian war ship out of the water if the Iranians made inappropriate gestures at U.S. soldiers, effectively starting World War III.

Paul Waldman at The American Spectator described the dynamics as “born of a long dysfunctional relationship with the press that produces a vicious cycle.”

“[The media] treat every new piece of information about her as shocking and sinister, then in response she tries to keep as much information private as possible,” Waldman wrote.


Bush barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan and completely passed out and didn't get anywhere near this attention. And the press gleefully runs to condemn the Clintons wherever the GOP points their tiny finger.
And after all the scandals, the only "conviction" was Bill's beejayjay. Something millions of men have lied about getting. And the GOP Senate wouldn't touch it. I would also become suspicious of the press after they did that to me for more than 30 years.

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

See, there is no double standard.
Only endless attacks on Clinton and the press going on endlessly about what Trump needs to do to win.

Wow, your DNC masters really laid it on thick this time RDerp.

There it is right there:

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

If there's a lie, tell us which one.

Just keep marching out those talking points. Most of the country has become immune to it. You idiots cried wolfymchitler one to many times.
Congress subpoenaed four of the IT people who worked on Clinton's ignored the subpoena, not showing up at all...two showed up and took the 5th, refusing to testify because they didn't want to incriminate themselves...and the last testified that he had no security clearance at all yet had total access to two servers that contained information so sensitive that it couldn't be shown to Congress. That's what's happening this week with the Clinton emails. But R-Derp thinks the press should be talking about Trump loving Russia? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
It's over. The Republican head of the FBI exonerated her. Time to move on.

Don't you want to know about Trump owing hundreds of millions to hostile foreign nations? That would make him either a Manchurian Candidate or a Trojan horse. Which one?
My how the tune has changed. It seems like only last week, the lib rats were all but claiming victory. But now...
Congress subpoenaed four of the IT people who worked on Clinton's ignored the subpoena, not showing up at all...two showed up and took the 5th, refusing to testify because they didn't want to incriminate themselves...and the last testified that he had no security clearance at all yet had total access to two servers that contained information so sensitive that it couldn't be shown to Congress. That's what's happening this week with the Clinton emails. But R-Derp thinks the press should be talking about Trump loving Russia? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
It's over. The Republican head of the FBI exonerated her. Time to move on.

Don't you want to know about Trump owing hundreds of millions to hostile foreign nations? That would make him either a Manchurian Candidate or a Trojan horse. Which one?

Nobody "exonerated" Hillary Clinton because nobody REALLY investigated her! That was a whitewash orchestrated by the Obama Justice Department. Time to move on? Why, R-Derp? Because the real facts of what happened are slowly coming out? Because someones probably out there sitting on her hacked emails just waiting for the right moment to release them? You think Trump is in danger of being controlled by a hostile foreign nation? How about Hillary being controlled by a hostile foreign nation that has the goods on her to get her impeached? Think that might not come into play? Oh,'re DON'T think!
Left cries double standard at press treatment of Clinton

O’Donnell argued that as the media has covered Clinton’s health, it has completely ignored a declaration Trump made at a rally that he would blow an Iranian war ship out of the water if the Iranians made inappropriate gestures at U.S. soldiers, effectively starting World War III.

Paul Waldman at The American Spectator described the dynamics as “born of a long dysfunctional relationship with the press that produces a vicious cycle.”

“[The media] treat every new piece of information about her as shocking and sinister, then in response she tries to keep as much information private as possible,” Waldman wrote.


Bush barfed on the Prime Minister of Japan and completely passed out and didn't get anywhere near this attention. And the press gleefully runs to condemn the Clintons wherever the GOP points their tiny finger.
And after all the scandals, the only "conviction" was Bill's beejayjay. Something millions of men have lied about getting. And the GOP Senate wouldn't touch it. I would also become suspicious of the press after they did that to me for more than 30 years.

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

See, there is no double standard.
Only endless attacks on Clinton and the press going on endlessly about what Trump needs to do to win.

Wow, your DNC masters really laid it on thick this time RDerp.

There it is right there:

Clinton Foundation - it's the "optics".

Trump Foundation - They break the law over and over again.

Who does the press attack? The Clinton Foundation of course.

Trump Loves Russia
Invites Russia to attack our systems
Wants to spread nuclear weapons everywhere
Mocks Gold Star Families
Talks about using nuclear weapons
Wants to start a war over a gesture
Stiffs his workers
Talks about the government stiffing on debt

Clinton emails which the FBI said there is nothing to prosecute

Who does the press talk about? Clinton's emails of course.

If there's a lie, tell us which one.

Trump loves Russia is the first one.

Invites Russia to attack our systems.

Mocks Gold Star Families.

Wants to start a war over a gesture.

All made up extrapolations.

I'll point out your fallacies once you respond to this post that are stupid enough to try and defend your left farts.

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