Democrats fine churches

Around 200 people die every day of a drug overdose, and Progressives are worried about mask compliance.

Hold on.. Let's just see here a minute.. Yesterday was Dec 31, 2020.. Got it.. 3,255 U.S. covid deaths per day.. Yep, "Hilarious!"
For every 1% of unemployment, 40,000 die, something your PRAVDA never tells you.


And since Progressives seem unable to do math, that means a 10% unemployment rise equals about half a million dead.
Your PRAVDA follows from nothing and remains as incoherent as expected. Getting a life helps. You should try it.
I actually read the same thing from your own PRAVDA, which was the Huffington Post in 2008.

But now they would never print such an article.

Sad, like you.
Do you ever actually read anything you reply to or do you just see an image and reflexively begin flaming randomly?
Summary just for you:
Votto: 200 people are dying every day from drug overdoses and "Progressives" worry about mask compliance. Go figure.
Me: 3,255 people are dying from covid every day and all you're clearly worried about is bashing "Progressives" for some weird reason. Go figure.
Votto: Wait. Just lookie over here.. Hmm, isn't this totally unrelated BS fascinating? Oh and Russia!
Me: No and sounds like you need to get back on your meds.
Votto: Huffington Post. 2008. Russia. Russia, Russia!
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
I'm an atheist---so don't get me wrong---about my like or dislike of churches BUT---------using the mask mandate as a way to break up the churches to replace them with liberalism is crazy stupid...and I am beginning to think that is one of the goals of the mask mandates and socially distancing. It's to break loyalities of the people for anything other than what the globablists tell you to believe in.
You guessed it!

If Jesus can't be reshaped into a Marxist, he has to go.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Actually, in New York, Abortuaries are open but churches and synagogues are closed. Its still legal to buy booze, medicinal grass, lottery tickets and cigarettes, or go to the casino.

Only the worship of Almighty God is considered to be a superspreader event.

abortion clinics are also practicing strict adherence to what's keeping the covid cooties at bay.

guess them thar evangelisticals don't give a damn about passing their virus to any women choosing to carry to term, though ... 'eh?
For a long time, all surgeries and medical procedures that were not considered urgent and life threatening were stopped because of Covid…………..except...…………..abortion on demand.

To know who is in control, just look at the laws and edicts.

abortion is urgent, the sooner the better for a slew of reasons.

Abortion is killing.
In the mind of a Progressive, it's not killing if who you are killing is not essential.

It never ceases to amaze me that as the right obsesses over the lives lost to abortion, it does nothing about the 45,000 lives lost each year because of lack of access to health care, either due to lack of insurance, or lack of money for copays. Or the fact that the USA has the highest rate of maternal and infant mortality in the first world. More babies are losing their mothers, and parents are losing living children, because of inadequate health care for new mothers. But oh gosh, all those zygots are being murdered.

You don't care about the 1500 people who die in police custody, because they were probably criminals anyway, or the 75,000 who died from opiod abuse. Fucking drug addicts. Nor do you care about the 340,000 people who have died from covid because they were old/sick/black/not anyone I care about.

No, the only unnecessary deaths conservatives care about the those innocent zygots. Living, breathing people - they couldn not care less for their lives. Let 'em die. But the babies!!!!

Saying they had too many attending services.

New Mexico's Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham fined two churches $10,000 apiece for violating the state's social distancing requirements, and her communications director released a statement accompanying the fine implying that the pastors involved were "pro-virus," according to a report from Daily Wire.

In a statement provided to KOAT, Legacy Church was defiant about Grisham's order: "It's tragic that what we do for thousands of shut-ins, those in despair, and kids who go without meals gets no state notice, but fixation on one service can net us large fines. The state should fold its losing hand against Churches as Colorado has, focus on the truly vulnerable, and recognize what the US Supreme Court has recently said about Churches because we must continue to do what we are called to."
Good for governor grisham.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Actually, in New York, Abortuaries are open but churches and synagogues are closed. Its still legal to buy booze, medicinal grass, lottery tickets and cigarettes, or go to the casino.

Only the worship of Almighty God is considered to be a superspreader event.
WTF is a "abortuary"?
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
I'm an atheist---so don't get me wrong---about my like or dislike of churches BUT---------using the mask mandate as a way to break up the churches to replace them with liberalism is crazy stupid...and I am beginning to think that is one of the goals of the mask mandates and socially distancing. It's to break loyalities of the people for anything other than what the globablists tell you to believe in.
You guessed it!

If Jesus can't be reshaped into a Marxist, he has to go.

Jesus opposed wealth saying it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. He told those who would follow him to sell all of their possessions and give the money to the poor. His parables: The Prodigal Son, The Good Samaratan, all tell you what Jesus thought of people of wealth, power and influence, not to mention the value of money.

Conservatives are "fundatmentalist" in the beliefs, which basically rejects Jesus teachings of love and foregiveness, in favour of warnings of "fire and brimstone" and burning in hell for our sins. Others preach "prosperity Christianity", which is the entirely made up belief that in order to make money, follow the teachings of Jesus, and you will be successful and get rich.

Ask not what you can do for your Saviour, ask what your Saviour can do for you. Love yourself, as Jesus loved you. Let the other guys worry about themselves and do the same.
What this country needs is a mask for every fetus!

(Preparing campaign slogans for when I run for office in 2024.)
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any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Actually, in New York, Abortuaries are open but churches and synagogues are closed. Its still legal to buy booze, medicinal grass, lottery tickets and cigarettes, or go to the casino.

Only the worship of Almighty God is considered to be a superspreader event.
WTF is a "abortuary"?

Abortuary is a facility that hires abortionists to commit the crime of abortion.

Saying they had too many attending services.

New Mexico's Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham fined two churches $10,000 apiece for violating the state's social distancing requirements, and her communications director released a statement accompanying the fine implying that the pastors involved were "pro-virus," according to a report from Daily Wire.

In a statement provided to KOAT, Legacy Church was defiant about Grisham's order: "It's tragic that what we do for thousands of shut-ins, those in despair, and kids who go without meals gets no state notice, but fixation on one service can net us large fines. The state should fold its losing hand against Churches as Colorado has, focus on the truly vulnerable, and recognize what the US Supreme Court has recently said about Churches because we must continue to do what we are called to."
Good for governor grisham.

So outlawing religion is "good" for the libs?
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
I'm an atheist---so don't get me wrong---about my like or dislike of churches BUT---------using the mask mandate as a way to break up the churches to replace them with liberalism is crazy stupid...and I am beginning to think that is one of the goals of the mask mandates and socially distancing. It's to break loyalities of the people for anything other than what the globablists tell you to believe in.
You guessed it!

If Jesus can't be reshaped into a Marxist, he has to go.

Jesus opposed wealth saying it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. He told those who would follow him to sell all of their possessions and give the money to the poor. His parables: The Prodigal Son, The Good Samaratan, all tell you what Jesus thought of people of wealth, power and influence, not to mention the value of money.

Conservatives are "fundatmentalist" in the beliefs, which basically rejects Jesus teachings of love and foregiveness, in favour of warnings of "fire and brimstone" and burning in hell for our sins. Others preach "prosperity Christianity", which is the entirely made up belief that in order to make money, follow the teachings of Jesus, and you will be successful and get rich.

Ask not what you can do for your Saviour, ask what your Saviour can do for you. Love yourself, as Jesus loved you. Let the other guys worry about themselves and do the same.
God opposes the wealthy? Does that mean God opposes Joe Biden, Commie Harris, Nancy ice cream Pelosi, and George Soros and his group of billionaires who are consumed with forcing universal government run health care on us all?

Rocket man in North Korea has government run "free" health care, and so do the people of Venezuela who eat out of garbage cans. Even Hitler had universal government run health care, so they must be followers of Jesus also.

What a total moron you are.

And millions of people all over the world come to the US for health care. Why? Because their universal government run health care lets them down one way or another, with no viable options within their own country. So they either try to find it abroad or die.

Now get bent
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
I'm an atheist---so don't get me wrong---about my like or dislike of churches BUT---------using the mask mandate as a way to break up the churches to replace them with liberalism is crazy stupid...and I am beginning to think that is one of the goals of the mask mandates and socially distancing. It's to break loyalities of the people for anything other than what the globablists tell you to believe in.
You guessed it!

If Jesus can't be reshaped into a Marxist, he has to go.

Jesus opposed wealth saying it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. He told those who would follow him to sell all of their possessions and give the money to the poor. His parables: The Prodigal Son, The Good Samaratan, all tell you what Jesus thought of people of wealth, power and influence, not to mention the value of money.

Conservatives are "fundatmentalist" in the beliefs, which basically rejects Jesus teachings of love and foregiveness, in favour of warnings of "fire and brimstone" and burning in hell for our sins. Others preach "prosperity Christianity", which is the entirely made up belief that in order to make money, follow the teachings of Jesus, and you will be successful and get rich.

Ask not what you can do for your Saviour, ask what your Saviour can do for you. Love yourself, as Jesus loved you. Let the other guys worry about themselves and do the same.

Matthew 22:37-40

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Votto's an abortuary survivor. He's pretty sure anyway. Left with PTSD. Blames all women and coat hangers. Every day.
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donny promised to do something about the opioid crisis.

just rack that one up as another con y'all fell for.
So how has Trumps actions been compared to previous administrations ?
And how has Trump done as far as keeping his campaign promises ?

most of his crap was thru ECs ... that - btw biden will start overturning.

oh & that ' big fucken deal ' obamacare is here to stay because his ' repeal & replace on day 1 ' has failed bigley.

ha ha & tutt tutt.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Really? Cite the "Law" please....

ok - ' law' might have been said in haste - - - super spreading a virus without caring about yer fellow humans is no where near ' pro life ' .
What super spreader event?

CONgregating en mass inside a building where social distancing isn't observed ... & the very nature of church services include singing. the louder, the farther droplets spread.


High SARS-CoV-2 Attack Rate Following Exposure at a Choir Practice ...


Mind your own business.


when their covid cooties can spread to me & mine & society as a whole? <pfffft>
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Actually, in New York, Abortuaries are open but churches and synagogues are closed. Its still legal to buy booze, medicinal grass, lottery tickets and cigarettes, or go to the casino.

Only the worship of Almighty God is considered to be a superspreader event.

abortion clinics are also practicing strict adherence to what's keeping the covid cooties at bay.

guess them thar evangelisticals don't give a damn about passing their virus to any women choosing to carry to term, though ... 'eh?
For a long time, all surgeries and medical procedures that were not considered urgent and life threatening were stopped because of Covid…………..except...…………..abortion on demand.

To know who is in control, just look at the laws and edicts.

abortion is urgent, the sooner the better for a slew of reasons.
Well abortions seem to be most needed in Black communities where about 80% of abortion clinics are strategically located. Why in New York City alone, there have been more Black abortions than births.

Yes, race control...……………… mean population control. is an urgent matter to be sure.

nobody is forcing any female to HAVE an abortion. so you fail right from the start. on the other hand - - -


& you don't wanna be forced to pay for tax increases as the result of all them black babies being born....

any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Really? Cite the "Law" please....

ok - ' law' might have been said in haste - - - super spreading a virus without caring about yer fellow humans is no where near ' pro life ' .

Democrats like Cuomo must have failed Civics in middle school....Here's what he said in an interview last week....

"Local governments have to do enforcement," Cuomo said on a conference call. "Whether or not it fits with their political agenda really is pointless. It's the law and their job is to enforce the law."

If he had passed those civics courses, he would know that his EO's are NOT law! But, liberal democrats seem to throw that term around loosely, in authortarian dictates....

As this goes on, these people are not going to give up this new found power they are taken upon themselves...It's not going to be good....

So, when crafting your narrative be careful what you say there....EO's are NOT law, period. And, if you want to say that people not wearing masks are not pro life, fine, you can think what you want. But, remember we live in a free country....For the moment.

donny thinks EOs are law.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.
They have the right to have services and saying they don't is against the constitution. Blm needs to be fined millions for having thousands of super spreader events. You agree or you gonna be a hypocrite?

services can be drive in, online, or outside..

protests are outside ... not inside a fucking building, & people are moving. i think people protesting right now is stupid. so is going to church, synagogue, or mosque.

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