Democrats fine churches

I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.

Is that a bullshit excuse you are making knowing full well that this was yet another wasteful giveaway from the Democrats as directed by their globalist masters? Why aren’t you insulted like most Americans are?

I'm against all of it BUT it is not just a democrat thing.

Great. Let’s pull out the pen and start cutting funding and put Americans first.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Both parties did (and do) this .
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.

Is that a bullshit excuse you are making knowing full well that this was yet another wasteful giveaway from the Democrats as directed by their globalist masters? Why aren’t you insulted like most Americans are?

I'm against all of it BUT it is not just a democrat thing.

Great. Let’s pull out the pen and start cutting funding and put Americans first.

Don't tell me. Start holding those you elect responsible.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.
Nancy wouldn't sign the bill till after the election so not to give Trump a win. If you will knowingly do that to the American people. Then you would screw us over like that. She has been doing it for years.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.
Nancy wouldn't sign the bill till after the election so not to give Trump a win. If you will knowingly do that to the American people. Then you would screw us over like that. She has been doing it for years.
View attachment 435897

A bill was sent to the Senate long ago.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

There will be no "gender studies" done in Pakistan and you know this.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?
They get kick backs from those governments, silly. Why don't you think they didn’t give the money for gender studies here? Because they wouldn't get their kick backs. But as long as you loons let them get away with it, the problem will only get worse. Both parties do it. If hillary was charged as she should've been, 80% of our leaders would be in jail, but you had to protect one of your own.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?
They get kick backs from those governments, silly. Why don't you think they didn’t give the money for gender studies here? Because they wouldn't get their kick backs. But as long as you loons let them get away with it, the problem will only get worse. Both parties do it. If hillary was charged as she should've been, 80% of our leaders would be in jail, but you had to protect one of your own.

Bite me. I supported nothing Hillary did but you have this insane need to lash out.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?
They get kick backs from those governments, silly. Why don't you think they didn’t give the money for gender studies here? Because they wouldn't get their kick backs. But as long as you loons let them get away with it, the problem will only get worse. Both parties do it. If hillary was charged as she should've been, 80% of our leaders would be in jail, but you had to protect one of your own.

Bite me. I supported nothing Hillary did but you have this insane need to lash out.
I was talking to Dragonlady.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?
They get kick backs from those governments, silly. Why don't you think they didn’t give the money for gender studies here? Because they wouldn't get their kick backs. But as long as you loons let them get away with it, the problem will only get worse. Both parties do it. If hillary was charged as she should've been, 80% of our leaders would be in jail, but you had to protect one of your own.

Bite me. I supported nothing Hillary did but you have this insane need to lash out.
I was talking to Dragonlady.

My apologies.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Really? Cite the "Law" please....

ok - ' law' might have been said in haste - - - super spreading a virus without caring about yer fellow humans is no where near ' pro life ' .
Around 200 people die every day of a drug overdose, and Progressives are worried about mask compliance.


donny promised to do something about the opioid crisis.

just rack that one up as another con y'all fell for.
He tried to secure the border, a border that is laden with drug trafficking and human trafficking, but Congress would not fund it.

If he had tried to pass legislation that it needed to punish drug dealers that would be effective, like we see in the Far East, Progressives would have gone nuts.

I reckon letting 200 people a day overdose is more humane than condemning 200 drug dealers to death every day for killing all those people.

he tried to 'secure' the border with an effective wall. most of the opiods that come into this country are thru ports.

Most of the opiods that come into the country come from Purdue Pharma, and the other legal pharmaceutical companies. Americans aren't addicted to illegal street drugs, they're addicted to legal prescription drugs, that both the pharmaceutical companies, and large retail pharmacies pushed the sales of in order to boost profits.

As sales increased, Big Pharma pushed higher and higher sales, and as the tobacco industry will tell you, nothing ensures steady customers like addiction. Trump likes to talk about opiods coming across the border, but doesn't mention the role that legal opiods have in the opiod crisis, implying that the entire problem is related to illegal drugs being pushed by cartels.

I happen to agree with you,, on most of this dragonlady. What causes a populace to become addicted to mind altering legal drugs?
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?

Who initiated it? That is my point. Don’t shift this into what you think you know how Cabinet agencies are funded. The point is the mindset that initiated $10M to go towards “gender studies” in Pakistan is not from Conservatives.
I just want to thank the Federal government for that $600 they gave everyone after shutting down the economy and forcing people out of work.

Where would we be without it?
That doesn't even cover the mortgage...



But those Pakistan gender studies....

May the Lord have mercy on their everlasting souls for their treachery.

How could a right wing Conservative insert gender studies in Pakistan for funding in any era; let a lone when American families are hurting on so many levels financially. Liberals, where is your outrage that a conservative could possibly come up with such a waste of taxpayer dollars?

It's money to assist our military adventures. Everyone knows this but will continue with the "gender" crap.
So Nancy is lying? Since we keep up with politicians lies now.

No, Nancy had nothing to do with money for Pakistan. That's Mike Pompeo's budget money for the State Department.

The Bill that Congress and the Senate passed was an financial omnnibus bill. It included the balance of the national budget to the end of September (last full budget of the Trump Administration), a debt resolution to fund the government until September 30, 2021, and the stimulus spending.

I love how you fools immediately jumped to the conclusion that Democrats did this and Nancy was lying. How very Pavlovian of you.

Who put the goddamn thing in there? Don’t put this on Pompey. Gender studies in Pakistan?? Are you kidding me? Because “gender studies” is such a conservative issue, right. Own it. Take off your vagina hats.

Any money going out of the USA to a foreign government or agency, goes through the State Department. Congress doesn't give money to foreign governments - ONLY the State Department does this. Aid to foreign governments is the purview of the Executive Branch. State submits their asks to Congress as part of the Executive Branch budget.

How is it that YOU, an American keenly interested in politics, doesn't know this simple basic stuff about how your government operates?

Who initiated it? That is my point. Don’t shift this into what you think you know how Cabinet agencies are funded. The point is the mindset that initiated $10M to go towards “gender studies” in Pakistan is not from Conservatives.

The military did.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Actually, in New York, Abortuaries are open but churches and synagogues are closed. Its still legal to buy booze, medicinal grass, lottery tickets and cigarettes, or go to the casino.

Only the worship of Almighty God is considered to be a superspreader event.

abortion clinics are also practicing strict adherence to what's keeping the covid cooties at bay.

guess them thar evangelisticals don't give a damn about passing their virus to any women choosing to carry to term, though ... 'eh?
For a long time, all surgeries and medical procedures that were not considered urgent and life threatening were stopped because of Covid…………..except...…………..abortion on demand.

To know who is in control, just look at the laws and edicts.

abortion is urgent, the sooner the better for a slew of reasons.

Abortion is killing.
In the mind of a Progressive, it's not killing if who you are killing is not essential.
any place of worship that defies the mandate is violating the law & they should never call themselves 'pro life ' again.

Actually, in New York, Abortuaries are open but churches and synagogues are closed. Its still legal to buy booze, medicinal grass, lottery tickets and cigarettes, or go to the casino.

Only the worship of Almighty God is considered to be a superspreader event.

abortion clinics are also practicing strict adherence to what's keeping the covid cooties at bay.

guess them thar evangelisticals don't give a damn about passing their virus to any women choosing to carry to term, though ... 'eh?
For a long time, all surgeries and medical procedures that were not considered urgent and life threatening were stopped because of Covid…………..except...…………..abortion on demand.

To know who is in control, just look at the laws and edicts.

abortion is urgent, the sooner the better for a slew of reasons.

Abortion is killing.
In the mind of a Progressive, it's not killing if who you are killing is not essential.

Yeah, its just tissue or a blob.

Saying they had too many attending services.

New Mexico's Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham fined two churches $10,000 apiece for violating the state's social distancing requirements, and her communications director released a statement accompanying the fine implying that the pastors involved were "pro-virus," according to a report from Daily Wire.

In a statement provided to KOAT, Legacy Church was defiant about Grisham's order: "It's tragic that what we do for thousands of shut-ins, those in despair, and kids who go without meals gets no state notice, but fixation on one service can net us large fines. The state should fold its losing hand against Churches as Colorado has, focus on the truly vulnerable, and recognize what the US Supreme Court has recently said about Churches because we must continue to do what we are called to."
The Democrats' Constitution-violating assault on Christians is duly noted, and their edits and fines should be ignored.

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