Democrats Flee to Distance Themselves From Obamacare

does anyone really believe that Hispanics will only give Cruz about 25% of their vote? he has two years to campaign with them, filling up rallies in all purple states. "The Presidente Cruz Tour !!!".

Ted Cruz running for President is the Democrats wet dream.
Now...Ben Carson...I hope so.
With the 2014 midterm elections just a year away, nervous Democrats have begun distancing themselves from what Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius now calls the Obamacare "debacle."

You can run, Dumbos, but you can't hide from the congressional records, which has you idiots listed under the "Yea" column on the voting history of BoondoggleCare.
libtards are now saying its the GOP's fault. where have we heard that one ??? :cuckoo:

as of today a wopping 6 have signed up for Obozocare
Dems if you like your Senate majority, you can keep it.

Nah, we're only fucking with you, you're gonna lose it on 2014
shall we start making predictions to how many will enroll on December 1?
I will! I predict that 2500 will visit the sight, and 13 will enroll.

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